• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014


Professional Nightmare Cultist.

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Total Words: 34,006,975
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know what that reason really is. After some untold period of time, Cozy Glow awakens and finds herself freed from her imprisonment. Unsure of where she is, how long she's been gone, or how she escaped, there's one question that haunts her and demands an answer - why was she released...

Artwork by Rhorse

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (15)

This is the world of probability, kid. This is the world of chances, percentages, the luck of the draw. Name’s Card Counter - though, folks call me the Rat. Don’t mind ‘em.

Let’s see what’cha got.

First place in the Quills & Sofas Speedwriting Hot off the Press contest - the prompt was "Roll the Dice".

Thanks to Silent Whisper, Vis-A-Viscera, and Shaslan for editing! Pre-read before publishing by some of my inspirations, supporters, and true, true friends on the Q&SS team: The Legendary Bill Cipher, Snow Quill, Nailah, RubyDubious, HapHazred, KrazyTheFox, and Speccer.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Frenemies... With Benefits

At the conclusion of the Battle of the Bell, the three villains were incapacitated by a giant cupcake. But when the cupcake was poofed away, the trio of doom were nowhere to be found. For over a year, Equestria has stood sentry against their inevitable attempt at revenge.

Now two retired monarchs are about to discover that somehow, against all odds, the greatest threats in Equestria's history may have found the impossible; a happy ending.


The conclusion of the Frenemies Trilogy, with cover art borrowed from raritylover152.

Chapters (2)

We, the ponies of New Canterlot, do hereby dissolve the position of Monarch of Equestria, stripping it of all rights and privileges, effective immediately.

Second place in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Event 100 contest. The prompt was "A Worthy End."

Cover art by the delightful Snow Quill.

Chapters (1)

Trapped in a prison of black crystal, Twilight orders Spike to deliver the crystal heart to Princess Cadence so they can save The Crystal Empire from King Sombra's return.

In truth, Spike valiantly did this. But what if he didn't? What if everyone's favorite baby dragon decided to do something that was totally selfish and comically tragic?

All of the credit for this story idea goes to Garbo802: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Garbo802. Thank you for letting me write this, I hope it isn't a let-down :)

Cover image is by yassui on DA: http://yassui.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

It was dark. Somewhere, beyond the cave, beyond her cage, it was raining. And the tide was coming in.

Content warning: implied past sexual abuse
Thank you to The Legendary Bill Cipher, Zontan, Lofty, Red Parade, Krazy, themoontonite, and Dioxin for their help with prereading and editing.

Written for a Quills and Sofa Speedwriting Group panic fiction contest, with the prompt "A martyr, a witness, and a cage". Feel free to join us on Discord here, we have a good time.

Chapters (1)

They say that reading it will send a pony to insanity. Twilight knows that's nonsense.
She knows a simple story can't make her go mad. It's perfectly safe.
Now if only she felt safe around Spike...

Winner of the Ponyfest 3.0 Iron Author Competition. This was originally written in 2 hours with the prompt: Include: Hippogriffian Culture, A Rare Fruit & An Artistic Pursuit. This version has received some editing.
Many thanks to wishcometrue for her editing and Syke for helping with the descriptions!

Chapters (1)

Herald was not much for friends back home, and is even more so in Equestria. It seems no one wants to talk with the weird thing from else where, but that doesn't stop one mare who has taken a liking to him after he helped her out of a bad spot. He does his best to patch her up, and later they try to take a minute to relax with some snacks. Herald hopes that this pony likes Wensleydale styled cheese and crackers, and perhaps a side of tea.

Chapters (1)

"In the beginning, there was nothing but all encompassing darkness that claimed all of existence within the void.
Yet even in this darkness, there was light.
A single speck of light that defied the shadows and slowly grew to encompass the known universe, bringing light to a once dark and dreary realm.
The being had wrested control from the void, yet it was not content.
With its power, it created the stars and planets that dot the seemingly infinite expanse of the universe.
This, was how the universe had truly come to be."
Creation of the universe according to the Church of Primis
Long ago, before the times of the princess's, the world stood divided. The father of the universe saw the hatred between the races of the planet, and sought to rectify his mistake of abandoning his creation, choosing to live amongst them once more.
This is where our story begins.

*Tags will be added as needed, or when the story. calls for it.*

Been featured like seven times now...wow, that's awesome, didn't think I'd even get it once.

Chapters (12)