• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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Rosa Maledicta the Queen of Blood, resides in the far north. I have followed her since our times in Equestria. She taught me how to wield dark magic. She gave me the knowledge that I never had the chance to be given. She nurtured me to who I am today. I am forever in her debt.

Oh my Queen, how I look up to you. I am graced with your guidance, knowledge and presence. As one who has been formally taught by you, I will lay down my life and use any means to protect.

I am your pupil.

Chapters (2)

Omen had been living in Ponyville for a while, living off of the research grants from a few of the miscellanea that he had brought with him from his own home when he had been suddenly transported. At least until a petition began circulating the top of Canterlot that he was a dangerous madman. Until it gained traction he really didn't mind. He kept to himself, only bothering to descend from his rented room in the castle of friendship to do the weekly tests Twilight asked before returning to his own private reading and experiments.

At least, until it finally reached the courts with enough backing to at least get him evicted. With that going on he could hardly afford to ignore it anymore and donned his best suit. After all, if he wasn't wanted, why bother staying. He just had one little thing to do before he left, one last goodbye before he went to talk to the darlings at the Griffon Empire.

Chapters (1)

Ever wondered what it would feel like to be turned into a mind reading, future forseeing, body camouflaging, venom spitting, dragon with "unrestricted" enchanting powers? Well I have. All because it started with the books I bought online

Hi my name is Jonathan Rawls, at least it WAS my name before. But now you can call me Stargazer, your one and only NightWing/RainWing hybrid in Equestria. Apparently, one of the original characters that I created and buying books from a very suspicious website creates quite the synergy, also noting the fact that I somehow got transported to Equestria as well. And how did I get Animus magic anyway? It's not even part of my OC. I don't know if I coud manage that kind of power. Hopefully is not like in the books where it's a double edge sword. Hopefully. Now I just need to read all three manuals that I bought from that shifty website and somehow my memories are merging with one another Interesting.

My first story for the new year and first story ever. Been wanting to start a story for a long time but school is stopping me from doing it, so I decided to start my first story on the new year. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated and suggestions are also welcome. Enjoy the story. Amature story teller out.
PS. Profanity tag for minor cursing

[An MLP:FIM and Wings Of Fire Crossover]

Extra Note: This story's update schedule is incredibly random, but I promise, no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, this story would never die.

Posted on Featured:
8/13/19 8:14pm (short lived, but still counts)
10/11/19 12:12am
5/8/20 4:58am (short lived, but still counts)

Chapters (17)

Sisters being peaceable with horrors unspeakable.

(A collection of surreal and creepy little comedies about the Princesses. Collab with Pearple Prose).

As this is an anthology series, it will update periodically. The stories are largely unrelated, but within the same continuity.

Chinese translation by MLM.

Chapters (11)

Hallo! Sorry I'm late. But then, it seems... so are you, Rainbow Dash.

And so the late Rainbow Dash comes face to face with Death himself! And he's... surprisingly cordial, actually.

But when Rainbow ends up in his debt, there's only one way to get back to the life she knew: take up the role of the Grim Reaper herself while Death takes a little holiday. Will Dashie be able to stay quick among the dead? Will she be the most awesome reaper ever... or will Death have to cut his vacation - and Rainbow's life - tragically short?

(Apologies and honors to the late Sir Terry Pratchett.)
Editors: Reese, GenerousGhibli, E3gner
Illustrations: Greenfinger

Chapters (7)

Princess Celestia was going for an incognito stroll through the town in order to unwind from court, that was until she came across a small oddity of a shop called 'Cliff's Craft' on Elder Street.

So, she decided to pay Equestria's only resident human a visit.

[E] Means it has been professionally edited.

Mild violence, swearing and sexual themes.

Please note: In this story ponies (and others) are similar (anthropomorphic) to humans. Though ponies (for example) are generally shorter, have fur, magic, cutie/destiny marks, and the extra appendages like wings or horns.

Also shout outs to:
PurpleFloof for editting!
Dekaskittalz for proof reading!
Vongoalyken for the advice!

Chapters (10)

A large corporation in Manehattan hires you to fulfill the Diversity and Inclusion goals and reach the target numbers on the key metrics such as the absence of gender and racial bias. They specialize in customized spell solutions, distributed enchantment systems and cloud mana storage: three things that you, a human, didn't know even exist.

To their surprise, you are not entirely useless.

This is an RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) story. You were warned.

Huge thanks to Vayne Hellslinger and SirReal for helping me to make this stuff more readable.

Chapters (4)

Midnight Blossom has graduated and found herself with a job at Canterlot Castle under the Princesses themselves! But what happens when her dormant appetite becomes awakened by a particularly interesting job position?

Contains: Weight Gain, overeating, gluttony, subtle encouragement, SSBBW

A commission for The Wind King! Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (6)

It's a hard job, but somepony has to do it. Three brave fillies step up to fight crime and capture the notorious criminal, Anonymous.
(Set before they got their cutie marks.)

Chapters (1)

You may remember Moonlight from last time, but now it is time for another to show up...

Chapters (1)