Unfinished Favorites 489 stories
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In the aftermath of the Memory Stone incident, Sunset has been doing her best to make Wallflower feel included at Canterlot High. Thankfully, her efforts appear to be paying off. However, a certain online discovery leads to some interesting conversations—and revelations—between herself and Wallflower.

Sometimes, the best things grow out of what we shouldn't say.

Birthday gift for my girlfriend Scampy, who supplied the initial idea, and whose Wallflower stories are far better than this. Go wish her a happy birthday!

Written to this album by Drew Wholcomb And The Neighbors.

Chapters (1)

To escape from Tartarus is nearly impossible, even for one of great magical power. When you've lost your powers and are little more than a withered old centaur, it's even harder. But Tirek has a plan, one that will draw in a creature from a world where life is cheap, hats are plentiful, and gravel is king. Will the Spy take the opportunity to enjoy a well-earned vacation in this new world, or will he see the population of friendly, innocent ponies as just a fresh selection of backs to stab? It could be both!

(Takes place before the beginning of Season 9.)

Chapters (21)

Fluttershy and Discord have been through a lot, in their friendship and their romance. But finally, they're married, and things can settle down now...right?

Fluttershy should have known that things aren't that easy when Discord's involved.

A collection of random, fluffy drabbles. Not much of a plot here.

Amazing cover art made by Eveeka!

Chapters (100)

Separated from her clan, Autumn Blaze prepares for a winter alone.
No, that doesn't sound right...
I actually have a lot of friends. I mean, you'll have to take my word for it, but they're here.
We sing songs, we talk to each other, we exchange stories.

You know, maybe it's better if I just show you.

Chapters (3)

Moondancer has a plan. A plan to get away from it all. Minuette has a similar plan. Hers just involves joining Moondancer on her airship and having them hunt for the fabled lost treasure of the Cloudshark.

Moondancer has a few problems with Minuette's plan.

Historian’s Note:
Clear Skies is set a few years after the ascension of Twilight Sparkle to the throne of Canterlot.

Inspired by and based on the epic Visual Novel "Highway Blossoms" by Studio Élan and Studio Coattails! Go play this VN! Seriously! Right now!

Cast: Moon Dancer & Minuette
Co-Starring: Even Keel, "Snappy Comeback," Whispering Trinket & Easy Wing
Guest Starring: Torque Wrench, Shining Armor & Princess Cadance

Covert Art: Little-Tweenframes
Cover Text & Section Break Design: Novel Idea/Amber Spark
Moon Dancer Cutie Mark: AllyCatBlu

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Beltorn: Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
JayMan155: Artist & Author Extraordiane!
Carabas: Author I Totally Didn't Fangirl Over

Word Count: 57,000 (To Date)
Version: 4.3B

Chapters (19)

The world is in shambles. All worlds are in shambles.

When in nothing short of a miracle a soldier in a united galaxy's war for survival stumbles upon a peculiar planet inhabited by equines with incredible abilities, he and his associates are determined to do whatever they can to turn the tide of their own war. But as they spend more and more time on the surface, some things there may turn out... not as foreign as they might have imagined. And not nearly as friendly.

And these poor officials are going to have a really hard time filling immigration forms of a goddamn horse.

Featured on 04/13/2020! Thank you so much! :twilightsmile:

Featured again on 05/27/2020! You wouldn't believe how much this means to me!

Editor of the first chapter: Mind Jack

Just a quick disclaimer: this IS NOT a crossover. The universe MLP interacts with here is entirely my own creation. More and more of the lore will be gradually unfolded as the story progresses.

The Alternate Universe tag is not there because, despite the changes in how magic works (most prominently the dreamscape), this is no 'alternate universe' - it's canon with small adjustments, and I ultimately decided to remove the tag as it only served to unnecessarily confuse people.
More tags will be added as the story progresses.

Also, this is my first fic, so I can't say it won't have issues. As such however, any form of feedback is greatly appreciated, be it positive or negative.

Chapters (21)

Sunset has a problem. It's a problem she's had since she was little, in a sense. She always felt like something was simply not right about her life, something that she can't put her finger on--that nags and pokes and teases at the back of her mind, until it drives her mad.

It's not that she wants to kill herself, really. It's just that it keeps happening, always at the most inconvenient times and in the most inconvenient ways.

Tagged with "self harm" even though technically Sunset isn't hurting herself, Sunset is hurting Sunset. Wait, does that count?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has retired. Her reign is over, and her stewardship of Equestria is at an end. But that doesn't mean that her little ponies have stopped needing her. Her time as supreme political puppet master has given her a unique set of skills; networking, guiding, mentoring, and of course a little bit of manipulation. So she opens up a new business: Auntie Tia's Matchmaking Service!

Ponies come from far and wide to tell Auntie Tia their romantic woes and ask for her help, and she never turns away a pony in need. But her new clients are among the toughest she has ever faced - have Celestia's matchmaking abilities met their match?

Print copy now available!

Chapters (29)

Short of funds and with nowhere to stay, the Dazzlings are forced to seek refuge with some very distant relatives of theirs.

The sirens have absolutely no idea what they're letting themselves in for.

Chapters (5)

Sunset didn't realize just how different other dimensions could be before going through the portal. Now she finds herself in a world where people never age or grow, they just attend high school forever. Whether she's entered a paradise or a nightmare remains to be seen.

Chapters (20)