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    - October, 2014
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TVTropes page yay!A human arrives with a house in Ponyville. The Mane Six, and Princess Luna must deal with this new arrival. But not everyone agrees how it should be handled, not everyone agrees on what danger it represents, or the benefit it can be to Equestria.

The inhabitant must also deal with the new rules and conventions of this new world it knows nothing about, as well as the mystery of its appearance, and the incongruities of its arrival.
TVTropes page yay!

Chapters (43)

A creature of old has been present in Equestria since the beginning of the rule of the alicorns, watching, waiting. He saw their fall and the sisters' rise to power. Now, for the first time in eons, he steps from watching and takes action.

Chapters (21)

You and your family have just moved to a town called 'Ponyville' after deciding Canterlot was not the right place. You said goodbye to your friends and your old town.

Now, all you have to do is make friends and continue on living life.

It's a shame that some of them don't want to stay just friends.

Trigger tags:
(Process of being rewritten)
(Second-Person Perspective)
(Anthropomorphic ponies)
(Multiple endings)

Chapters (2)

After a freak earthquake, blinding lights, and some zero gravity a young man finds himself in Equestria. however due to his shyness he has a hard time speaking to anypony. So, most think he's just some new species of animal.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that he's know as the EverFree's Alpha by some of the inhabitants of the EverFree forest... just checking.

I'm not good at summery's, sorry.

Chapters (10)

One wish, one night, and the entire world changed. Follow one man as he is given the chance of a lifetime.

This is a harem fic, and is rated T for violence, use of alcohol, and suggestive sexual themes.

Please leave comments to let me know what you think.

*This is a rewrite of my own story from fanfiction.net. Yes...it is me. This version will be edited and will be a much better read than the original, with part two to follow afterwards.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters associated directly with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor the original story. Any and all original characters are owned by their respective creators.

A/N: A note to my readers: this is technically a harem fic, but there will be NO lemons in it. The story will instead focus on the connections the characters share, as well as some other things later that I will leave to you to discover.

Cover art is thanks to WhatTheScoots, used with full permission.

Chapters (25)

What would happen if somepony were to get the power to change reality itself with the slightest of ease? would they change the world for better or worse? Or would they just screw around it instead?

Chapters (10)

Andrew was your ordinary, every-day, run-of-the-mill human. He had a boring job, nobody he could call a girlfriend, and basically, nothing to work with. One night, he comes home from yet another boring day of work and passes out in bed. Meanwhile, in the magical land of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle makes a wish upon a star. A wish to meet her soul mate. If only she knew what she was in for...

This story is cancelled, but it is being continued by a good friend of mine. Here's a link.

Chapters (13)

The Xel'Naga Artifact's activation at the end of the battle on Char has a completely different result than Raynor expected. It sends the Queen of Blades to Equestria, and the Elements of Harmony. Given her reality bending power, and overall manipulative nature, the Elements restrict her power upon her arrival. So, what's a newly weakened Queen of Blades to do, inside the Elements' vault in the castle?


Note: If you're not familiar with the SC universe and haven't played the last mission in the WoL campaign, the prologue and a few other things might not make sense to you. I suggest you either get the game, as it is one of the best RTS games ever made, or read up on a bit of lore before you get started.

Inspired by Celestia vs the Queen of Blades, and the lack of other Kerrigan crossovers, barring the all out invasions or Ponies as Starcraft campaign transplants.

A combined work between myself and Destructorspace

Disclaimer: I don't own Starcraft, the Queen of Blades or My Little Pony, that is Blizzard and Hasbro, respectively. This is a fanfiction only.

Chapters (14)

Greetings, I am Yetagain. I am a lich that travels the multiverse and tries to make everyone see that necromancy is not inherently evil. I have lived for thousands of years and have made this journal to catalog some of my more significant adventures in the hopes that others may learn from my past. Some of the things I have written here will seem ridiculous and may seem like outright lies but I assure you I have written nothing but the truth. When you find yourself doubting my words simply stop and say to yourself one of the phrases that has kept me sane throughout the years. Stranger things have happened.
(other tags and characters may be added over time, dark now guaranteed to happen eventually but NOT grimdark)

Chapters (9)

*This is a sequel to my earlier story, The Winds of Change. The prequel's not as well written in the beginning, but at least give it a chance. Look at the rating if you're unsure.*
As the griffin war continues, Dash and Jason are thrust back into a conflict they aren't too keen on continuing. But with the griffin threats and the re-emergence of coveted soul magic looming on the horizon, will they be able to revitalize the war effort and win the war with the same efficiency and skill as in the liberation of Canterlot? With Team Green Bean together again and the aid of new allies, this almost seems like a task they can pull off. That is, if things go to plan.

The more I write this, the more I think that I went a little too far. Coming up with more ideas is going to be tough.

If you didn't like the prequel, this is waaaaay better. Just look at the rating. You should probably still read the prequel however, because this story makes absolutely no sense without it. This one's well written from the beginning though, so people should have much less of a beef with it. The prequel only got good about a quarter of the way through, before I improved at writing.

Characters involved are pretty subjective to change.

Side story concerning Scoots in Ponyville to be found here.

Art (more than just the cover) by Shadow Bolt

Chapters (60)