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After years of being the runt of the litter (despite having no siblings), Spike finally comes into his own and starts to grow up and mature. The result is a unique bit of magic all his own, or so the theory goes: He awakens one morning to find words hanging overhead that call him [The Gamer], along with powers that let him 'live life as though it were a game'.

How he decides to handle all of this, and where things go from there? That would be a spoiler, and you all know how we feel about spoilers around here...

Frequently asked questions will be answered from time to time, and those answers linked here for the curious:
The First FAQ

Chapters (135)

Twilight Sparkle is a bit underwhelmed with her ascension to alicornhood and, after a disastrous coronation ceremony, it becomes clear that something is missing.

It'd be a shame if somepony else got to it before she did.

Chapters (22)

Not all villains are evil. Some are just misguided. There are some creatures who just need a helping hoof to have the opportunity to—

—bwa ha ha, no, the Queen of the Changelings would never be into that. So what's with this sudden change of heart? And what's with these sassy letters?

A not very serious fic with some isekai implications.

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to Magic's Birth

Darksymphony made a review here

Luna and Celestia tell Twilight of the story of their 'brief' lives as the second to their makers, and how they grew from 'simple' machinery relative at the time to fully sapient beings.

From towering cities piercing into seas of stars to ravaged but hardy lands still giving food to those that stand upon them, Twilight will learn how the two sisters came to be and what they went through. The duo are more than happy to recount the tales of those that developed like them and became fast friends despite running on the opposing Blue and Black energies.

Perhaps, with the help of Twilight, the three will learn how the Blue's waste became the magic that gave such life and color to a world that belonged to others long, long ago.

You can find the original image link here
The current cover image was art done by JedaySkayVoker whose DA can be found in the source. Kryostase commissioned it for me. He's also been helping spot spelling errors, typos, and the like. Thanks a lot!

Chapters (43)

This story is a sequel to Magic School Days

The Crusaders are returning for their second semester at Hogwarts. You can look forward to a nice quiet and relatively uneventful experience. Well as uneventful as magic allows, anyway.

Their presence has not already caused a wave of chaos that shook the magical world to it's core. You can't prove anything, so it never happen.

Rich-Online has taken the time to augment this story so please visit his blog HERE

Chapters (44)

Cozy Glow's mother and father return from a long trip just before Twilight's coronation, and are understandably unhappy at being parents to a statue. Where have they been all this time, though? And how did their daughter turn out the way she did?

A complete redo of a fic I briefly started before deleting, this time featuring extra character development, a more coherent plot and less irritating narration. I hope this is a marked improvement on the original, because I really like this idea and want to explore it more.

Featured from 6/9/20 to 8/9/20

Picture credit MelSpyRose on Deviant Art

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Trouble in Tiatarta

Reading Trouble in Tiatarta is not necessary to enjoy this story, but you should probably read Queen Chrysalis Reforms (Accidentally)

Rainbow Dash is certain she's about to have the best week ever! She's gotten a letter from her idol Daring Do, inviting her to an expedition to the ancient Centaurian ruin of Midnight Castle to retrieve a lost Equestrian artifact! A daring adventure with Daring Do? What could go wrong?

Well, for one thing, Doctor Caballeron could show up, chasing after the same artifact. For another, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow could show up too, with their own nefarious plans. Wait, but they're supposed to be in Tartarus!

Maybe this isn't going to be such a great week after all...

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Oops.

A Twin Canterlots story—conclusion of Brass Ring

Warning tag refers to an attempt and aftermath.

Rose Brass, retired army captain, has found a second career as a youth social worker. She has a tough attitude, experience, and a security clearance. Naturally she’s the perfect expert for Sunset Shimmer to consult after Wallflower Blush fails to show up for graduation.

A collaboration with Scampy. Thanks to I-A-M for additional assistance.

Begins immediately after graduation from CHS and ends with the start of Virga—latter half of season seven.

Hit “Popular Stories” and non-M feature box within an hour of publication and the all-ratings feature box 2 August 2020! Huzzah!

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to S.P.A.R.K.S.

S.P.A.R.K.S. was only the beginning. Once she’d gotten the hang of creating artificial intelligence, Twilight created a new synthetic pony to help her in her endeavors, R.A.M. However, a sinister glitch lurks beneath the new arrival’s programming, one that threatens all of Equestria.

Chapters (1)

When Prince Blueblood crafts a new magical spell, he is transported to a mystical plane of existence. There, he is informed that he is to become a full-fledged alicorn prince.

He takes it rather well, all things being considered.

Equestria as a whole takes it a small bit less enthusiastically.

Blueblood's Ascension Series:
Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams
Background Ascension; or, Alicorns are "in" This Season (Side Stories)

Recommended Reading Order:
1. Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
2. Background Ascension; or, the Heart of an Alicorn
3. Brother's Ascension; or, Alicorn Sales-Ponies Nonpareil
4. Backstory Ascension; or, Apple Alicorns are Anonymous
5. Beauty's Ascension; or, An Alicorn Love Story
6. Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
7. Bogus Ascension; or, Alicorns Don't Count for Much Nowadays
8. Badguy Ascension; or, An Alicorn's Crime of Fashion
9. Blank Flank Ascension; or, A Very Alicorn Hearth's Warming Eve
10. Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams

Chapters (8)