• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


Owner, founder and CEO of Randomocity Enterprises(tm).

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Jimmy is desperate to escape from the curse he suffers. Trying to flee from it, he finds himself caught up in another problem.

Chapters (2)

Coverart by Vavacung

A collection of stories featuring Spike falling in love with mares and other creature that are not Rarity.

Love 1. Un-EGG-Spected Surprise = Gabby have a surprise for Spike, Twilight, and their family.

Love 2. A Smoldering Hearthwarming = Spike invite Smolder to celebrate Hearthwarming with his family.

Love 3. Punch Dragon's Love = Spike unintentionally foil Chrysalis's plan for revenge.

Love 4. A Flurry Birthday Surprise = Flurry Heart and Spike have to deal with an uninvited guest.

Chapters (4)

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? WRONG!
Ok, yeah second chance at life nice, not so nice; I now live with pastel colored ponies. yep, life is just great.
I might have been ok with this, but I wasn't for these reasons.
1: Everyone was a horse!
2: They only ate vegetables!
3: I got a mom, I mean I really didn't need a mom, especially a pastel pony mom!
4: Everyone thought I was sort of a freak! I'm the human, that's normal! They were talking horses with magic, that's messed up!
5: I went from an adult, to a frickin' kid!
But, hey, at least I'm alive right?

Rated Teen just to be safe and because there is mild swearing.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Sparkles and Scales

A collection of short stories based on Sparkle and Scales.

Twilight Sparkle may have achieved her dream of getting into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns (even after being turned into a dragon), and became the personal student of the Princess herself, but those are only the first steps on a much longer road.

Still ahead of her are her first days at her new school, trying to make new friends, understanding her changed biology, being a big sister, and discovering just what some ponies think of her new species.

She has a long way to go before she can rediscover the Elements of Harmony. These are just some of the events on the way.

Custom cover artwork by Queen Cold

This anthology gets new chapters somewhat irregularly. Check the 'Current Progress' section of my profile to see how things are progressing on future chapters.

If you like what I do, you can support me on my Pateron.

Chapters (4)

(Before any complaints, Yes I know Valstrax is not the most powerful Elder Dragon, but frankly, I find him to be the coolest, and we are each entitled to our opinions. Besides, there isnt much in the way of MH fan fics, so I thought I'd try something out.)

First things first, This is my private journal, that has been enchanted to let me know if anyone is getting into it. So unless I have given it to you or I'm dead, Expect a sonic boom followed by something red charging straight at you. Good? Cool.

So we have all heard of displacement. We have all read stories where we turn into our character from a game, or enter the world of it, or any number of combinations. Well I have to say this is a first, for me anyways, and no I'm sot talking about proving it's real or it happening to me in the first place.

No I'm talking about being turned into my favorite monster. You see, I play a lot of Monster hunter, and everyone has their favorite. Mine was Valstrax. The Rocket Powered Elder Dragon, as we fans call it. And that's not all, because of course not. Of course I'd be in a world called Equestria, where all fear me to be some creature made from a chaos god.

Well I shouldn't say all. Tia and Lulu seem to like me.

1/17/19: Featured.... WTF
5/10/19: Featured less than 20 minutes after posting. What the hell did I do to deserve you all.
8/13/19: You all are way too good to me. Featured again!

Chapters (8)

There exists in any given location either an inn or bar where the locals meet at the end of a long work day and trade drinks and stories. By the ancient laws of happenstance, the same must be true for areas where the permanent population is exactly one. Now, most would assume it would default to those creatures preferred drinking area in their own house. These people have never been to the only truly lonely place in Equestria. On the border of the unending sea and the badlands there sits an Inn, with a strange bartender. If one comes seeking riches or fame, he will gladly kick you out, stating the only riches here are booze and misery. But if you come for a strong drink and an ear to listen to your problems, then you have found your home.

Rocking the featured box again. Can I get a hoorah? 2/12/19 for those curious.

Chapters (15)

You could find all sorts of bounties in the forests of Everfree. From rare plants to great treasures, they all lie in the heart of the accursed darkness. If one is lucky, they will find a great bounty hidden beneath the dark leaves and scratching bushes. If one is unlucky, they will find naught but death and pain in this home of the damned. And if one is particularly lucky, they may run across a lone fire, tended by a lone creature. If the individual is brave or stupid enough to approach, they may even get the chance to talk. Of course, this has never happened before, but who's to say it won't? After all, impossible things happen every day.

Chapters (9)

Coming across an artifact while exploring a forest cave, a young teen gets whisked off to a strange new land. unfortunately for him, this artifact did more than just transport him, landing him immediately in the world powers proverbial blade tip. Trapped in stone, this is how he spends his time.

Yo! I'm not dead! I'm not done with Amnesiacs tale, just taking a bit more of a break from it. I had this idea floating in my head and i had to catch it. this story will be a lot shorted than I intend Amnesiacs tale to be so I should be back to it soon!

Featured on 11/26/2018! never thought it would happen, but here we are. thank you all.
Featured again on 12/7/18!
Featured yet again on 12/17/18!
Featured once again on 1/26/19!
Featured once more on 3/3/19!
Featured again on 3/25/19
1k views! Heck yeah!

Chapters (12)

Discord had done it. He had turned Ponyville into the Chaos Capitol of the World, the Mane Six were torn apart, and he was above it all. But then, that accursed letter was brought to Twilight, and all his hard work was unravelling by the second. Before he was turned to stone again, however, he noted that there was one crucial thing in his plan.

He was dying.

That's right, he was dying. The Princesses knew they turned him to stone, but they didn't know that the nature of the Elements would poison a being of pure chaos. Well, before he had to pass on, the dying spirit transferred his essence and power to a host that was compatible with the magic of the Elements and Equestria's harmonic nature, and the host he chose, was none other than Twilight Sparkle herself.

Thankfully, Twilight is still herself (mostly), but can everyone cope with the new spirit of chaos being none other than the Element of Magic herself? And how would Twilight react to this?

This story got featured. Formerly on haitus for editing and for the idea train.

Chapters (2)

It all started on a normal day on a normal schedule. I was your ordinary man, and I bought this weird book from a merchant, brang it back home and opened it, and it sucked me out of Earth and into this place inhabited by mutant horses called 'Equestria'.

Oh, and didn't I forget to mention I'm Dry Bowser now? You know, Bowser's skeletal counterpart that slowly became his own character? That guy. The book was about displacement, and I am most definitely one of those things.

Hope the walking, talking, dragon-turtle skeleton won't scare anyone? Oh wait, it will.

Chapters (4)