• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


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This story is a sequel to Celestia is a Spider and That's pretty much It

One day, Celestia had woken up as a spider. A rather curious event, but one the Princess had approached with a surprisingly calm attitude. She'd decided to take no further action than that of informing her subjects of the fact that she'd changed, and to simply continue her life.

In a rather unfortunate turn of events, the Changeling Queen herself, seeing as she was not considered to be one of Equestria's citizens, had not been informed of the occurrence. This led to a rather awkward situation when she met Celestia for the first time after the transformation. Celestia found that encounter to be quite entertaining. Chrysalis didn't.

Audio reading by Lotus Moon.
Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.
Russian translation by MLPMihail.

Chapters (1)

On one morning, without explanation, Princess Celestia woke up as a giant spider. Her guards, her sister, her once student Twilight and the rest of her ponies and other creatures of Equestria were rather shocked at the fact that such a transformation had taken place in her.

She didn't seem to mind it.

Audio reading by Lotus Moon.
Polish translation by Dolar84.
Russian translation by MLPMihail.

Chapters (1)

Now that I was living in Equestria, it was time to finally buy a new house. I’d settled on the charming little town of Haywards Heath, and found myself a decent house that just needed some work to spruce it up.

Or so I thought.

I might have gotten more than I bargained for.

Chapters (52)

All Marcus had to do was stay with the group during the field trip. Follow the group through the museum, listen to the guide, and DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING! Too bad he isn't one for following rules and immediately grabs the handle of a mystical hammer on display. As a result he is now stranded on an unknown world with the powers of Thor, the God of Thunder.

Oh....and 'accidentally' kidnaps a pony princess. Yeah this isn't his day.

At least the hammer keeps him company....sometimes.


Edited by RockstarRacoon

The second installment of The Hybrid Multiverse. Reading previous installments is not required.

This is a displaced story
Featured 10/29/2018
Mjolnir is based off both the Marvel and Norse Mythology versions of Thor. There will be no foalcon! Flurry Heart is nineteen in this story.

Chapters (14)

Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape.

After one-thousand years of being bound in the celestial body, Nightmare Moon is free! Right alongside the poor sap that got bound with her.

Thrust into an unfamiliar world, with scars and memories that are now drastically out of place, this is the story of the former guard captain, Magic Barrier.

Do the words above sound familiar? If they do, then you've probably read my other story, A Pony Displaced. This tale isn't a sequel. It isn't a rewrite, though you might consider it a re-imagining of sorts. It is a tale of progression, one that I hope will show my development as a writer in both skill and quality. But more importantly, it is a story that offers exploration into one simple question. What if Magic Barrier had trotted down another path?

As always, thanks go out to everyone who helped me get to this point. In particular, thank you to Alticron, for editing, proofreading, co-writing, being my idea-wall, and arguably the single biggest reason this story saw the light the day, and thank you to Word Worthy, formerly Izanagi, who also edited, proofread, and threw ideas around with us. It wouldn't be possible without these two. In addition to those two I'd like to thank the newest member of the group Omnicron25 for his efforts in proofing/editing as well. Damn glad to have you on board mate.

Additional thanks to Wing for keeping me company late nights and for being a wordsmith when I needed one.

Chapters (54)

Anon's immune system wasn't prepared for the various maladies found in Equestria and nearly perishes. He eventually gets to choose how to move forward while a way home is found, although nothing's ideal.

...Then things go awry.

I commissioned the cover art from Seven Serenity.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Together Again

Medici, a nation ruled with fear by an oppressive government, stuck in a civil war against rebels. The military is doing anything to crush the rebellion. Yet, a private has to decide which side he is really on to protect a lost colt.

Chapters (12)

All I want is a place where I fit in. Where people are happy to see me and I'll always have a part to play. Is that so much to ask? HiE, Ponified, powerless alicorn

Chapters (37)

The planet of Chikyu is pretty odd, from an outsider perspective. There are anthromorphic sapients of every stripe and sort, the world president is a dog, its greatest warriors are alien monkeys, the average IQ (outside genius scientists or children) is somewhere below 50, and magic orbs raise the dead. How much difference would adding a pony that barely talks really make?
...quite a lot, apparently. Just ask Mr. Popo...if you dare.
Dragon Ball Z Abridged crossover
Edit: Cover art by CaioCoia.
On DA: https://www.deviantart.com/caiocoia

Chapters (11)

For most ponies the day they get their cutie mark is the day everything changes. That was especially true for Twilight Sparkle, as the day she got her cutie mark was also the day Princess Celestia took her on as a student, she gained a new little brother and started on the road to her future.

It was also the day she became a dragon.

Custom cover artwork by Elza Fox
Editing and so much more by Klamnei

Chapters (1)