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    - October, 2014
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This is the first installment to the Eternity Series:

You Are HereSlave of EternitySavior of Eternity

NOTICE: Some chapter break and other images aren't working the way they should be. Here is the reason why. So sorry in advance.

The epic of Pinkie Pie and the Immortal Man who's fate is tied to Equestria's. His life will be filled with dangers, choices, secrets, love, and most importantly, beauty. As time flows, the world begins to understand the immortal, and the immortal begins to understand his true purpose in the universe.

Two side notes: The main character comes from an Earth where MLP does not exist, so he is not a brony. That and this story is based around knowledge of seasons 1-2.

Chapters (23)

Twilight Sparkle never was a Unicorn and she didn't even know it.
What happens when her true heritage comes to light? Will she willingly embrace it? Or will she be forced to?

Beware of spoilers in the comments!

Edited by uTTerAbsurdity, Zervziel, Stormwatch and Gwenio

Cover art by the talented Cartoonlion and colored by the equally talented Stormwatch, original can be found here

Click here for the Tvtropes page

Chapters (28)


After being rudely awoken from Cryo-sleep, John-117 finds that the Forward Unto Dawn has been sucked into a gravity well, causing it to fall towards an unknown planet. In the crash, he is separated from Cortana and falls alone into the Everfree forest. In addition to this new complication, old memories from a scarred and tragic past haunt his dreams, putting his remaining sanity on edge.

However, he has little time to ponder these thoughts, as he encounters the planet's... peculiar... inhabitants.

First 19 Chapters proofread by Bravo 539 and Shadownamesto.
Credit for the intro sequence goes to Blaze Spectrum.

Current rewrite will not necessarily follow the old story but certain events and details may be reused.

Chapters (29)

Equestria has endured the assault of Discord for the second time, and now peace is in effect. It's been many a month since the Elements of Harmony imprisoned the evil Draconequus in stone, and saved the land... But just as everypony starts to forget and things return to normal, something ominous happens...

A mysterious prophecy... A lone human... and magic about... Can this one being possibly help Equestria face an evil that refuses to stay down? Can everything return to peace and stay that way? Just what will become of everypony? The foundations of Equestria will be shaken to it's roots...

Chapters (14)

We’ve read it all before; human ends up in Equestria, meets ponies, etcetera... but what if it wasn’t the ponies they met and befriended first? What if it was another creature, say... the timber wolves?

After losing his way in the Forest of Dean, Jack Masterson finds himself in the magical world of Equestria with no clue how he can get back. After fleeing from the truly surreal sight of our favourite ponies, he finds himself back in a forest... and this time, he's not alone...

Meanwhile, trouble is brewing in Canterlot as Prince Blueblood works on his latest scheme to ruin the inhabitants of Ponyville. Will he achieve his revenge on the Mane Six, or will he fail yet again?

Not really inspired by anything in particular, so if you see similarities between this and another story, you're probably paranoid, unless I mention any references. Rated teen because the main character, while not based on myself, shares my fondness for swearing occasionally.
EDIT: this story now has a Dark tag, as one of my plot-points took an unexpectedly dark turn. I'm also considering switching it to a Mature content as a later plot-point might get darker still.

Chapters (5)

Dante has been given a job to help his shop get into business. But what happens if something went wrong during his job and he winds up in Equestria. At the same time a hidden and ancient evil before Celestia's Parents were born, starts to seethe back into Equestria, How will Equestria handle this new evil, How will Equestria handle Dante, and how will Dante handle Equestria and its citizens? Read to find out.

Chapters (28)

A boy is taken from Earth by accident due to Lunas carelessness and impatience for the beginning of a foreign highschool exchange program. The boy wakes up in Equestria completely confused. What will become of the young 15 year old Andrew.
Set in a world where MLP doesn't exist
Some tags are on for later chapters
Ponys are anthro. Deal with it. Dont dislike the story because you don't like the concept. Give the story a chance please.

Chapters (1)

King Arthur, a king among kings, one of the most well known figures of Earth's lore. Merlin the wizard, his close ally and friend. Thought to be mere legends to all, sheer happenstance proves to one individual that lore is often based on reality. These legends, and more, are proven true before his very eyes. His goal, however, is a simple one. Find a way back home.

Credits - A hearty thanks to PocoRitardo, who, although not a reader of HiEs, helped to refine many of the ideas contained within, as well as help me with some of the Arthurian Lore.

Note - Main 6 will be featured, however for the moment I chose Cadance and Shining Armor tags over them. They will play some role further down the line.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Pony out of Place

Set directly after A Pony out of Place. Flare Blitz, a Rapidash, turned pony, has opted to stay in Equestria, but things won't be so easy for him. Now a full-fledged pony, he has to earn a Cutie Mark, train with the Princesses, survive a love triangle and Arceus knows what else.

And most importantly... get Twilight to go out with him!

It has a TV Tropes pages too, check it out and help add to it.

Chapters (17)

His name is Chad Harding. Yeah, not a name that seems to jump at you. He is one of few in the world who has been able to harness only some magical abilities. He works for some scientists who wish to make the world better. But when an experiment that was meant to transport people to other places on earth went wrong, that's where his story begins in Equestria. Follow him as he begins his life in a world of ponies and creatures that were only seen as myth or pure fantasy in his home world. Read as he must learn of the Magic of Friendship and how he will help change Equestria for the better and how Equestria changes him, like literally.

Chapters (6)