• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

Favourites 1684 stories
Found 1,300 stories in 1200ms

Total Words: 27,976,800
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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This is a sequel to A boy and Six Cute Little Ponies if you haven't read it, it's fine, only some details won't make sense but it would be nice if you read it.

It has been a week since Celestia has taken the mane 6 away from you, but she has promised to give you something next week. Another pony to spend time with. Every week Celestia will send one lucky pony to spend time with Anon.

Since I'm expecting this story to have a lot of characters, the character tag will only have OCs and others, since the limit is 5 characters.

Chapters (15)

(overdone story is overdone)
This is a short series, of Anon having little cute moments with each of the mane six.

Chapters (8)

Twilight almost missed out on the chance to have friends. So when she finds a spell in an an ancient tome that promises to tell her when she will meet her true love, she decides to get a head start on things and prepare for the fated hour.

Too bad her true love seems to be taking their sweet time showing up.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

Yet another quiet morning in Ponyville, birds are chirping and a cool breeze runs through the bedroom. When Fluttershy opens her eyes she is surprised to see Pinkie Pie staring at her from the foot of the bed. When she realizes exactly what Pinkie is staring at, things get very awkward, very quickly.

Cover art borrowed from one of Knightly's old blogs. It was created by the talented evehly. There is not a link for mature reasons.

Chapters (1)

A massage is just a massage, isn’t it? Apparently not when Spike is involved. Somehow finding a book on pony massage specifically for handed creatures like himself is fated to end the way that most of his adventures do: with the untimely destruction of Ponyville.
Unless Rarity can help, of course.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Winner of second place in Present Perfect’s writing contest, Soft Hands.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle discovers an amateur novel lying abandoned on the ground. The mysterious story soon becomes all the rage with everypony.

And then Rarity hears a passage of it being read out loud...

Chapters (1)

Warmth, softness, gentleness. They are the first things I ever felt, the first memories I ever made, but they are so much more than that. These sensations are the one link I have to that which created me... and the key to understanding who I am.

Written for the 'Soft Hands' group's inaugural contest.
Pre-read/edited by Loyal, Skeeter The Lurker, and Winston.
Cover art cropped from this piece by MLPT-Fan. (buy her awesome plushies!)

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Russian translation, courtesy of NovemberDragon!
Live reading by Goombasa!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to You're a Lesbian, Spike!

After a night of drinking, Rainbow Dash managed to convince Spike he was a lesbian. The morning after, she received a summons from Princess Celestia to explain the whole situation.

Rainbow Dash was convinced she had the correct answers ready for the occasion. Yet what happens, when the Princess asks the wrong questions?

Warning! Contains suggestive topic references of sexual nature.

Reading by ScarlettBlade (Thanks, Captain! )

Special thanks to Octavia Harmony for editing.

Chapters (1)

Spike has finally come of age. To mark the occasion, Twilight and her friends organized a party.

Spike expected that. However, he never expected to learn something that would change his entire outlook on life. Good thing Rainbow Dash is there to provide some answers.

WARNING! Contains alcohol and suggestive topic references!

Reading by ScarlettBlade. (Many thanks, Caprain!)

Written for the 12th F*** this prompt! contest (of Rage Reviews).

Special thanks to Malefactory for editing.

Chapters (1)