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  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

After only five minutes of marriage, Twilight comes to her senses and realises that Flash Sentry is actually really, really boring. It's time to lawyer up and get a divorce!

To navigate the complex Equestrian legal system and not lose all her money, Twilight needs the best lawyer in all of Equestria. Unfortunately what she has is Fluttershy.

Chapters (1)

Odd how some things stick in one's memory—certain places, personalities, sounds, even smells. Touching on one of these elements can cause a lifetime of experiences to come flooding back.

And just as quickly, they're gone.

First-place winner in The Write-Off Association's contest "Lonely Happiness."

Reading by The Living Library Player Society.
Another reading by DRWolf.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

When evil cultists are out kidnapping innocent ponies to summon their dark god, it's up to Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle to stop them! Armed with guns, sharp pointy things, magic up the wazoo, and plenty of ammo, the two are ready to kick some flank and chew bubblegum!

And guess who just ran out of bubblegum?

Collaboration with the great and quite handsome alexmagnet, who you all should go check out and stuff.

Chapters (1)

There were many beings that Celestia and Luna had defeated in their lifetime. Their names were recorded in the pages of history and remembered through books and legends. There was one being, however, that the sisters made sure that no one would remember.

The one foe they truly feared among all. Sealed deep within Everfree Forest where no pony would dare to go, they hope that he would never rise again.

Unfortunately for them, a Doctor's work is never done because there are always patients that need help.

Edit 5/2/14: Only a day since it's been posted but I can't believe that it's already on the featured list. I thank all of you for making it possible, even my haters! No longer a LoHAV story. This is the REAL Law!

On Hiatus due to bad math grades and grounding. Expect update near end of the month.

Chapters (1)

An accident leaves Scootaloo fighting for her life, and while everypony tries to offer what help or comfort they can, a few may just learn something new: exactly what it means to be a sister.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Thanks to a number of people who helped review this, including Logician, Ion-Sturm, Vimbert the Unimpressive, samurai anon, Present Perfect, and Chris.

Chapters (1)

It was a night that will forever be burned into the memories of everypony. One fateful night in Equestria everything changed. The princesses who had ruled over the world with kindness and heart were gone, and a new ruler had taken their place.
Years have passed since that event. Ponies have grown up, aged, and moved on with their lives. Equestria has become a very different place over the span of these years.
Our story begins when a face resurfaces in Equestria. When a weathered, scarred, but familiar face steps into the light.

This is the fanfic based on Astringe's Bad Future series on DeviantART. He did some great designs of the characters, so make sure you give that gallery a peruse before you read the fic.

Also worth mentioning, he's been nice enough to plop any pics he does based on chapters I've written into this separate gallery, so there will be less spoilers for readers just jumping in to the story.

NOTE: The canon of my story picks up at the start of Season 3, where it begins to diverge away from the canon of the show. I've never read the IDW comics nor have I seen Equestria Girls, so the events of my story aren't canon at all with them.

Now has it's own TVTropes page!

Chapters (43)

Maud Pie has studied rocks. She has written poetry about rocks. She has played games with rocks. She has spent great amounts of time among rocks. But she has never been a rock, and now she intends to change that.

But will petrification be all it's cracked up to be?

Chapters (1)

The Power Ponies are coming again.

Another escape from custody, another scheme to take over Maretropolis, and another chance for the Power Ponies to defeat her. Such is the cycle that Mane-iac has endured for as long as she can remember.

And she's sick of it. She's sick of all of it. Now on the cusp of one more battle with her nemeses, she can only think of how much she has sacrificed for the city in her battles against the Power Ponies, and how much more she can take.

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

First place winner of the Everfree Northwest Fanfic Competition!

Thank you to Prak for editing help!

Featured on Equestria Daily 4/27/14

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Stardust

Twilight has finally returned home from the harrowing challenge that Discord set upon her, and the residents of Ponyville and the Elements especially look forward to having their dear friend returned to them.

Twilight, however, has changed. Still suffering from her injuries, almost incapable of using magic and haunted by the memories of her time on Earth, she becomes increasingly withdrawn from those who were closest to her. Will her frustration at her current state and her friends inability to understand her experiences cost her what she valued most before Discord's bet?

(Sequel to Stardust, familiarity with this is recommended!)
(Proofread by Arzoo!)
(Coverart commission drawn by the amazing KairaAnix!)
(Crossover with XCOM: Enemy Within, though the crossover and human elements are minimal)
(Featured 4/28/2014, thanks folks!)

Chapters (1)

After a year and a half of being on this site... FIRST STORY FEATURED! 4/29/14
I love you all.

Parents gone, check.
Castle to themselves, check.
Totally gonna be the responsible older sister... debatable.

Celestia finally has a chance to prove that she's old enough to stay home alone with Luna, if she doesn't completely mess everything up first.

Very short story, very cute story. Personal writing practice.
HERE IS A LINK to the artist of the cover image, of which I take no credit. Awesome gallery, check it out!

Chapters (26)