• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

Medium Priority Read Later 5205 stories
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Total Words: 157,828,865
Estimated Reading: 62 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Every town has its secrets, and Ponyville is no different. There are tales of a mysterious Party Pony, one who sneaks into houses and leaves cake for ponies’ birthdays. 

But nopony knows the truth.

She’s real. 

And she’s a lot friendlier than even the rumors say.

Written for the Choices contest.

Chapters (10)

Twilight and her friends weren't going to stay young mares all their lives. As time passes by, they go on with their lives. They get into relationships, get married, have foals, develop their careers, have crises, and yes, they also die. Only Twilight, an Alicorn, will not die of a natural death. What will the mane 6 do with their lives?

Warning: Really sad, definitely not for the soft-hearted. No gore or sex, but adult themes and language.

I'm now making an audio version of the fanfic. I have voice actors for the narrator and Fluttershy. If you want to participate, send me a PM.

Chapters (5)

Over the countless years, ponies have become almost monotonous to Princess Celestia. Then along comes Anon, so strange and laid back, and he treats her like anypony else. She'd forgotten what that felt like, and finds she quite enjoys it. They have a very enjoyable evening together as their friendship blossoms.

This story made for the artist Enonnnymous in response to the drawing in the cover.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is dead, and Celestia needs to go calm down her friends. This proves to be an easier task than expected.

An entry for the 1000 Words Contest. It's also my first pony story, so please be nice!

Edit 7/21/23: This made the feature list??? As a first story? I’m overwhelmed by the support, thank everyone so much!

Chapters (1)

You and Twilight have been best friends for the longest time. It was surprising, considering that a literal Princess would ever consider you, the social outcast that you are, a friend. But for that, you were grateful. And you have never been happier than when you were with her, and vice versa.

One afternoon, Twilight approaches you looking all nervous and flustered. Naturally, as her best friend, you want to help in any way you can.

Featured on 7/25/2023 - 7/26/2023!

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle has walked the wastelands for a very long time, but now, at last, he has reached the end of his journey. He only hopes now that the gods will listen to his prayers, and finally allow him a good place to die.

(Please read the story before commenting on the description)

Chapters (1)

The world spins, years pass, and everything comes to an end. Except Celestia. She sits on the shore of the last ocean, watching and waiting for her own chance at death. Because everything comes to an end if you wait long enough, and Celestia is patient indeed.

Chapters (1)

The depths of Luna's loneliness drive her to create a creature that never should have been. But the nature of her companion, and the dark methods used to create it, may lead Celestia to commit an unforgivable deed of her own...

Written for World-Building Alliance's January Writing Contest. Credit, as always, to NorsePony, for his wonderful editing work.

Chapters (1)

For some reason, Twilight and Rainbow Dash's friends think they're dating even if they show absolutely no signs of doing so! They were just really close friends...

Chapters (1)

When we become so attached to the masks we wear, who are we when we take them off?

Covert art by Sea-Maas

Now with an audio-reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Another audio-reading by Oakheart (lonedemongirl)!

Chapters (1)