• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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If there's one thing the denizens of Equestria have always needed, it's to have somewhere to relax and knock back a few drinks. The tales that follow chronicle Haggis, a surly ex-adventurer, and her plucky human assistant, as they attempt to live their lives and please customers of all varieties.

Artwork by AnonTheAnon (Twitter @RealAnonTheAnon)

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (9)

If you were to get sent to another world, you would probably hope that you'd wind up in a place like Equestria. Unfortunately, things don't always work out like that, and you instead woke up in the incredibly dangerous Dragon Lands. When the climate, wildlife, or countless pools of lava aren't trying to kill you, the local dragon population is.

Thankfully, Dragon Lord Ember has been personally seeing to it that nothing happens to her country's newest resident. Keeping you safe isn't easy, but she considers it well worth it.

And you'll do all that you can to support her.

Chapters (1)

This story is a prequel to What does it mean to be?

Twilight Sparkle has a problem.
And she needs to fix it.

Chapters (1)

Applejack experiences one of the most uncomfortable meals of her life. And it's not because Big Mac is putting salt on his pancakes, surprisingly.

This is an entry for the Thousand Words Contest. Stop laughing. This is serious.

Chapters (1)

It had been a very nice day. Ponies worked, played and laughed. Wherever you looked all was well. The young pony, recently given the title of 'Princess' was just sitting out enjoying what life had to offer. Then everything changed, and it did so with a cube...

Lost in a plane completely foreign to her, Twilight Sparkle must use her skills as a leader to guide a whole town to safety. Now is the time the young Alicorn must prove her worth as a leader. Over a thousand ponies are lost to an unforgiving, eternally unchanging world. Can she save them all?

Chapters (32)
by awf

This story is a sequel to Getting Shy

Rosa was training to be an 'Assistant Pony' - a coveted position within the mixed pony and human society on Earth - when an unusual job turns her life upside down. She will get to see the other aspects of life, meet new, fascinating people, and even embark on an adventure to find a missing friend.

Through her journey, she will discover a lot about why things are as they are, why her people are second class citizens, and what had happened to their mythical home, Equestria.

This is a sequel to 'Getting Shy', but in the loosest of terms, so reading that one is not really required to start this story. At best it's happening in the same universe.

Tagged 'Sex' and rated 'Teen' because there are some vague descriptions of "off camera" lewd acts, and some potentially racy (but non-explicit) situations.

Chapters (87)

In the Year 996 of the Reign of Celestia. Thirteen Equestrian ponies volunteer for service in the International Brigade. Fighting in the far of land of Espanya, as civil war rips their nation apart. The International Brigade fights the good fight, to prevent the destruction of these strangers way of life, as helping others is simply the Equestrian way.

Only three return.

Nurse Redheart, one of the Thirteen Equestrian Volunteers, now struggles to cope with her life as it happens. Struggling with the memory of those long and terrible five years of her life.

Chapters (4)

I like to think of the Company as an island of order and sanity in a sea of chaos, selfishness and irrationality. My fellow soldiers tell me I'm a damn foal, and an idealist, and I white-wash the mercenaries of the Black Company in ways that doesn't serve either the Company or them. But I've been given the role of Annalist, in the absence of anyone better-suited and properly lettered, so until they take the Annals away from me, I'm going to write them as I see fit. The Company has been my home since it forcefully recruited me from my unending apprenticeship, and I've seen more interesting medicine in the years since then than a hundred apothecaries, a dozen chirurgeons, or three other doctors with, pfft, "degrees". Most of it screaming for its mama and bleeding out on my surgery table.

They call me Sawbones, and this is the story of the last of the Black Companies.

Chapters (229)

The long trial was over, and Twilight - no, Dusk Shine's finally out from under that terrible shadow. Poor little Skyla and her auntie could move on with their life. Skyla's murderous grandfather was behind bars, and Dashville was simply beautiful in the fall!

And all Dusk Shine needed to do was stay out of the public eye, and never catch the eye of 'King' Sombra's secretive confederates. And make sure that she stayed in the local deputy marshals' good graces.

How much trouble could a slightly witchy woman and her orphaned niece get up to in a quiet Applelachian town like Dashville, anyways? Even if they were hiding in witness protection from their incarcerated drug-cult kingpin of a patriarch.

Chapters (15)

What is colder than the stone of a statue? Discord knows, and he cannot tell a soul.

All he can do is remember, alone, what it was like to love and envy.

A reading of this story by StraightToThePointStudios is available! The title is derived from this song. Please blame ChappedPenguinLips, Soaring, and FamousLastWords for the source of the inspiration. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)