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Most of the time, Applejack is honest. A lot of times, she's a dependable pony.

Then, sometimes, she's full of militant squirrels piloting her in a war with the Chipmunk Confederacy over a sacred acorn.

Chapters (1)

You're a random human on Earth trying to get some sleep, but these blasted ponies keep appearing in your room. You don't know where they come from, or how they got here, but they insist on sleeping with you in a non sexual manner.

Have you ever wanted to get cuddled by a pony? How about against your will? No? Yes? Either way you are getting cuddled whether you like it or not.

Warning: Adorable cuddling may or may not be suitable for younger readers.
Warning: I can't select all the ponies, but yes all ponies(and other species) are capable of cuddling you. No you're not safe.

Edited by: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/technicscratch

Chapters (5)

Princess Celestia, tired of the constant pressure that ruling a nation puts on her, decides to take a day off and let Luna take her responsibilities for a day, something the younger alicorn is more than happy to do. She disguises herself as a pink maned pegasus pony named Sunny Skies and decides to go walking around Canterlot without any supervision. Unfortunately for her, not all parts of Canterlot are as safe as the palace, and she finds herself at the wrong end of a gang of muggers, who decide to kidnap her for a ransom when they see how much money she has on her.

Luna freaks out.

Celestia thinks it's hilarious.

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Featured on Equestria Daily 8/15/13

Go here for the French translation!


Edited wonderfully by sqarishoctagon and Cloud Hop

Updated cover art by Dominatore

Chapters (9)

Sparkler Doo has just started her first summer in Ponyville and already has plans with her family. Why should she have friends?

Chapters (1)

It's been ten years since Rainbow Dash's father disappeared in a wild, fierce thunderstorm. When the same strange storm hits Ponyville, Rainbow Dash does as much as she can to try and stop it from happening again.

But magic has a strange habit of making things reappear, opening old wounds that could change Rainbow Dash's life forever.

Chapters (11)

Anonymity is a concept of hiding one's true self and keeping it secret.

Someone anonymous has no identity that one can claim to be his/her own. They are living shadows. Mysterious, tangible shadows.

To Anonymous this is not simply a word or a concept. It is a lifestyle.

He came to Equestria by an accident. His mystery facinates and frightens. Nothing is known of him, and never will, if he has a say in the matter. However... There is one thing that kind of breaks this mysterious ruse...

He is not right in the head... Hilarity/insanity should ensue... Hmmm... Hmmm...

Chapters (2)

The Changeling Hive located deep beneath the Equestrian Badlands a bustling haven for all Changelings of Equestria.
Life was good; the ponies had forgotten their existence and it would remain that way for another two hundred years.

However, just because they're safe from outside threats, it doesn't mean they're safe from themselves. These stories will follow three young Changelings as they seek out adventure and other ways to kills time.

Their names? Mandible, future captain of the Changeling Royal Guard. Cocoon, future Queen of the Northern Changeling Hive. Finally, we have Thorax, future..... well let's be honest, I don't see much of a future.

{Set Two Hundred Years before Equestria's Crazies}

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Sweet Apple Anthology

Far in the West, out in the frontier, Babs Seed and Apple Bloom have found an adventurous, satisfying life. Business at their bar is booming and supporting Sweet Apple Acres, ending Applejack's economic woes (for the time being). Babs has reunited with her father and the savior of her foalhood, Turner. North of no-pony's land, Citrus, Libra, and Braeburn are thriving in Appleloosa, though tensions between the locals and an influx of emigrants threaten to shatter peace in the tiny town.

Far in the East, in the belly of the beast, the once-glorious city of Manehatten has collapsed into a haze of unimaginable chaos and depravity at the hooves of its King. A King whose chessboard is rapidly expanding and whose Knights march to conquer and annex in the name of their Master.

When East and West clash at last, who will be left standing?

Third installment in the alternate universe timeline started by Tangled Roots. Preceded by Sweet Apple Anthology and beginning from the first story's Epilogue.

Coverart by the awesome artist Lulubell.

Now with a TVTropes page! Thanks to vren55 for putting it up!

Rated Teen for strong violence, language, and darker elements. Sex tag is for implied sexual situations.

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Two

Swarm is the first ever changeling/pony hybrid, child of Warden the pegasus, and Kuno the changeling.

What does life have in store for this unlikely trio?

Twists, for a start!

Chapters (14)

Lightning Dust has seen better days. She’s on the verge of becoming a full-blown alcoholic, and her career is in shambles. She’s gotten so desperate that she even found a support group to help her work through her problems, but the first meeting turns out to be nothing like what she expected. This isn’t the gathering of former antagonists that she was looking for. In fact, some of these creatures shouldn’t even exist!

Chapters (2)