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He left behind everything he had and everything he had known for the pony of his dreams; but the course of true love never did run smooth.

(This is the third story in the TwiBrush series, which began with The Sparkle Chronicles and continued with Second Act. Cover art by *Spectty.)

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle's first love is learning, and always will be. But to her surprise, not everything that can be learned can be found in one of her books.

(Cover art by ~fajeh.)

Chapters (6)

Over time we lose our friends; those we love, those who we share a piece of our heart with, but do we ever really lose them for good? Sometimes, true friendship and heartfelt love can transcend even death itself, and with a little magic, a shattered life can be made whole once again. Follow the after-years of Twilight Sparkle, centuries after the end of the show, and find out if a friend lost is a friend gone.... or just somepony waiting to step back into your life.

Note: If you enjoy this story, please comment on why, and if you dislike it, please specify how you would improve it. Enjoy!

Thanks to: Cream Puff for proofreading Chapters 1-7, and Golden Apple for proofreading 6-8.

Chapters (9)

When it came to matters of the heart, Anthony just couldn't win. In his path, a rainbow coloured trail of broken hearts were left. With the final relationship he had, his strange exes decided they had enough. Now crashing through the universe and robbed of everything that makes him who he is: Anthony has been abandoned, branded and renamed by his exes. Find out how a pony named HeartBreak has to learn -her- place in this new world.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: Heartbroken

It's a week later, and Twilight is nagging Heartbreak into learning more about herself and what her special talents really are! Heartbreak shows herself to be the artistic type but with learning to be a pony and contending with ponies curious about the new mare in Ponyville, it's a rocky start that is leaving Heartbreak feeling more than drained of her ability to express herself. Let alone learn how to use a pencil with her mouth. Perhaps Zecora can help with a special brew she calls "Creativi-Tea"? Or will this just going to lead to a lot of Insani-tea?

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: Creativi-Tea

For the whole of April, Heartbreak has been confined to the library under Twilight’s orders. By the time May starts, being cooped up is starting to give her a serious case of cabin fever. Heartbreak wants some open space, some fresh air and a bit of grass under her hooves. Twilight wants Heartbreak to learn a bit more discipline and honesty about things. The two would butt heads, but Twilight finds a compromise.
Send her off to help Applejack with the first season’s apple harvest!
But how will a pony like Applejack, whose motto is, “Honesty is the Best Policy,” deal with a pony like Heartbreak, who has wrapped herself up in webs upon webs of lies just to cope with her situation?

Chapters (45)

As Twilight Sparkle awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, she found she had been turned into a changeling.

How has she become a changeling? How will she adapt? How will her friends respond? And what new terrors will her metamorphosis bring?

Cover image by the fantastic Carnifex... or Siansaar... I can't tell which. You can find more wonderful works here: http://siansaar.deviantart.com/

EDIT: Featured... nearing 1000 Favorites... multiple pages of comments (swoons)

Thanks for everything guys. I never expected this thing to get so popular. I need to rework the second chapter, but it looks like there's going to be a blue moon every Friday for a while yet. Thanks again for your support and please keep reading and reviewing!

EDIT2: I've updated the character list again, a little preview of the second story arc...

EDIT 3: Just doing a quick character update to account for changes made to the next Arc...

Chapters (5)

Everyone has heard that the Everfree is not the safest place to be in at night, but for one lonely colt, the Everfree is his home and also his playground and school. Being banished to the moon is the worst punishment for anypony, but for a young colt like Nightshade, being banished to live the rest of his life in the Everfree Forest for a show and tell gone wrong, he wished his life was over. But he was wrong when he stumbled upon a crumbling old castle in the center of the forest, and the sweet voices in his head told him otherwise, now he is free, or so he thinks. 10 years later, he still lives in the same forest, in the same castle ruins, but with a new friend, and new companions that instead of trying to eat him, they protect him, a mystery he stopped trying to solve for 5 years, until when a certain young group of fillies get lost in his forest, and a group of ponies and their young dragon follow after them, Nightshade knows everything about that forest, he knows who enters and leaves his sanctum, but he doesn't know how much the outside world has changed, for the better and for the worst, his life will change, with vengeance and tears. His heart has already been turned to stone ever since his banishment, but can they heal his shattered heart, or will they end up fueling the fire of retribution without knowing it?

This Story takes from the beginning of the show going onwards.

My first fanfic, if it sucks just say it, if it doesn't than woot! I made something that popped in my head after a long thought while bored out of my mind.

I am back in business.

Chapters (21)

The Piano Man has spent the last month in captivity, forced to play the piano as part of The Great and Powerful Trixie's traveling show. Now he's free, and recovering under the care of the Equestrian monarchy while Trixie awaits trial for her crimes.
All is not well, however. The Piano Man has a long road of recovery ahead, and all the time he must compete with overbearing carers, his own mental trauma, and even discrimination from members of Equestria's unicorn supremacist subculture.

This story is the kinda (can't stress that part enough) better-written sequel to 'The Piano Man'. Because the first story involved some rather dark scenes, I have included a helpful catch-up in the first chapter - so if you have no interest in reading a dark story, then you can ignore the first piece and skip straight ahead to this one.
'The Piano Man: Act II' is most certainly not a dark story, and neither is it sad. The sad tag is in place for scenes in which I reference the previous installment, and nothing else.

The absolutely amazing cover image was created by the even more amazing WIL_I_ZIN, (deviantART) who is just... just awesome, for helping out.

Chapters (26)

Twilight Sparkle finds herself spending time with a local pegasus from the weather team, and may be developing feelings for her.

But when they stumble across a relic of nightmares past, Twilight must learn to cope with distressing new urges, and keep her friends and the rest of Equestria in the dark...

Chapters (2)