• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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For many a millennia he has slumbered beneath the earth, his strength recovering from a conflict as old as the sands it was fought upon. For many a millennia he and his people withered away into legends, spoken of by the elderly to their young as nothing more than stories before bed. For many a millennia the world itself forgot about this being, hidden away within a cage of dirt and rock and time.

But now he has awoken to find himself lost in a world nearly unrecognisable, dominated by a species he'd not laid eyes upon for many, many years indeed.

Yet there still lived a select few who knew him personally. To them, he was an old yet dear friend, long believed to have been lost to the cataclysm that cost him his people and his kingdom. Despite all the time that had elapsed and despite all that had happened throughout the years, they still knew his name.

Cyrus Perennem, 'The King Without a Crown'.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Celestia is still a Spider and Chrysalis hasn't been Informed

Celestia is a spider. That is the one truth, the one irrefutable principle that rules over Equestria. Society, as it is known to modern ponykind, is built and shaped by this and this alone. No one, not a single pony or creature, dares challenge the notion that she who moves the Sun has eight legs, six eyes, two fangs, and is in fact a giant spider. For it is the truth, and everyone knows it.

Audio reading by Lotus Moon.
Russian translation by MLPMihail.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Happy Go Lucky Me

Tim, the Jester, Element of Fun. A harmless musician, who even got hit by the Elements to protect his friends.

Khorne, Blood God, Dark Follower And Element of Blood. He is powerful enough to withstand the Elements and survive, to fight the twin sisters at once, and to serve his master.

Only one thing stands in Khorne’s way. Tim, The Jester. As both release themselves upon a modern Equestria, conflict will reign. But who shall win? The Elements and Tim? Or, the power of the Dark Master Khorne follows?

Chapters (2)

Anon, somehow, was able to romantically court the princess of the sun herself, Celestia. During one quiet night at Canterlot castle, they decide for the first time to sleep together in the same bed, cuddling up to one another and saying sweet nothings into each other's ears.

There is also talk about themselves, the world around them, and the time they have spent with one another. It was a good night.

An RGRE story inspired by the thoughts I've been having lately, and a cute idea I had for this trending, alternative take on Equestria.

Pre-read by B_25.

Now edited by A Man Undercover.

Cover art by Cocoanon and Stradivarius. (Both of which can't be linked, cause of their explicit art).

Chapters (1)

Discord has been frozen in stone for another thousand years. Chrysalis was blasted away with a concentrated attack of love. Sombra exploded from the power of the Crystal Heart. Tirek, thought to have been put back in Tartarus.

Who could’ve known that they were simply pushed onto another dimension? Now working as teachers at a High School, influencing the next generation to be their army.

If only they weren’t all assigned to the same kids.

Chapters (22)

Crossover with Ranma 1/2
A project started by taking a pun and fanon meta just a little too far.

Ranma Saotome is deposited in Equestria at the whim of an excited child and with no way home is going to just have to make the best of it.

New Cover art, 2/15/19, commission by Cass

Chapters (4)

Song and magic are two parts of the same whole in Equestria. When Rose saw Anon, it was love at first sight, and as if to shake any doubt, she heard their song, the one they're meant to sing together. It was the happiest moment of her life.

Until she realized he couldn't hear it.

An RGRE story

Chapters (3)

You wake up in a land where magic is real and sapient ponies have built a civilisation. Being from a different universe, you have no understanding of their language or laws, but you're happy to have found yourself in the friendliest town there is. Good luck building a new life as their favourite... monkey thing.

Chapters (53)

Six, a young man from Canterlot, learns to cope with his special talent, and even makes some friends along the way. May contain some images not safe for everyone and some rather dark themes.

[This seems out of left field from my other work, but I got inspired and thought I'd give it a try.]

Chapters (28)

Twilight scans Anon, only to find that he has no magical resistance. If a unicorn uses a charm spell on him, well... He eventually finds peace of mind in the ponies of Ponyville.
(No one is harmed in the course of this story)

{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)