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First three chapters are being edited sometime later on. If they bug you because they're not up-to-quality with the rest of the story, feel free to skim them. Chapter 3 is the worst offender.

Rainbow Dash just wanted to go home. The weather was grim, sure, but she had to get home. Staying at Twilight Sparkle's library wouldn't cut it for her. Besides, she was too busy sorting out things. However, things take a drastic turn for the worse when she finds that going through the weather was beyond what she wanted. Even worse, she's now stuck with someone who may either be the pinnacle of her death, or her last and best hope of survival...


New Art by: dreamingnoctis - dA
Old Art by: Eldorado - dA


A/N: Fallout Crossover?! How original, Shadowflash! Do elaborate on such a creative idea!
Now, now, calm down. This is a twist to the original crossovers - I've yet to see one where The Lone Wanderer was evil and where Rainbow Dash is sent there, instead. I've thought about this long and hard, and it's time to do this crossover properly. Let's get to business, and I hope you enjoy. Love you all<3

Chapters (11)

Action, adventure, ponies and the joys of flight!
A hero is sent to Equestria knowing only that he will be needed to save them in some way, no clue as to what he'll find, and certainly not expecting to be turned into a... well he's a pony...
His powers, his spirit, and the friendship he gains there will be stretched to their limits as he finds that even in the most peaceful land there are those who seek to rule by any means.

Chapters (15)

Twilight Sparkle has always kept to herself. Isolated in her studies, she leaves the library only to spend time with family. Friends, she has none. No significant other. No pals, no work mates. In fact, no work to speak of, either. And so, it seemed natural to ask - who is this girl, really? And moreover, why am I so drawn to her?

[WARNING: Spoilers contain comments! Wait...no...]

Chapters (13)

Lucas is your normal average teenager. He goes to school, hangs out with friends, and lives a decent life. One day on his way to school, something happens that will change his life forever. He wakes up in a strange new land, only to find he is different than he remembers. Where is he? What to do now? And, most importantly, Who sent him here?

~This is my first story, EVER. So if you find anything wrong with the story, please let me know in the comments and I'll attempt to fix my stories in the future. Character tags will be added as the characters are introduced to the story. Thank you everypony, and enjoy!~

Chapters (7)

One year since the abrupt end of her previous tour, Trixie returns to Canterlot to begin her show anew. Despite the initial success it remains clear that she cannot forget about the mare that haunts her memories. Something which is desired and deeply examined by Princess Celestia, however the discoveries of Trixie's true feelings towards her student seek to open a path she had previously only dreamed of leading. A path she swiftly urges the willing unicorn along as she sends the showmare to Ponyville for her next stop in the tour.

Chapters (6)

(Sequel to Trial and Error. If you haven't read Trial and Error, read it at my page. There are some elements you'll only understand if you were to read the prequel.)

Nick is your average, every-day High-School Brony. One day, as he was walking to lunch, he was pulled magically into the magically amazing world of Equestria. Now, thanks to Fluttershy, he's trapped there, and needs to go home. Can he find his way back, or will he fall prey to his desire to stay in Equestria?

Chapters (17)

They all laughed at him. A unicorn, flying!? Oh, how ridiculous! But now he had proven them wrong. He had created wings that were more than temporary! But will this newfound excellence last? We shall see.

Chapters (20)

"This is a tale said around many a camp fire here in the Mojave. Some will tell you its a tall tale made up by drunken caravaners to past the time on the long and winding roads, but this is a true story. So come take a seat by the fire I have a fresh piece of mole rat in the pot if you care to indulge me with an audience... the story is of the strange pair..."

Thank you to frieD195 for editing and making it look pretty!
Will add tags as they come up.

Chapters (5)

It had been one year since Twilight Sparkle vanished in the battle against the evil unicorn Xander, and her friends were still trying to overcome the grief of losing her. On the anniversary of her presumed death, her friends gather at her memorial. What was suppose to be a day of remembrance was shattered by a strange metal object that landed right beside them. Their anger quickly turns to shock as a familiar unicorn emerges... and boy does she have a story to tell.

Rated Teen for violence, language, and sexual content. Rating and tags may change in future chapters.

This is not a Halo fic. It IS however loosely inspired by Halo as well as Star Wars, Mass Effect and several other sci-fi movies, books, and games.

Edited by Jack-Pony, HuskSummers, Coldwall, and sadron

Cover art by Sonic Rain

Chapters (59)

My name is Eric, Eric James Carlson if you want to be formal and this is my story of how I got sent to Equestria by the Eris, the greek God of Chaos because Discord presented her with a game but i find out that Equestria isn't the land of sunshine and puppy dogs that it is on the TV show. Now i have to figure out what I'm gonna do while I'm here and stuck in the middle of a three-sided war. Admittedly I took a few ideas from Rust and Blackwing's Chess Game of the Gods world in that outside of Equestria sucks, the gods who like to mess around with mortals and a few of the weapons used but it is a different universe. Picture isn't mine but it matches pretty well what is in my head. This is my first fanfic and I know my grammer probably isn't the best but I'm not a professional writer so be gentle. Will add characters as they appear.

Chapters (7)