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“In every generation there is a chosen one. One mare who will stand against the demons, the monsters and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.”

Bon-Bon never asked to be a monster-killing secret warrior of the night. It's a lonely life in which she cannot afford to get close to ponies. After previous losses took their toll, she has closed off her heart and dedicated herself to never letting herself love anypony ever again.

Then she is sent to Ponyville.

Then Twilight Sparkle is sent there too.

Then Princess Luna returns from the moon.

Not to mention that darn unicorn neighbour Lyra won’t leave her alone.

And suddenly everything becomes much more complicated.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Phoenix-born rising - the ascension of Sunset Shimmer [1st ed.]

The rite of the phoenix is one of the most celebrated moments among the sun-gazers of Solaria. For with the hatching of a new phoenix, comes the ascension of a new phoenix-born: a mortal chosen by the phoenix to be its new life partner and guardian. Only those with both strength and purity of their inner fire can draw the attention of a hatchling phoenix, so only the best of the best can ever hope to be chosen.

To one young orphan girl named Sunset Shimmer, she could only dream of witnessing the ascent of one of Celestia's chosen. As the day approaches, she learns that she will be able to, as she has been selected by the crown as one of the girls to serve at the event.

Little did she know that this would be the seminal event of her life, and change her fate forever.

Book One - The Choosing
Book Two - The Trials

Original abridged version was my entry into FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns II contest. This is the expanded, full version.

Cover art by me.

Grammar and editing provided by ArgonMatrix (Up to Ch 7 of the Trials) and Incandesca (The Trials Ch 16 and on)

Chapters (40)

After sacrificing her life for another, Trixie was meant to receive admission into the shining golden fields and silver city of Elysium. Instead, she was waylaid while crossing the river of Oblivion by Rarity Belle, her promised after-life wrenched from her hooves, tossed in front of a pair of unsympathetic gods, and summarily dismissed. Now trapped in the fabled City of the Dead of Tartarus, Trixie will need all her wits and skills to find a way to escape.

Even greater trials await Rarity. Mind fractured by the nature of her death at the hooves of a fallen goddess, and then eroded further by the river's waters, she wages a war within as well as without. To return home she will have to first reforge herself.

Former enemies, they will need to learn reliance on each other to cross the myriad worlds, from Tartarus, to Gaea, and realms between and beyond, in order to return home.

A Myths and Birthrights side story.

Edited by Honey Mead
Cover Art by Nalesia

Chapters (22)

Forgiveness is complicated. Sometimes you need to distance yourself from the person who harmed you to let things cool down for a minute before you can even think about the idea with a clear head.
Unfortunately that's not something Princess Twilight considered when she asked her human friends to befriend the person who made their lives for the past few years a living hell immediately after her biggest attempt to destroy everything they held dear.
But there's something different, something... magical about this lonely girl hated by the entire school, and Adagio wants to keep her close so she can figure out what it is.

Featured: 29/04/2020

Chapters (11)

The name's Diane, Private Eye. I'm the stickiest gumshoe in all of Manehattan, with an addiction to danger (and chocolate). Hot on the trail of a missing foal, a feeling deep in my twitchy-tail tells me I'm about to crack the case wide open. Unfortunately, I may need the help of my weirdo "friends" to do it... but who knows, maybe I'll change my mind about friendship after an epic character arc.

Oops. Sorry for breaking the fourth wall there, but you can blame Mom for that one. After all, I'm just a half-bit mimeo of the #horsefamous Bearer of Laughter.

I mean, it's not like I have a soul, or anything.

Inspired by "The Heart of Saturday Night", a minific written by No Raisin for the June 2018 Writeoff.

Chapters (2)

Dear Princess Celestia [Celestia@solmail.gov],

Attached are the individual reports by myself and my friends regarding the events around the Blackout. As you suggested, I allowed them to speak for themselves and haven’t altered their words (except for Pinkie Pie’s, whose report was sent in a font that brought to mind screaming graphic design students - I altered her stylistic choices but not the message).

I did read over them, with their permission, to give myself a greater understanding of the events of that tragic day. My thoughts are appended as footnotes to each of the reports, where I attempted to correct them where they were mistaken and explain terms of slang and technical detail which a casual reader may be unaware of.

Of course, I’m not sure a casual reader will ever be allowed to view this archive, so in the end, the contents will almost certainly remain state secrets.

Twilight Sparkle
Personal Student of Princess Celestia
“Veritas nomine est equuis.”

A cyberpunk story in the vein of Ghost in the Shell, Blade Runner, or Shadowrun.

Thanks to all my Patreons, Subscribers, and Fans!

Contains mild violence, thinking machines, unthinking ponies, old grudges, new forgiveness, and ponies too caught up in the middle of things to find the truth.

Chapters (6)

Equestria has been through a lot lately. An evil alicorn escaping from the moon. A mad spirit of chaos turning the world into his plaything. An invasion by evil shapeshifters. A monstrous lord of fear returning from exile. An attack by a vast, unstoppable mass of vines.

But nothing had yet compared to the ravages of Lord Tirek, who stands virtually unopposed in his quest to absorb all the magic of Equestria, especially now that even Discord, the Lord of Chaos, has betrayed the ponies and decided to help him.

Unopposed, that is, except for a single pegasus filly. Her name is Cozy Glow. And though neither of them realizes it yet...this is going to be the start of a beautiful FIENDship.

Chapters (14)

When Twilight attempts to expand her repertoire of magic, she gets more than she bargained for when she ends up switching Spike and Princess Cadence's minds, with serious repercussions should anypony find out. Between helping the Crystal Empire, helping the Magic Of Friendship spread through Equestria, and keeping Shining Armour and Flurry Heart happy, and finding a way to reverse the spell, the trio has more to worry about than ever before thanks to Twilight's recklessness.

Wish them luck.

Chapters (12)

“On that day Pain and I became the BEST OF FRIENDS!”-Vulkan Primarch of the salamanders

Vulkan has been sent from his home in the imperium of man after diving into a WAAAGH! reactor. He awakens in a place that seems to be the exact opposite. This land of friendship and adventure, a place of magical talking ponies, and snoots to be booped.

This Vulkan is based on TTS Vulkan but comes from before the events of that wonder work of art.

AN:I said I would do it, I did it, kinda. Enjoy, and remember

Stomp stomp

Featured on: 4/8/2020. Again on 7/19/2020, 8/16/2020, and 11/15/2020.

"The real reason why Roboute Gulliman was the primarch brought back into play for 8th edition: Vulkan may be a terrifying gigantic monster of a man with glowing red eyes, who can literally keep pace with Dark Eldar vehicles on foot and beat their vehicles to pieces with crude iron hammers, while taking wound after wound after wound, literally refusing to die, or reconstituting himself from his component molecules when he gets close, but he's also the perfect example of the all loving hero.

If Vulkan were to be let loose on the modern Warhammer 40K universe, He would fix the imperium by literally bear hugging tthe grimdark out of it, until the only thing left was noble bright. Sanguinius would awaken once more. The eye of terror would spit out countless ponies chanting friendship is magic. The Necrons would decide life was all right and set out to nurture it. The orks would replace comedic sociopathy with comedic inability to cause any real harm. The squats would return. Black templars would finally remove that stick out of their asses. Slaanesh would start making anti rape PSA's. Kal Jerico would go back in canon, and make his living helping people get thteir lives back together. Gaunt's ghosts would find out a ridicolously wealthy rogue trader rebuilt and repopulated Tanith with as many residents offworld as he could find on a whim.

Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria." -Ambosen youtube comment

Chapters (10)

Long ago the nations of the world faced a deadly threat from a powerful conqueror. Divided by their differences the peoples of the world nearly fell alone, one by one. But champions arose who exemplified the virtues of their cultures, and learned to work together to fight for the good of all. Inspired by these champions the varied races of the world cast aside their distrust of one another and defeated the evil that sought to grind the world under its rule. Though centuries have passed since that time the example of the champions was not forgotten, and to this day is honored by a special contest, held every hundred years: The Contest of Champions. Here, members of all races are chosen to represent their people and land in a series of games and challenges, for the sake of promoting understanding and harmony between the vast varied races of the world and demonstrate what each can be when at their best.

The call for champions has gone out, and Trixie Lulamoon and her friends, freshly dubbed Knights of the Realm and Bearers of the Elements of Harmony have been chosen to represent Equestria. It is an honor some of them are elated to bear, while others among the friends question if they can take on such a lofty responsibility. However they may feel about it the six mares from Ponyville shall travel to the Isle of the Fallen where they will face the greatest champions the races of the world have to offer; from veteran griffin soldiers and enigmatic zebra martial artists to mighty cervid warrior skalds and a kirin royal heir obsessed with obtaining victory by any means. On top of that, Corona herself has designs upon the Contest, and others attending the event may have plans that have nothing to do with promoting harmony and understanding.

Based on RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse, this story is canon and part of Season 2, taking place in the spring-arc.

Chapters (20)