• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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Silver Spoon thought everypony had become friends. They all like Diamond Tiara now, so why not her?

An entry in A Thousand Words Contest II
Reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

A unique creature appears out of the darkness, only wishing to share the embrace that is love. Motherly instincts guiding, she finds a lonely alicorn in need of magic in her life.

Though even during the best of intentions, we may still end up...

Creating Our Own Demons.

Lovely Art By JadedJynx

Chapters (2)

Twilight has had nightmares in the past. It's not something she isn't familiar with, and she's even done quite a bit of research on the topic. And she knows better than almost anypony else what a nightmare can and can't be, and how it can or can't hurt her. Still, sometimes, some dreams do feel different. The cold feels just a little more real on her skin than usual, the images a little more vivid. But it's just a dream, right?

Written for The Barcast's Halloween in April Horror Contest.

Chapters (1)

You wouldn’t expect a small town to be the site of a terrible accident. But here we are.

Ponies think they know magic. So when two travelers run into Rocky Point in the middle of the night, scared out of their minds by something magic apparently can’t explain, the town needs answers. Enter Trench Digger, a government agent from Manehattan tasked with investigating the situation. She’ll get to the bottom of things and unravel the mystery of just what happened on that night.

Not that she’ll share her findings with the town, mind.

Inspired by Control.

Chapters (1)

The Everfree Forest is far from the first place you'd consider while deciding on where to go camping. Still, there are some who seek out the thrill of spending the night in a dangerous place like it, and others who simply happen to get dragged along. But there are reasons to avoid the forest, reasons the citizens of Ponyville might not tell you about.

Written for The Barcast's Halloween in April Horror Contest.

Audio reading by MatfixBrony.
Audio reading by Amethyst_Reads.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle thought to abuse harness the power of the crystal mirror to give her friends their ultimate vacations. She did expect them to bring souvenirs; she decidedly did not expect Fluttershy to bring back... friends? Pets? Eldritch abominations?

Events in Ponyville are about to get adorably, hideously, confusing.

This story is a gift to an altogether nice person whom I greatly appreciate. There is no plan, no outline and no ending set. As such, it will probably be eternally incomplete. Suggestions are welcome.

Chapters (8)

A long time ago, a saddened mare found Time Turner tinkering in his lab late one stormy night. After offering the stallion more bits than he knew what to do with, he created Sweetie-bot. All seemed fine, until the robot started doing things he didn't program it to do.

And then it started getting taller.

And healing on it's own.

This is going to get complicated, isn't it?

A story by me! Sweetie-bot belongs to the Friendship is Witchcraft series.

I made the cover art using Blender, and then drew Sweetie quite poorly in my notebook, then traced over her using Paint dot net.

Chapters (1)

Today just seemed like any other day on Sweet Apple Acre for Applejack. She tilled the fields, fed the farm animals, fixed broken pieces of the barn but then, she saw something she'll never forget.

Just on the edge of the Everfree Forest, there was a bloodied and bruised filly on the verge of death. Applejack's world would soon be changed forever after she decided to foster this young and very unique foal, who's current condition suggest a terrible background. A background that is catching up to them.

Now, this filly will have to learn to move on from her old life, make new friends and find her special talent. A difficult task made even harder by the monsters of her past, lingering in her mind like ghosts. They'll come back for her, and they'll burn everything down to achieve...


Also, the cover art was revamped. I felt like the old one had too much dead space, so I figured something out! Let's see if you can guess who's on the cover art now!

Chapters (51)

Takes place in an alternate universe where Celestia and Luna used the Elements of Harmony to slay King Sombra.

Celestia and Luna are no more. The sun and moon have collided, and the heavens torn asunder in the aftermath of their final battle. The Elements of Harmony are missing, presumed forever lost. The fiends of Tartarus are on a rampage, and no one can stop them. And to make things perfect, the ruler of the nation of Boardor has decided to invade.
Desperate, Clover the Clever's last living student gathers together 108 virgin mares, in order to perform a ritual that will revive King Sombra. They succeed... kinda.
A human, in King Sombra's body, suddenly finds himself in an Equestria in a downward spiral with a bunch of technicolor ponies begging him to save them. Convinced that he's either dreaming, stoned, or insane, he tries to go along with it as best he can, although the voice in his head, a very angry voice with a hunger for conquest, crystals, slavery, and stairs, isn't doing much to instill confidence in his own sanity...

New Cover Art By Shadow Bolt!

Chapters (31)

The prospect of meeting an alien has always fascinated Rainbow Dash. With countless worlds out there beyond the stars, who is to say that extraterrestrial life doesn't exist? What would they be like? Would they be just like her, but with a gross third eye? Would they be sturdy enough to beat her in a fight, or quick enough to beat her in a race? Would they be malevolent and try to conquer Equestria with their DEADLY SPACE LASERS?

Yeah, you're none of those things. She's a bit disappointed.

Chapters (1)