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    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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(This is the alternate sequel to The Last Mage). Several decades have passed since the Earthens came and butchered the Dragons that attempted to invade Canterlot with their superior weaponry. The Main six are deceased, Jacob Lighthand is nearly sixty years old now, and he has a personal understanding of what Luna and Celestia go through with their subjects that they befriend as they age and die around them. Recalling at one point a legend that Zecora once told him years ago, Jacob begins performing some research, and then goes looking for the Necro Walk, or, the 'Path of the Dead' so that he can see and speak to his old friends. Unfortunately, things don't go the way he expects...
For the more recent fans, this story was started before the end of season 2, which is why Twilight is not an Alicorn in this fic, it's predecessor, or the alternate story. Also, the lifespan of ponies in this fic (and the alternate) are based on real-world pony lifespans.
Picture is a screen-shot from the Gurren Lagann anime. Took me several tries to get it just the way I wanted it.

Chapters (26)

Danny Fenton was a normal boy, but when his DNA is fused with ectoplasm, he is turned into a half boy/half ghost hybrid. What does he have to thank for that? The Ghost Portal his ghost-busting parents had created, which they had originally deemed a failure.

Danny had kept his secret for a little while from everyone except his best friends, Tucker Foley, a tech-nerd with a passion for meat, and Samantha Manson, a gothic girl who happens to be a hardcore vegetarian. He's been keeping the world safe since from ghosts hell-bent on wreaking havoc on the world under the alias of "Danny Phantom".

He's had his share of fights, but for the most part, life was turning out...alright, albeit repetitive.

However, one day, the Ghost Portal malfunctions, and instead of bringing them into the Ghost World, Danny, along with his two best friends, are transported into the distant land of Equestria with seemingly no way out.

Will Danny, Sam, and Tucker find a way to get back home? Or will they be stuck in Equestria forever?

Cover art done by Cookiepoppet on DeviantArt

Chapters (5)

A good 16 years before the return of Nightmare Moon, another fantastic event occurred in Canterlot. All it took was one human who discovered the secrets of ponies, a zealous guard that would do everything for his country and a Princess who only wanted the wellbeing of her people.

A big thank you to Raharu for some ideas and an even bigger thank you to E.D. Garnot for proof reading this. If I don't get featured on EqD, it will only be because I didn't follow your advices stringently enough.

My main hideout: http://peacelovingmadman.deviantart.com/

Oh, for anyone interested, the story is a crossover with Tribunal from which it borrows its red thread. There is, I'd wager, little Elder Scrolls to actually be found here, unless you look really hard.

Chapters (6)

Becoming fed up with sleep escaping you, you hope that you can wear yourself out, so you decide to go for a little walk. Though the walk turns into something bigger.
NOTE: Second person story.
This is my first MLP Fan Fiction, so criticism is wanted, both the good and the bad.

Chapters (22)

What happens when Spike gets betrayed by Rarity by turning him down for another stallion? With a mending heart and lost memories he sets out to seek revenge on the mare that broke his heart and to torment to any pony that gets in his and Nightmare's way! Beware of Spike the Dragon!

Chapters (7)

I am Granite and I woke up in a place called the Cursed Salt Plains. Now I try to find out about who I am and where I came from. While unraveling where my kind came from and their history.

A Chess Game of the Gods fic that will slowly go towards Equestria at some point.

Chapters (6)

If you favourite the story, please hit the like button too. That would be a great help :)

October 5th 1986

Entry#1: I'm not sure what's happening, I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I am going to record this in my journal, to report of any new... Changes.


Cary Lee, a young middle school aged boy with a unique... gift, ends himself up in Equestria while on the run from the authorities. The only things on his person are the clothes he is wearing, his backpack and a journal.

Inside the journal he records his experiences in this seemingly new land. Will he find allies to stick by him, will he be shunned by pony kind and will he fall to the darkness that is Nightmare Moon? His powers he worked so hard to keep hidden will aid him in this dark world.

This story is set before Nightmare Moon was imprisoned by the Elements of Harmony.

Small thanks to Octaviscratch for helping clear up some mistakes.
HUGE thanks to Super Kami Guru my editor, who clears up many stupid mistakes on my part ^^;;

A special thanks to my very good friend Mr101 for being my pre-reader and making the awesome cover art :)

This story is actually based off of this music video

Chapters (4)

"What happened?"
"What is going on?"
"Why are we Pokémon?"
"Why are we in Equestria?"

So long story short, a brony and pegasister are sent to Equestria as Pokémon and they don't know how it happened or why. Now they must travel through Equestria to either find their way home, or live out the rest of their lives in a new world in new bodies. And only one of these questions will be answered.

"Where is Fluttershy with the cuddles?"
"Don't look at me like that, I know you want one too."
Probably going to be that one.
Edited by: BronieMan305
Pre-read by: psychicscubadiver
Tank you Koru Konsui for helping me think of a name for this freakin' story.

Chapters (5)

We're not all the same, them and I. Perhaps these are gifts, but they are curses all the same. Tell me, do you know what it is like to be the deviant among the wolf pack? Not the Alpha, nor the Omega, but the Outcast.
Maybe they fear my abilities, I cannot know, or maybe they praise me like a god, but this I do not want.

Chapters (6)

While a blizzard rages outside his home. Eighteen year old Zachary Yorkson, sitting in his home, suffers from an act of vandalism, as something breaks through his bedroom window. When he looks for what broke it, he finds a eye carved out of solid ice on the floor. Then everything hits the fan what with Wendigoes, Frozen wastelands, and Ice powers.

You can probably guess what happens from there.

Chapters (9)