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Fluttershy, reborn as a denizen of the dark and desperate for a drink, goes on the prowl in the dead of night. What ensues is less horrifying and more hilarious.

A silly little idea I came up with when discussing this episode with some friends. Sex tag is for risqué jokes and situations. There is blood, but I don't think there's enough to warrant a Gore tag. Hope this gets some laughs!

Featured on the front page from January 10th to 12th, 2014!

Chapters (1)

Winner of Tchernobog's AppleDashLight Contest.

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash could never have been said to be ordinary ponies. So it really shouldn't be all too surprising that they've managed to lead unconventional love lives as well. Love lives that they might have neglected to tell their friends about.

But they’re not worried; the magic of friendship has taught them well, and they are confident the bonds they've formed with their fellow ponies will result in nothing but heartfelt congratulations and acceptance when they make their relationship official.

They are stupidly, stupidly mistaken.

Cover art by the magnificent Conicer.

Edit: Was featured from 4/6/2014 to 4/9/2014. Thank you to everyone who read, commented, or supplied feedback.

Chapters (1)

After Scootaloo finds out she likes fillies instead of colts she thinks she is a freak. Everyone is out to prove her otherwise though...

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to An Apple for Ya Trouble

Following where An Apple for Ya Trouble left off, a collision and an awkward meeting can prove to be a lot to handle for little Scootaloo!

She just can't seem to get that pretty girl out of her head! What's going on with her?

Just a little side note: All of the "foals" are a tiny bit aged up. More like 8th grade/freshman in high school versus elementary kids. :twilightsmile:

The best team in the world;
My "big picture" guy: Sirius_Face
My smooth criminal/editor: scuba12
My main idea man: TheMusicalBoy93
My favorite cheerleader: rainbowwolfblitz

Disclaimer; Cover art is not mine

Chapters (1)

Two years ago, Rainbow Dash stole Lightning Dust's dream from her. While the Element Bearer went on to become a Wonderbolt, Lightning Dust faded into obscurity. She worked what jobs she could find, but, bitter and broken, she spent more of her evenings inside the bar than outside of it. For two years, her dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt were just that: dreams, shattered and empty.

Then one night, Rainbow Dash reentered Lightning's life. The conversation that followed would lead Lightning on a second chance to achieve her dreams. But she never could have imagined what else she'd find along the way.

Editing and Prereading provided by Hap and SolidFire
Cover art by 8BitAmy
Honorable Mention in Jake the Army Guy's Horseword Extravaganza

Chapters (5)

Golden Harvest is not jealous. Sure, her neighbor Applejack has a life of adventure and glamor, friends who are national heroes and princesses, an appallingly lucrative share in the local fruit market, and firm, toned flanks. And sure, by contrast, Golden Harvest has been stuck with her snout in the same old muddy patch of carrots pretty much every day since she earned her cutie mark, her best friend is a dentist, and her idea for a 'Carrot Juice Season' never really gained much ground for some reason. But Golden Harvest is not jealous.

Not jealous at all.

She just wishes Applejack would stop being so distracting.


Pre-read by Midnight Herald and Communist Bob (no link).

Chapters (8)

When Twilight Sparkle accidentally casts a spell on Applejack that forces her to voice all of her thoughts, Applejack realizes that she is in danger of revealing her feelings for Rainbow Dash to the entire world. At least Rainbow Dash isn't around to hear her.


Cover art by the amazing and talented Multiversecruise!!! Love this dude!!!
Entry for the Appledash contest.

Featured on August 24, 2017!

Chapters (1)

After completing yet another marvellous masterpiece of fashion, Rarity faintly feels like she's ready to tell the pony that inspired her new dress exactly how she feels. She has only one problem. Though her feelings for a certainty orange earth pony may be genuine, she has no idea whether her close friend will feel the same way, especially after a certain training event involving unicorns to which Rarity was not invited. In the end however, she may simply have to accept that she's all out of luck.

Edited by: Infinite Affection, Flutterstrucked, lunargaurd4ever and LoneUnicornWriter.

Chapters (1)

Rarity explains to Sweetie Belle what the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw when they walked in on her and Applejack.

It was totally innocent. Really!

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

Rarity just had a perfect date with a perfect colt! But something isn’t right.
She goes to her old childhood journal for inspiration. As she reads she notices a trend.
Hmm, she sure did write about Applejack a lot…

Chapters (1)