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This story is a sequel to Blueblood: Hero of Equestria

Prince Blueblood has escaped the misery of the Changeling War when he is sent to Canterlot to recuperate. He knows this cannot last, for it won't be long before he is called upon once again to risk life and limb for Princess and Country. As Equestrian forces march into the Changeling heartlands, Blueblood must rely on his instincts of self-preservation, deception, and sheer blind luck to survive.

Proofread and edited by Setokaiva

Cover art by jamescorck

Chapters (27)

Ever since the events of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer has done a lot for Canterlot High, saving the school and its students many times now but even then, Sunset doesn't feel like it's enough. She then decides to take on the seemingly impossible: reform their old adversaries, The Dazzlings, starting with the leader, Adagio herself.

Sunset and Adagio decide on a bet: if Sunset can win her over on "the magic of friendship" in a week's time, Adagio will give it a chance and maybe convince her fellow sirens to follow suit. Will Sunset succeed and make a new friend (or possibly three) or will she truly be in over her head?

Chapters (3)

Celestia has given Sweetie Belle a rare opportunity to become an exchange student where she can bring friendship to a whole new world’s students of magic. Elsewhere, Theodore Nott has been given a similar opportunity: turn down his Seventh Year at Hogwarts in order to learn powerful magic from the cursebreakers of the Equestrian Crystal Empire.

Neither of them has the slightest idea what they are about to experience over the next year.

Editors: Tek, Peter, Charles H
Cover art from Florida's Harry Potter World at night.

Chapters (15)

The night before take you child to work day, Twilight and the other girls leave to spend time with their family's and relatives. But Spike is left alone, seeing as he is secretly the son of Celestia, and it would be pretty obvious if he showed up next to her in the court room. Celestia knows this, and arranged for a special night & day for Spike, in hopes to make up for it. "Hey Luna, How would you like to spend some time with Spike?"

Chapters (9)

One thing leads to another after Spike breaks up with Gabby... starting with Spike getting his head together, with Rarity's help. A slow-burn, ongoing piece of indeterminate length beginning a couple years after S9E25 that is going to end with a Sparity wedding and yes, that's a spoiler, but the journey's more important than the destination, am I right?! Anyway if you want to read a nice and comfy fic where the characters talk about their feelings a lot that isn't too dramatic about it, come on in

Rated T, just to be on the safe side; while there's no severe language or content this fanfic does deal with some slightly more mature themes than the show itself. Also the dragon and the unicorn are going to make out when the time is right, it is foreordained, by me. I fully intend to take my sweet time getting there though, fair warning.

Cover art by Pia-Sama, because of course it is. Cropped and dinked around with a bit in The GIMP by me.

Chapters (25)

Once-Queen Chrysalis has had her schemes blow up in her face yet again. Naively, she thought, this time would be different. Take their power for her own, and it would be a simple matter to enact her revenge. She did not expect to end her scheme crippled, starving, and in the hooves of the pests that ruined her life.

Twilight and her friends have had a rough day. An argument during their trip through the woods nearly had them at each others throats, but they pulled through together and laughed about it in the end. They didn't expect to end their day with them taking one of the greatest threats to Equestria into custody. And Twilight certainly didn't expect herself to be extending her hoof to another poor, lost soul, trying to help them find their way.

(Begins at the very end of 'The Mean 6', diverges from canon)


Big thanks to flipwix for his help with editing and beta reading!

Cover art background credit Boneswolbach.

Cover art Twilight vector credit AndoAnimalia

Cover art Chrysalis vector credit CloudyGlow

Chapters (2)

The Wonderbolts, Equestria's premier acrobatic and stunt troupe, bimonthly take it upon themselves to give back to the community. It's good for the kids, it sends a healthy message, and the press is nothing to sneeze at either. On one such charity case, the Wonderbolts' chief coordinator and lead performer, Spitfire, undertakes the task of taking in a child to give them the best week of their life. In doing so, she unknowingly throws herself down a path that brings her to ask many questions she had long since wanted to repress...

"Would I make a good mother?"

Humanized characters.

The concept for this story was drawn up before the events of a certain episode. I'm sorry.

Editing and Proofreading provided by the diligent Laeri

Art crafted by the ever talented bakki

Chapters (5)

It's been ten years since Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends took the roles of leaders of Equestria, saving the land from the Windigoes and possible civil war. While it hasn't been perfect, Twilight and the others have been able to maintain the Golden Era of Peace. However, when a specter from the past returns for revenge, Twilight will be put to the test if she, as leader, can protect her home. But will the magic of friendship be enough to win this time?

Chapters (8)

Equestria is a thriving space colony inside an asteroid. Here, everypony is provided with everything they need to live a happy*, healthy**, and fulfilling*** life.

*Friendship not included.
**Oxygen not included.
***Terms and conditions may apply.

Cover art by ZettaiDullahan.
Crossover with Oxygen Not Included, although prior knowledge to the game is not needed to enjoy the story.

Chapters (21)

Partially mirrored from The NP FanFiction Archive.

[Currently attempting a revival of this story after five years. I'd like to issue a personal apology for taking so bloody long.]

Spike has been in love with Rarity since they first met, so when a young filly reveals her feelings for him at the worst possible time, he ends up caught in the middle of a feud that is liable to tear a family apart. If only he could understand his own heart.

The setting, as well as the characters and original concepts, are the property of Hasbro.

[CC BY-NC-SA] Sibling Rivalry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Chapters (15)