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This story is a sequel to The Prisoner of Zebra

When Flash Sentry and Carrot Top visit Appleoosa, a routine survey mission takes a turn for the worse once Flash finds himself going up against a gang of ruthless, poison-slinging outlaws. But that sort of thing is all in a day's work for a Hero of Equestria, isn't it?

Volume 8 of the Flash Sentry Papers

Chapters (6)

Traveling the world can be a strange and dangerous ordeal, especially when you're all but on your own.

And after one adventure ends in almost complete disaster, Twilight Sparkle has decided to take a much-needed vacation for both herself and her sole companion. Some time to themselves, some time to catch up on their reading, and some time to not almost be eaten by dragons. And fortunately, she's managed to come across a nice quiet little country town to settle her roots into for the foreseeable future.

Unfortunately, it's never quite that easy. Especially when your name is Twilight Sparkle, a pony with a knack for getting mixed up in all sorts of trouble. And the quiet little town she has found might not be so quiet after all...

--- ---

Cover art commissioned by me, from one Hoodwinked MCShelster.
Audio-version over on YouTube.
If you can't see the cover art, it's because I currently can't upload it to FimFiction. So for the time being, you can see it by clicking This Link.

Tags are subject to change depending on viewer response. For the sake of ease, here are my "subtags," placed down here instead of up there because there isn't room for them.
An alternate universe story based on some G5 rumors, this really odd dream I had once, and a few other things. Expect references/shoutouts to all sorts of MLP media, such as the movie or comics, and various other fantasy works like D&D. But also expect some major instances of me changing things to further distinguish this from canon. Spike is a pretty good example. You'll figure out why soon enough.
This story is written exclusively for entertainment purposes.

Story has been canceled. For more information on that front, see here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1004535/finding-friendship-cancelation-announcement

Chapters (55)

Spike is a dragon who was raised by ponies. Rarity is one of the most successful fashionistas in all of Equestria. This is the story about how a certain drake won the heart of his special lady and the lives they build with each other. Many challenges await our intrepid heroes, from threats to Equestria to the matters of the heart.

(The story will mostly be Sparity, but like a newly opened harbor they'll be more ships in future. Would hate to make anyone feel left out.)

Editing done by the ever reliable Misty Dolphin

Chapters (27)

Twilight Sparkle has been abandoned.

After an expedition into the badlands is torn to tatters by an unprecedented monster attack, Twilight finds herself stranded in a hostile environment with no safe way back home. With no supplies and no survival training, It all seems hopeless for the scholarly unicorn until she is discovered by a type of creature she has never seen before. A changeling named Thorax, a native of the badlands.

With Thorax's knowledge of the environment, he is Twilight's best chance of getting home safely. And by that same token, perhaps Twilight is the best chance the timid, pacifistic drone has of discovering something he has lived his entire life without.

Set well before the Season 2 Finale.

Cover art was drawn by me.

This is a spiritual successor to The Bug in The Herd, and The Bug in The Basement.

Edited by Mister Hypothetical.

Chapters (26)

Since Gallus moved back to Griffonstone after ending his career with the Royal Guard, he’s paved a decent life for himself. He’s been charged with spreading the message and lessons of friendship throughout the village, which usually amounts to beating the other griffons over the head with common sense. 

But one day, he snaps out of a haze. He realizes that griffons don't have as many problems with each other anymore, infrastructure is being built at an impossibly fast rate, and industry is flourishing on all sides.

And as good as that sounds, there's something malicious lurking behind this new age of prosperity.

Something bad is happening, and whatever it is, it’s affecting everyone else too. As Griffonstone grows, the other nations on the continent are getting worse, and it’s all connected.

Gallus, along with the rest of his old friends, are the only ones who can stop it, and considering that the last time they were all in the same place was three years ago, and it resulted in a bar fight and a lot of tears, none of them are in for a good time.

This story assumes that the epilogue at the end of the series takes place 10 years into the future.

Many of my chapters are edited by the wonderful Miller Minus and Jack of a Few Trades . I'm very grateful for them and I wouldn't be the same without them.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Tastes Like Heresy

It's said that time heals all wounds. Sometimes it takes a bit more than that, though.

Amber Spice used to have everything she thought she wanted. She had loving parents, a posh upper crust lifestyle, and her dream job as Royal Chef to the King of Unicornia. Or at least she did before she got herself banished to the Pegasopian Desert on charges of heresy. Now she's been stripped of everything she has ever loved, except for her dream to return home with a feat of culinary mastery so awe-inspiring that they just have to let her back in. Hopefully the legends about the pegasi exaggerated their taste for unicorn flesh...

Horizon, a pegasus vanguard of his caravan, has lost something important as well. Many ponies out in the great desert have. Some ponies lost their sister. Others lost their favorite storyteller. Horizon? He lost his fiancee, and nothing's ever been able to fill that hole in his heart. He can still do his job, but that's about all he finds he can do anymore. Time alone hasn't done enough to heal this stallion, but maybe something completely out of the blue will help. A fresh perspective can work wonders on one's outlook, after all.

The world has broken these ponies, but together they may yet rise again.

Edited most consistently by SirNotAppearingInThisFic, with occasional contributions from Themaskedferret and FanOfMostEverything.
Formerly edited by McWeaksauce.

Chapters (9)

With her first semester as principal finally done, Starlight is ready for a well-deserved holiday break. Wanting to balance out her best-friend Trixie’s clinginess and her father…well, being her father, Starlight decides to have Trixie spend the Hearth’s Warming holidays with them. Jealousy soon erupts, however, when her father begins treating Trixie like a second daughter. By the end of the holidays, everyone will have learned an important lesson about what it means to be family.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Unfriendly Competition

This story also contains references to Fey Breeze and Blue Sunny Days and Pink Lemonade, though reading them isn't strictly necessary.

The first summer vacation after the world changed was eventful for most of the top Shadowbolts. Some came to understand one another. Some got lost outside of reality. Sugarcoat and Moondancer just fumbled their way through a relationship as best they could given their combined social acumen was comparable to a sheet of sandpaper.

The school year has begun, and they're still not entirely sure how to make this whole "them" thing work. At this point, Sugarcoat is getting fed up with the passive approach.

She just never considered that Moondancer might be as well.

Part of the Oversaturated World. Rated Teen for fairly explicit discussion of things that capture teenagers' interest.

Chapters (4)

Only fools, madmen, and adventuring parties go into the Malpheggi, the swamp beyond the Everfree Forest. It can be left as an exercise for the reader as to which of these categories Samus Marcus (a Thyatian swordsman, or so he says) and Ivan (his companion in trouble) fall into. When they are rescued by the registered adventuring party, the Elements of Harmony, a grand quest across the D&D world of Mystara begins. Together they face culture shock, international politics, romance, dungeons, and a dragon with a grudge as Marcus learns how to trust his new friends and make up for his past mistakes while the Elements of Harmony try to save Equestria from a threat which proves more... complicated... than they originally thought. Also, pie. And hats. A D&D (Mystara)/MLP Crossover.

Chapters (16)

One day five fillies are wandering through the forest and slaughter a pack of timberwolves, impressed, the god of chaos offers them a chance to go to a monster-hunting school, little do these fillies know that they are about to enter a world of bloody evolution.

Faced with discrimination, criminals, terrorists, and unending hordes of abominations led by a wicked witch, how will four foals survive? And how will this new team change the world of Remnant?

[Note: I've decided that every 50 likes, I'll release another chapter in a row, instead of following the usual schedule. PS, New chapters every Monday and Friday, since, with how chaotic my current situation is IRL, those are the only times I can upload.]

(Hey! It got featured!)

Chapters (57)