Favourites 1418 stories
  • Favourites 1418 stories - 1700 unread chapters
    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 63,853,465
Estimated Reading: 25 weeks



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Fluttershy is out collecting herbs for medicine when she's sidetracked by a massive explosion that drags a superhero into Equestria.

Chapters (21)

this is a prime example of why i should really get more sleep....

contains a human being Human... pop culture references...
and Dave misquoting Superman.

after all..... Nobody's perfect

Chapters (32)

When Raziel was consumed by the Soul Reaver, his life extinguished before him giving Kain the strength and sight to fight the Elder God, he thought his soul would inhabit his blade forever, But a spirit from an unknown realm gives him the chance to have another life.

But it seems Raziel isn't the only one from the four planes alone in this world....How will Equestria handle the Wraith? What is the other beings plan?

I was going to put Human but since Raziel is technically dead and isn't human...then yea. And for those bronies that Played Soul Reaver this is after the events of Legacy of Kain: Defiance.

Chapters (5)

Spartans never die, they're just missing in action. This has never been more true for Jorge-052 as, after activating the slipspace drive that was supposed to kill him, he is instead flung into a strange world where war is but a distant memory. Will the aging soldier be able to adapt to this new peaceful planet? Or will his only salvation be found in finding a way back to his own chaotic universe?

(It's my first time, so be gentle)
Now featuring a TVTropes page by Sabo88

Chapters (18)

PART ONE OF A MULTI-PART SERIES. PART 2: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/103953/to-the-point-of-no-return

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You may try your entire life to attain your dreams, a goal that has been ever-lastingly burnt into your mind, but there is always a chance of failure...
... and Kratos... suffered the fate of many.
He was denied of his release.
Denied of his revenge.
And now... this...?
There is a turning point for every and any thing.
... was no exception.

Chapters (13)

second verse same as the first

Chapters (9)

Dead end job at some nameless super market, not too many friends, and single. Yet After a random encounter his whole life will become anything but average.

My first HiE fic, I know it's not too good but I'd appreciate any help to improve my sub-par story telling.

Chapters (9)

Daily work for this astronaut, until everything goes wrong. How would a scientist react when facing things science can't explain, when dropped in a world technologically behind of a few centuries. Or is he simply going insane?

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Two

Swarm is the first ever changeling/pony hybrid, child of Warden the pegasus, and Kuno the changeling.

What does life have in store for this unlikely trio?

Twists, for a start!

Chapters (14)

Ken was a human orphan, no parents, no siblings, no relatives. He was alone in a cruel world that want nothing to do with him, until the day a saiyan got sealed inside him, his body changing into that of a saiyan/human hybrid. From then Ken's life changed as he was brought into a science lab for the next two years of his life, treated as a specimen and scaring him mentally. His only comfort and friend being the saiyan sealed inside him.

All that changed, however, when he is transported to a mysterious world, a world called, Equestria.

Number of times Saiyan of Equestria got featured: 3 (12/30/2013, 8/?/2014, 11/21/2015)

This Story is divided into 'Sagas' like Dragon Ball Z. They are listed in order: Pony, Oozaru, Discord, EIOSES, Tournament. With Peaceful Intermissions between them.

Credit goes to Kisa122 (DeviantArt account) for Cover image. My first fan fiction, constructive criticism is appreciated. Warning: Slight elements of Gore, Tragedy, Dark, and mentions of sexual material (Not much really, just a few words. Doesn't break Teen Rating)

Chapters (75)