• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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This story is a sequel to Escape From Klugetown

Darth Vader and Tempest Shadow continue their hunt for Princess Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Main Six after their lucky escape from Klugetown. Their search lead them to the airship of the Ornithian pirate, Captain Celaeno, and her crew.

A very special thanks to EJLightning007arts for making the first story art image for this story, and to LoneUnicornWriter for recently proofreading it.

This Star Wars/MLP crossover is set during the MLP movie, as a "What If Darth Vader was in My Little Pony: The Movie". After success of "I Will Not Fail", people requested sequels, so I plan to make 5 sequels. This is the 3rd of the 5.

Chapters (1)

Y’know, I try to be open-minded, but I still never thought I’d wind up taking a trickster god’s place in a world of candy-colored horses. My name’s Chance, and I’m in way over my head.

What? Suppose I should back up a little. I'm just your average guy. I try to be nice to folks, when I'm near them, but mostly I just like to be alone with my stories. In hindsight, I should have been more suspicious about the old man in the bookstore, but no point crying over it now. I'll admit, this is exciting! A whole new world of magic and whimsy to explore? Count me in!

...It's a shame though. It's not quite as nice as I expected...


Part of Rust and Blackwing's Chessgame of the Gods.

Chapters (5)

Fluttershy had read every book there was on motherhood. She read every pamphlet and brochure she could get her hooves on. She was ready... or so she thought.

Neither she nor Spike could have ever prepared for the curveball life decided to throw them and they looked everywhere for help in figuring out what to do.

But maybe they already had everything they needed all along?

Edited by Curify
Preread by Alex_

Cover art by SaphyJay

Chapters (1)

Silence. That was the one word that could describe the birth of the universe.
It started as quiet and low Hum. A hum that has forever been designated as the background radiation of the universe. But it is so much more than that.
As Ezarus will soon learn.

I started this tale a while back, originally as a little project to get my creative juices flowing again.
between working on music and college I'll be updating this as of when I feel I have the idea in my reach again.

Chapters (1)

Just because I had gone to bed, in the privacy of my own home, doesn’t mean I will wake up there.

While I did not know to accuse the Draconequus named Discord, but it is he who placed me where I had woken up.

While the bed initially looks fairly normal, but I had been changed beyond reason.  Why had he picked me for this joke? Why do I have to walk on hooves? What other sinister changes had he imposed upon me?

Chapters (1)

Jacob was having a regular day, he was excited about the day though since there was a new episode of Mlp about to come on, but before he could sit down there was a knock on the door.

When he answered it he found a woman with red hair standing there, she asked if he was a fan of mlp, he was weirded out about the sudden question and denied, he also found it embarrassing to tell anyone that he liked the show due to the fear of being ridiculed.

The woman smiled and told him to have fun with the rest of his day before she left, still weirded out he closed the door and went back to watch the new episode, he unpaused the TV and the episode began playing, that was when he blacked out.

When he woke up he realized he wasn't in his house anymore, nor his body, now he has to deal with no one believing a word he says.

I wanted to do a story relating to the newest episode of Mlp: The Mean Six

Chapters (2)

When Ponyville is under Siege from a goblin incursion from the Everfree Forest Twilight Sparkle is forced to go to a mercenary for help. With only a handful of soldiers under her capable captain's command, can this mysterious stranger help turn the tide before all is lost?

Cover Art Credit: BlueHadron from danddwiki

Chapters (7)

North of the Crystal Empire, Chrysalis is a queen without subjects. Starved of love and affection, all hope seems lost until she finds shelter in something that can only be described as ‘alien’.

***Updated: 5-29-2019***

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Love Conquers All

Anon has surrendered to Cadance because of loneliness. Now it is her duty to reform him, but sadly, she has no idea how. She asks her fellow alicorns for advice. Things go haywire pretty fast.


Story is fully written. Chapters will be released when edited by JBL

Chapters (6)

Cadance thought it would be a normal quiet day, that is until Anon, the most evil villain Equestria has ever seen, stumbles in her throne room.


Now with a sequel: The After Days

Chapters (1)