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This story is a sequel to Starshot: Star Speaker

Three years ago, an alien spacecraft was discovered buried deep beneath the Everfree Forest. Without delay, it was excavated and thoroughly studied to the best of Equestria's capabilities. All signs pointed it being completely defunct, never to fly again.

Though unfortunately for creatures visiting it during its first day as a museum, the truth was the exact opposite.

A three hour tour of the ship has now turned into a grand tour of the galaxy. Will homesickness overtake these new explorers, or will they learn to love going where no pony has gone before?


In Part ll of the Starshot's tale, our intrepid space explorers meet the first bastion of resistance to the evil Oblivion Empire. One partially composed of a people who once swore loyalty to Luna. Unfortunately, a major difference in ideology may keep an alliance from forming.

Will they agree to disagree, or be picked off one by one by the Empire's strategic mastermind, Grand Admiral Warp Song?

Chapters (12)

Flight lessons and magical tutorage only make up a very few of Flurry Heart's many daily activities. She's also just recently encountered an ancient and dark king from long ago who she thinks might not be such a bad pony after all.

Chapters (4)

Years have passed, Rarity is married and living in Canterlot, and Spike travels the world with Princess Twilight Sparkle. Yet, events conspire to bring old friends back together. Some stories are simple, and some wish desperately that they were.

A RarityxSpike Fanfic.

Chapters (9)

For as long as anypony can remember, an area of land has been cut off from the rest of the world due to an eternal storm that has never shown any mercy. But now the storm has weakened and an envoy from that land has come to Equestria seeking a Queen for their land. A Queen for their kingdom of thestrals.

Join Twilight and Spike as they journey into a new land that no Equestrian has ever laid eyes upon. There Twilight will be tested like never before. Will she succeed and make new friends or will this land be her undoing...

Set just after the end of season 3 and before season 4.
Cover art done by roninfang please check out his profile if you want a commission

Edits done by both sadron and Alchemik

First featured 5/19/18!

Chapters (28)

Seasaddle is a city where the highest of high tech meets with the lowest of low society. The rain only seems to let up at night, and sunny days are as rare as hen's teeth. It's a city where the heavens weep, the earth rumbles, and the crowds pray for somepony to save them. Only one pony is up to the task, and when she's forced out of retirement, she'll do her best to take up the burden without being broken by it.

National Novel Writing Month 2020 project!

I'll be publishing this as I meet daily goals, so hopefully the story goes somewhere interesting. It's something I've had ideas about for a few years now.

Thank you to all my readers! You're the reason I do this silly stuff!

Chapters (27)

Just before her crowning moment, Twilight Sparkle's life is derailed by a message from Star Swirl with excerpts from his journal that he swears he's never written... at least, not yet.

Commissioned by Archangel of the Silent.

WARNING: Contains Shenanigans!

Chapters (18)


A lot can change from one argument. Cozy Glow wanted nothing more but to be somepony else. Anyone else. Instead, she was this little powerless pegasus that did nothing but what her mother demanded... what her mother planned! She was sick of mother's plans. She was sick of her own name! So, the filly took it upon herself to pack her things and run.

She had some family in the Crystal Empire. Perhaps it would do her some good to visit them? Maybe they could understand her issue. Maybe they could help her?

What she didn't know however was that her greatest mistake would be stepping into the Empire itself. After she walked in... she never came back out.
When King Sombra took over and dragged the entire empire along with him down his one thousand year banishment a little filly was caught in the crossfire.

Chapters (8)

Currently under rewrites. Rewritten chapters edited by thehalfelf.

The Fall Formal sees Sunset Shimmer defeated and dethroned as leader of Canterlot High School. Desperate for redemption, she lacks anyone to turn to for help - except the five girls who's lives she tormented. Does she deserve help? Does she deserve friendship? Rainbow Dash seems to think so.

Meanwhile, Time Turner, a teacher at Canterlot High School, watches Sunset's progress from afar. But he too is desperate for redemption - but for what? Who has he hurt, and why? How is his story connected to Sunset's?

Cover art generously provided by Draconaquest!

Check out the TVTropes page!

Chapters (26)

The fall of Beacon Academy was a tragic event, many had died in the chaos, and one of them was Vale's most wanted, Roman Torchwick. We all know his story and how he had fallen into death's embrace, Roman didn't expect to lose to a nameless girl, and he thought everything would end once the darkness consumed him, but he was wrong.

Now he finds himself in a whole new world of multi colored horses, where he also encounters a certain showmare who speaks in third person.

Follow the dashing thief of Remnant as he takes the greatest second chance in his life, by doing what he does best.

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to Mythic Dawn

It all started with a dream.

Last school semester, Luster Dawn and her new friends stopped a plot by a conspiracy of Equestria's rich and powerful to install a puppet to the throne. That should have been the end of it, the solution to the mystery, but for some reason, Luster Dawn can't shake the feeling they missed something, and that there's truth yet to be uncovered.

What lingering effects did the ritual have? Why aren't ponies willing to tell Luster Dawn what they know? Most importantly, how is she going to find the truth when her mentor and everypony else is hiding it?

Thank you to all my readers and supporters. This year has been particularly difficult for me, and I've been struggling with my health. Don't get Covid, folks! It's real and it's a bad time, take it from me.

I decided to start publishing this before quite finishing it because I haven't put anything up in a while - I've been trying to focus on completing projects before posting them, because of how many incomplete stories I have lying around. Hopefully, as you read this you see that the story is marked complete and I did eventually finish it!

Chapters (7)