• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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Luna has been the keeper of dreams well before her banishment, and after a thousand years of absence and unchecked nightmares, she makes a vow to herself to continue helping ponies to the best of her abilities.

But, unfortunately for her, somepony doesn't take kindly to dreams being so rudely rooted around in, changing this and that all willy nilly with no regard for anypony else's hard work.

This somepony thinks it's time that Princess Luna be brought in for a little chat.

featured 6/4/2019

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to 1000 Years

1000 years later after the events of 1000 Years, Null will be thrown into the deep end, seeing if he will sink or swim. How will he cope with his newfound freedom? Will it be what he hoped for? And most importantly, what will crack first? the eggshells he treads on, or he himself?

WOOOO. featured already from the first chapter with a couple hours! 5/9/19

Chapters (30)

When Discord gets turned into stone the second time around, the Tree of Harmony, now older and far more developed, takes the opportunity to reform him. Fortunately, a suitable individual was available for the job.

Warning: contains man-to-mare content, but not by design. To make a long explanation short, the warning will likely apply to both those who dislike and like that sort of thing. :twilightoops:

Chapters (6)

Hit the popular page: 5/5/19, 5/7/19. Yarr.

. . . . .

He's no good guy, but he's definitely not a villain. Captain Sprinkletits only does what he does simply because he hates his name. Yes, it's as simple as that.

Oh, I guess I sort of lied, he hates his mother for having given it to him in the first place. Now it's as simple as that.

Everything pirate that he's done is just to grind her gears. To Twilight's chagrin, she'd made it onto that short list.

. . . . .

Previous title(s): "The Unlikely Adventures of Captain Sprinkletits," "That's got to be the worst pirate I've ever seen"

A simple pirate story about a pirate who doesn't pirate like a pirate just to annoy his mother. It just works.

:twilightsmile: Enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (3)

A small group of friends wake up after a house party to find out that they have somehow landed up in a world unknown to them. Working together they use their limited knowledge, their wits and their surprising amount of luck to figure out a solution that could get them home, all while they try to survive the new rules, laws and physics of this land, as well as each other.

It also doesn't help that they're no longer human either. Just one more thing for them to complain about. Will this small team be able to pull through and complete their overall objective without being slowed down by the heroes and rulers of this strange world, or will they be trapped here forever?

24/12/2020: No way! This story got featured?! Holy cow, thanks a bunch everyone!

Chapters (17)

Twilight and Chrysalis have come a long way in their relationship over the years. As their wedding looms, Twilight is about to learn a terrible secret.

This update was viewable several weeks early for all patrons, so if you want to see more updates like this as well as get access to patreon only stories consider heading over there!

Chapters (3)

I found myself in Equestria with one gift, one that keeps giving in a way. I can make any deal I want for any price. The Deal itself grants it, we just need to agree. From reviving the parents of a foal for a few chocolate covered strawberries to granting a mad stallion eternal life in exchange for his wife and children (the family is fine BTW).

I can be the Devil looking for a soul to steal or an honest merchant who can make both our days. What do you want?

Chapters (4)

Today I did not wake up in a place I recognize. Not that I can remember how I got here. Where even is here? A castle of crystals in a magical world of pastel-colored talking horses. It's like a dream, only I'm also a wearied, mutant bug monster.

What in the world is a changeling? Oh, and what is that about a war we're apparently responsible for? This looks like it's shaping up to be a hell of a new day, at least, if I don't get squashed like a bug before it can even start.

Featured: 2/5/19

Edited and pre-read by: Emtu and Indigo_Celeste

Thanks to all the pre-readers that helped reorganize the first few chapters:
TheOneWithoutAName, TheClassyLeviathan and Mind Jack

Cover art by: KlaraPL

Chapters (14)

Luna takes her job very seriously. When she hears there's a human having difficulty sleeping, she decides to share a bed with him until he feels safe and happy again.

Chapters (1)

Ever since he grew his wings, Spike's nights have been plagued with night terror after night terror, each one getting progressively worse without any end in sight. Every night he is awoken and screams till he can scream no more. After burning both ends on the wrong candle, Twilight reaches out to Ember in hopes that she would come with a solution to the problem. Luckily for them, she does. Although it's a lot more unorthodox than any of them could initially imagine.

First off, yes, this is a vore story and it's that long-awaited request Supernova requested me for. After months of having no idea of how to write it, I finally was able to find a style of writing and stuck to it to the very end. This story is slightly inspired by Shane Koyczan's spoken word poem, "Turn On A Light". Definitely listen to it when you get the chance.

I rated this teen and didn't add the porn tag because it doesn't really have any sexual content in it. If that's a problem, I'll make any necessary changes.

Chapters (1)