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Twilight Sparkle is really really bored. She tries to find a way to not be so bored. Gross rationalization of injustice ensues.

Chapters (2)

Apple Bloom has a crush on a certain colt, but doesn't know how to express her feelings. When Big Macintosh and Applejack prove to be no help, she turns to Granny Smith.

Granny's advice, however, proves to be a bit different than what Apple Bloom expected...

Chapters (2)

Everyone has their dark secrets or obsessions that they keep from the world, afraid that if anyone were to find out that they would be condemned and damned by society.

But what if your dark secret was one that involved taking lives?

Say hello to Twilight Sparkle, Equestria's favorite serial killer. Living by the code that her mentor devised for her, she takes the lives of those that destroy others and takes care of any who falls through the cracks of the justice system.

Life is good and it couldn't be better, at least until she is sent to Ponyville in an attempt for a normal life. She will make friends, enemies, and possibly find one that she may care for while satiating her dark urges.

But can she maintain a normal life without revealing her true nature? Or will she be caught and destroy the ones she will come to care about?

Can she have it all?

An adaptation of the Showtime Series 'Dexter'. Rated T for moderate language, violence and description, and some sexual themes

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash gets ideas sometimes. Usually, they end in broken limbs or brain damage. But when she gets an idea that is completely different than any other before it, will Applejack and Rainbow Dash survive the shenanigans?

Probably, but it sounds more dramatic to give you the doubt.

Originally a one-shot that asploded later. AppleDash because best ship. Pre-reading/editing/shenanigans by Jackie. Yay.

Chapters (11)

Inspiration is Rarity's Element, and Sweetie Belle her greatest achievement. But the filly has questions, ones that Rarity might not be able to answer on her own. What makes a pony? How can somepony know if they really are alive? Are they alive if they laugh and cry? Are they alive if they think, if they make mistakes and have ideas?

If Sweetie Belle is nothing more than a collection of wires, is she truly alive?

Spanish Translation now available through this elegantly crafted link!

Chapters (1)

We all know what happened during Lesson Zero. Twilight Sparkle screwed up big time. But she got off the hook. Nothing bad happened. No dire consequences to speak of. Nothing in her life changed for the worse.

But what if something did? After all, that’s how all fanfictions start. Just changing one detail, no matter how small. Just one minor detail. In this case, it concerns something being born inside the head our little Twilight that day.

Look out Twilight, because you’ve got a new roommate in your psyche. She’s everything you aren’t. She’s sporadic. She’s unconventional. She’s absolutely insane. She hates your guts.

Her name is Screwball.

Chapters (4)

With some changes on Star Swirl's time spell, Twilight accidentaly gets trapped in the past. But after saving two fillies and enlisting them to be her students in magic, they go on adventures together to survive the ruthless world they live in. With new friendship and foes, they discover what it truly means to be family by choice.

Now with the collaborative efforts of Angel Bunny, Fausticorn and soulwinds!
Art by awsdemlp.deviantart.com
People who I am in deep gratitude for offering help:
Cerulean Starlight
And FAN ART by 1110soulite!

Chapters (14)

Twilight Sparkle is on top of the world: she's the newest addition to the Equestrian Principality, and everypony admires her success story.

Everypony? Well, yes, but somebody disagrees...

Chapters (2)

Retiring as Colonel of the Equestrian Air Force, you figured the rest of your days would be spent sipping a mai-tai by the beach... Not wet work. But after Queen Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot, traitors are a plenty and the Princesses need someone they can trust... Someone like you.

So welcome to the world of espionage and counter-intelligence.

One of my commissioned works in the development. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (11)