• Member Since 16th Oct, 2012


Owner, founder and CEO of Randomocity Enterprises(tm).

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A young colt is rumored to be running around the Everfree forest. The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to investigate. Who is this colt? Where did he come? Why does he flip a coin to solve all his problems?

But most importantly, why does he have two horns, and what effect on Equestria will this have?


(RGRE story)
(tags added as the story progresses)

Chapters (2)

Six months ago, Melody had a one night stand and the impossible happened.

As her new husband gets ready for bed, she takes some time to think about how much her life had changed in that time.

Chapters (1)

My name is Lottie.

When my Grandpa died, I never expected any more really drastic changes in my life. Maybe I would've been more prepared.

Clues and whispers aren't going to be enough on their own. Sometimes you just have to get your hands dirty, set things in motion yourself, no matter how weird they get.

And boy, do things get weird.

And on a completely unrelated note, word on the street in Ponyville is that there's something in the woods.

Takes place between seasons 3 and 4. I starting writing this a long time ago.

fanart by Apex-Jerico (spoilers for Ch. 3)

Featured: 01/01/19 (thanks)

Spoilers in the comments, you've been warned

Chapters (31)

It is Discord’s reign of chaos and disharmony. Everypony is living just fine, having peace and plenty of food, yet they are still sad! And, try as he might, Discord just cannot seem to figure out a way to solve this conondrum.

But, a few days ago, a man fell into the world. Exploring around this place with plenty for all, and no death except from age.

Discord has seen him traveling. He plans to make an offer.

Chapters (7)

When Beauty Eyes the new Lamia queen is born her subjects are overjoyed. Soon after she turns ten she goes on an adventure to take back what should have belonged to her and her subject long ago... Equestria

Chapters (9)

Joshua's day gets turned upside down on what should be a regular day, one moment he was walking through his town on a stormy day, and the next he's waking up in a strange world full of friendship and colorful magic talking ponies.

Things only get worse from there when he finds he's not even in his own body anymore, instead he finds himself in the body of a female chimera, and two people who he knows far to well sharing his new body.

This day was was giving him a really bad migraine.

Chapters (2)

Popo in Equestia. He teaches Celestia and Luna about the pecking order. This won't end well for them.

(A story just for fun. Twilight is a unicorn. I'll let you figure out why. Takes place in the 3rd season, before Magical Mystery Cure.)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Danger in the Sky

Darth Vader meets up with Tempest Shadow after she had succeeded in capturing Princess Twilight Sparkle. During their journey back to the captured Equestrian capital of Canterlot, Twilight learns more about the Sith lords past, and his greatest desire.

A very special thanks to EJLightning007arts for making the first story art image for this story, and to LoneUnicornWriter for recently proofreading it.

This Star Wars/MLP crossover is set during the MLP movie, as a "What If Darth Vader was in My Little Pony: The Movie". After success of "I Will Not Fail", people requested sequels, so I plan to make 5 sequels. This is the 4th of the 5.

Chapters (1)

My name is Elliot I was left alone at a Fantasy Con where I found a stranger with a guidebook, now I'm stuck in Equestria as Elora from Avalar helping a small purple dragon find his destiny.

Why does that sound so familiar?

Spyro Crossover. TG/TF/Displaced Fic. Single Displaced Character Story status, might change in the future.

Made Popular On 7/29/18

Chapters (5)

Even now, weeks later, Twilight was still unable to properly explain what possessed her into taking that first bite.

She double, triple, and quadruple checked the spell, and it went off perfectly. Well, as perfectly as a full-body transformation into a dragon could go.

She just didn't expect gemstones to be so tasty...

Featured on 7/28/2018! Thanks a bunch everypony!!!!

Now with an audio reading by the talented Skijarama (AKA Tone Shift). Thanks a bunch!

Chapters (1)