• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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What's a guy to do when he wakes up in a forest with nothing but the clothes on his back and a headache that could smite a titan? Simple. He plays it by ear.

This is the story of a man who wakes up somewhere unfamiliar, and without any familiar memories.
Retrograde amnesia is not an acceptable substitute for proper bedding.

Chapters (8)

Book three of Dean's Life trilogy, Yes this is the last book.

If you have not read the first two I highly suggest you do, so you know what's going on.
Book 1: Dean's New Life
Book 2: Dean's True Life
Dean's life couldn't be better, married to the best mare ever, a soon to be father, amazing friends, living in an amazing world. Nothing could be greater...

Chapters (4)

Sequel to Dean's New Life

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT READ THIS DESCRIPTION OR THIS STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T READ MY FIRST ONE "Dean's New Life". I don't want this to spoil anything for new people.
It was all a dream to Dean Yarlo, All of it, from beginning to end, he is sad day to day remembering that dream and how much he wishes it was real. One Day Alex, his friend asks Dean if he wants to go camping with him and Max, and what they find blows them away...
Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (8)

Dean Yarlo, a simple teenage boy, stumbles upon a mysterious find in the woods after his parents kick him out of the house. What happens next changes his life...
Half credit to "john544" for being an awesome brony and helping me get over the trolls making fun of my other story...If it hadn't been for him this would not exist right now SO THANK HIM PEOPLE! :D

Edit: Changed Cover Photo

Chapters (15)

(Cover art on its way, most likely)

It's time for another Dream story. In this episode, we'll see everypony's favorite hypno villain setting her sights on a rather shy pony we all know. However, will Fluttershy give in that easily or will Dream finally find a mare who can stand up to her? Read and find out.

Themes: Hypnosis, latex, sexy evilness but no clop, slight humor.

Co-written with Sirloin.
Edited by moi, personally.

Chapters (1)

Set at the end of "Testing Testing 1, 2, 3", Pinkie picks up on Rainbow's ability to learn while she's flying. Of course this gives her a kinky idea.
This one's for a fan of my other story, Evil Enchantress, which I didn't really like but he did. So I decided to fill my head full of clop and write down the best bits.
Contains mind control and implied sex.

Chapters (1)

EDIT: Title changed to avoid confusion with the far more popular human derpy/dinky story.

One night I fell asleep in my bed, had another pony-based dream session, and got up ready to begin my day. Imagine my surprise when I exited my room and instead of finding the rest of my small apartment, I found the vast expanse of Ponyville. Lucky me, right? Not really when you're addicted to things that don't exist in this world and you have enough issues to make Twilight's little friendship problem look like a day at the fair.

Yes, I'm doing a HiE story. Yes I am shipping myself with a pony eventually. I felt like it. I'm going to try not to make myself a central aspect of their lives but if I don't do occasional cool things, the story will be too boring. Just keep on reading. No I'm not going to write any clop.

Chapters (16)

Sweetie Belle's having a pleasant dream, but when Princess Luna unexpectedly enters, her night becomes a lot more uncomfortable.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie's new to Ponyville, She's just been invited to work at Sugar Cube Corner and live with the Cakes while she gets to know the town. But on the way she meets a strange, blind creature with no fur, no cutie mark, and no place to live. Seeing her chance to make a friend, Pinkie quickly decides to help him, but how will this affect how the other ponies will see her with this strange blind thing?

Picture was made by my friend Escopeto. Also, not a fallen soldier story. The AU tag is because I'm setting this before Pinkie's arrived in Ponyville and things may turn out different for her, she may or may not even get Gummy.

Wow, on 9/17/2020 the remake kicked this story all the way to #2 on the popular list for a few minutes and got its first tenure on the Featured list.

Chapters (7)

Few weather conditions are quite so perilous as a raging snowstorm and even Rainbow Dash herself must admit defeat in the face of its might. Taking refuge with you in your home, the evening is spent sharing drinks and talking about some of the world's most important matters.

A very early piece of writing from the AiE threads (they might still have been Rainbro, at the time). I sat down one winter evening and wrote this with no real purpose for it save to elicit some warm feelings.
As with all of them, it's second person with you as Anon, a human.

I'm not terribly proud of this, given its age and quality but it's something to get the ball rolling here.

Chapters (1)