• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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Ragar the Ageless has seen many things in his non-life. He has seen fields of cotton candy, the wails of the soon-to-be-dead chanting in chorus. Once he even saw a unicorn. Well, there are a lot of those in Equestria, so maybe that one was less noteworthy. But still, he's seen a lot. Now he wants others to see him in all his glorious evil. The only issue is he's not so good at it.

** EDIT **

Well crap, featured with every chapter. I feel all special and stuff. So let me give you all some love. You're all wonderful people, trees or whatever internet capable folks have been reading.

Dang, look at all those likes. I'm feeling the love. Thank all of you for enjoying my wonderful trip through insane necromancy.

Many Thanks to Locke_Jaw for his wonderful artwork that is my new cover.

Chapters (24)

Aurick was working on a teleportation circle when a friend distracts him, causing him to overcharge the spell. Once it activated, it teleported him much further than he wanted it to. Now he's stuck in Equestria with no monsters to kill and no evil to fight. He might as well start an enchanting business and make some money. Hopefully his life gets less stressful from here on out.

Constructive criticism is always wanted.

We got a Discord Server if you'd like to chat about the story and receive the occasional update. Join if you like.

Chapters (72)

Cyrus, a human who lost his life, find's himself in a new world, and soon falls in love with the sun itself...

This is being reuploaded from an archive sight after I'd been hacked. I don't remember what the original description was so...

Chapters (1)

Jinglemas 2018 For Aragon

This Hearth's Warming, Bonbon wants to finally introduce her parents to Lyra. And also to make a happy announcement.
Now with an extended ending!

Chapters (1)

NOTE! This story is having a reboot, I have lost inspiration for the world I was building in it and am having difficulty finding it, but I have found inspiration for a story that has a different world and plot from the same sources. sorry for being unable to continue this story.

I was at work one day, cleaning up to go home when I found this plushy of the dragon Saphira from the Inheritance Cycle on one to tables. Figuring it was child's and groaning as I knew that meant paperwork before leaving the toy in lost and found and going home. I had to just pick it up.

Now I'm a dragon, I'm in the Magical land of Equestria, and dealing with walking on four legs and being turned female. Surprisingly being female is easier than walking on four legs.

Disclaimer, Displaced story

Featured October 3rd, 4th, 2018 thank you.

Chapters (5)

After a human wakes up to find that he's changed species and gender, he/she ended up spending a decade as an adventurer and after gaining a reputation as a member of a well-known group of explorers traveling the world. They have decided upon their next destination... Equestria.

But what led this human turned Dragon to this point?

This is the story of Flare Blacksmith, dragoness, traveler, Explorer, and did we forget to mention that she has a strong resemblance to a certain baby dragon named Spike?

This story is heavily inspired by the longtime favorite of many, Ten Years Gone, by Some Other Guy.

This is a prequel to a upcoming rendition of ten years gone called Ten Years Redone

I fully admit that the initial concept is not mine, and that some chapters have similarities to the original. I would gladly contact the author of the original if not for the fact that he has completely disappeared, and hast not been on the site for quite some time.

Artwork is not mine, source is unknown, All credit goes to them and I would be more than happy to accept a more original variation.

(Mac349: Mythic Void: Boldish42: official editor's and proofreader's)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Dedicated Customer

It's just another day in Tekky's shop, and that means it's just another day for Leech to pester the poor potion maker. As Tekky prepares to close up for the day she tells Leech to head out, weary from cleaning up after the unicorn. Once Leech begrudgingly departs Tekky is left to wonder, just where does the black furred mare go when she's not around.

Tekky belongs to Mr.Tektite. You can find his stuff on Derpibooru!

Chapters (1)

Dragons are not hot! Or at least Twilight keeps telling herself. Seriously, what's wrong with a little meddling in transmogrification magic from time to time? It's not like there can be any... 'unexpected' side effects, right? Tried and tested, completely safe! That is, of course, if there's not somepony with a secret crush also involved.

Featured: 12/4/18

Edited by: Emtu
Cover art created by: xWhiteDreamsx

Chapters (11)

I remember that fateful hunting trip. It was just me, my rifle, and the prey. That was supposed to be it. Score a big buck and come home with the kill. That was not the case here as nothing could have prepared me for the outcomes of that day. As I was following a trail, I stumbled upon a cave of sorts. Curiosity got the better of me and I found the most beautiful crystal I had ever seen. And like a moth to candle flame, I touched it. And man, as soon as I laid finger on that stone, everything changed. As cliche as that sounds, it’s the truth. Stranded in the middle of no where, I am now the chosen light among the chaos in this new world. Armed with nothing but my rifle and my wits, a world of wonder and magic is up for the taking. Thus my new life and adventure begins. And before I go, know that I’m in this game till the end.

- Jack Cobalt

Note of 11/29/18. Made it briefly onto the Feature page. I am very happy for how long I earned said spot. Even though it was shortly lived. 😁

Chapters (7)

This world isn't as it once was. Humanity is no longer the dominant species on the planet. They now fear the Old World, knowing full well the destruction caused by their ancestors.
This is a world dominated by machines. Humanity simply lives in it.
Yet, even in such a world, some search for answers to questions better left unsaid.
Even in this, daily life is a struggle. A young mare and her human sister know this all too well.

Just a short idea that popped into my head. A Crossover with Horizon: Zero Dawn. Inspired by Tatsurou's PWNY-verse.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio. (Remastered)

Chapters (1)