Unfinished Favorites 489 stories
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An anthology of stories pertaining to Government in Equestria and beyond, especially the ponies that work in it. Each story will be tagged separately, but general tags will always apply.

None of these will be related. Most of them will be silly. All of it will be stupid.

Same goes for the stories. ba-dum, tish! :pinkiehappy:

Short Descriptions for each story:

  • The Star Court [Dark][Profanity][Comedy] - Celestia finds out where all the bodies are buried. Well, incinerated, if you want to be technical. Plus, a discussion about corporeal punishment, jurisdiction, and court-procedure.
  • Civics Lesson [Comedy][Slice of Life] - Applejack briefly considers Nepotism before getting a lesson in government she won’t soon forget.
  • The Royal Advisor [Comedy][Random][Slice of Life][Profanity] - Spike takes a tour of his new job location, and solves a financial crisis. With special guest, Raven Inkwell!
  • Ponies, Please [Comedy][Random][Slice of Life] - Have your papers, ID, and Visa ready at the checkpoint. GLORY TO EQUESTRIA!
  • Proscription [Comedy][Dark][Random][Violence] - Octavia and Bonbon have some business to discuss.
  • Chaos, CHAOOOOS! [Comedy] - The worst thing in this world, next to anarchy, is government.
  • A Question of Succession [Comedy][Alcohol] - Never ask Celestia for advice, or storytime. At least not while she still has the keys to the liquor cabinet.
Chapters (8)

Like what I do? Consider supporting me on Patreon www.patreon.com/Godzillawolf?... or Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/godzillawolf

Made the Popular Stories section! (12/13/2019)

After Rarity was freed from the Inspiration Manifestation, it seemed everything was over...until a mysterious figure begins to 'beautify' Ponyville all over again. Who or what is at play here?

Commission was to do a follow up to Inspiration Manifestation. Which I'm glad about, as the fact the magic flew off like it did implied there will be a continuation, but there never was one. This was a fun write!

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Commissioned by Alexwarlorn !

Cover Art thanks to spacekitsch !

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Issue of Multiple Sunsets

(While it is a sequel to The Issue of Multiple Sunsets, this story is also connected to Principal Cinch and the Unhappy Mother.)

With their powers gone, having gotten over their grudge with the Rainbooms, and staying in the human world at their own volition, the Dazzlings are now free to do whatever they want. The question is, what do they want?

When S.M.I.L.E. (The Secret Magical Intelligence League of Earth) shows up, it comes with a simple proposition: the Dazzlings will be given all the paperwork needed to be recognized, legal citizens of this world, and have all records of their past crimes sealed, allowing them to live normal human lives.

With one exception.

In order to receive this, Aria Blaze has to agree to become a field agent, as well as allow them to study her.

Now, Aria has to deal with working for a secret organization, coworkers, strange magical events and creatures that appear and occur, and as it turns out, an agent from a rival company.

(Cover art created by ZettaiDullahan)

(If you like this, or my other stories, please feel free to buy me a ko-fi)

Chapters (19)

Comments may contain spoilers. Scroll down at your own risk.

Scootaloo never had an easy life. Not only was she orphaned at a very young age, but she is also a pegasus doomed to never attain flight.

But her life changes forever when she meets Fang, an eccentric magician who is not what she seems. Fang keeps many secrets, but Scootaloo will soon discover that she too carries one – a dark and terrible secret, hidden away in her own heart. One that even she herself was not aware of.

As the two grow closer and more secrets are revealed, Scootaloo must find the courage to open her heart, learn the mysteries of magic, and discover what it means to be a familiar.

Act 1 completed. The story is on hiatus for the time being until I have more chapters written.

Chapters (10)


In the middle of the blizzard in the Canterlot Mountains, a lonely mare is found by a dragon. What seems like a coincidence has in fact far deeper meaning as the meeting unravels the stories of passion, friendship, loneliness, lust and caring, all tied up to the group of friends we all know too well.

The young unicorn does not realize that she plays an important part in story far longer and greater than just her own life. She is an unknowing key to the tale of hot romance and cold tears

But as she dives deeper, she becomes curious. Is the situation that she found herself in really just a misfortune ?

Who is her companion ? Why didn't he reveal her name ? And why she has the strangest of feelings: that she knows him from somewhere ?

Follow the passionate, random and dramatic love story of Spike, Rarity and Gabby. Watch as their feelings change the fate of them and ones they love.

Tag "Sex" is used because of the sensual nature of chapter 13. However, the scene is not graphic and vulgar, rather poetic, so that's why I rate it T.

New chapters will be added with regularity, as my life allows, one per one or two weeks. There are 3 chapters left till the end of the story.

Chapters (23)

Radiant Dawn had nothing to lose when she signed up with the Startrotter Association. So when Equus finds an ancient probe bearing a message of friendship, she was more than ready to volunteer herself for a one way trip in the spirit of Harmony.

She had trusted her life to an unproven spell to keep her asleep for the journey to a world thousands of light years away, knowing that she might never wake up again.

Years later, having somehow survived the perils of deep space travel, Radiant Dawn has awoken to find the counter spell failing...

Cover art by the highly talented Lunette
Originally written
as an entry for the Transformations group's Pony-to-Human Contest by Two Bit

Proofreading kindly done by Timeluga

Chapters (4)

Some realize that Trixie is not the first to bear the title of The Great And Powerful.

Few realize that it is less a title and more a curse.

The one who kills The Great And Powerful shall ever after be cursed to become The Great And Powerful.

On a related note, Twilight Sparkle is having a very bad week.

Featured, 12/04/19-12/06/19, and 12/09/19-12/12/19!

Reviewed by PaulAsaran, with a rating of Pretty Good!.

Also reviewed by Titanium Dragon with a rating of Not Recommended.

Listed in Equestria Daily's 21 of the Best Trixie Fanfics for Trixie Day on 10/31/2021!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Celestia Sleeps In

After the accidental discovery of humans, Celestia tasked Lyra with learning about Dale's culture and Dale's language. Two meetings later, a misunderstanding caused Dale and a Coast Guard woman to be inadvertently transported to Equestria. With the two humans hospitalized and communication limited at best, the Equestrians just want to heal them, while back on earth the Coast Guard wants nothing more than to determine what happened to one of their sailors.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Trixie's Great and Powerful Adventure

When Trixie Lulamoon found herself lost in the distant past, she had no idea how to get back. And so, she decided to make the most of it. Follow her year-long sojourn through the ancient past of Equestria, in her own words, as she somehow manages to found a rebellion, teach a child the ways of magic, and make serious bank off a populace that has never seen a proper Showpony performance before!

Foreword by AK Yearling, author of the famous Daring Do series.

Part of the Anarchyverse.

Featured: 4/1/2020... which fits Trixie so well...
Featured: 7/9/2021

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Aftermath of the Games

Change happens, no matter what any creature wishes. Actions have consequences, no matter how badly you want to ignore them. And now, magic is starting to grow in the human world in a very big way, a way that can't be hidden in a single high school.

With the inevitable coming, inhabitants of two worlds have to scramble to get a grip on what's going on before it flows out of control. Hopefully they can figure out this new magic in time to ensure a peaceful relationship between the two worlds.

Too bad there's another party interested in magic...

Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (28)