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This story is a sequel to Sweet Hearts and Princesses

Desperate for love, a changeling queen does the unthinkable for her subjects. Can she survive deep behind enemy lines with her heart intact? Or will she fall victim to the affections of an old flame? Find out what really happened between Queen Chrysalis and Shining Armor. Pairings: Chrysalis/Shining Armor

Chapters (12)

In the wake of the interrupted wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, the Royal Guard went on a changeling hunt, fanning out throughout Equestria to find any changelings living amongst ponykind. The captured changelings have been confined to a guard barracks in Canterlot.

Meanwhile Princess Celestia is finding herself swamped with petitions from ponies across Equestria asking for amnesty for their changeling friends, colleagues, and lovers. Princess Luna, who has been itching to regain some responsibility since her return, offers to take on the petitioners... and the changelings.

(sex tag for off-screen births and hinted baby-making)

Chapters (27)

Twilight had never expected to ever meet Queen Chrysalis ever again. So it was to her great earth-shaking surprise when Chrysalis not only reappeared in her life but with a late Hearthswarming gift no less. It's half-changeling, half-pony, all mischief. Sure, she prefers a morning snuggle or two for breakfast and coccoons her carrots and alfalfa away, her idea of making her bed is building a giant changeling web in the bedroom, it's impossible to tell her from her school friends at pick-up hour, her favourite hide-and-seek hiding spot is the ceiling, and, worst of all, she never puts all the books she reads back on the shelf. And she reads a lot! Still, it was like raising any other filly, right? So Twilight Sparkle, accidental mommy, thought.

Now with official music provided by Citric Acid, Across the Seas

Warning: I have been told that chapter 3 is quite sad, just in case that's not your kind of thing. The rest of the story, however, is generally light-hearted. I would be very grateful if you don't judge the story by chapter 3 alone.

'Huggles shall be demanded! Huggles shall be given!' - The Cutest Deadliest Predator Ever

Chapters (6)

Dismayed by the price of royalty, a changeling princess turns her back on her heritage and unintentionally falls in love while trying to build a life for herself. Will she return to her people, or will this newfound independence make her turn her back on her species forever? Pairings: Chrysalis/Shining Armor

Chapters (16)

Noticing her Princess' plight, the kitchen mare helpfully offers some of Luna's "special brew" to jumpstart Celestia's day. Chaos ensues when an overly percolated princess can't handle her caffeine!

(Rated "Teen" for the single use of one naughty word.)

Daybreak's story is told here in Sometimes It Takes a Double Shot!

(Many thanks to CaptainBron3y for this live reading!)

Don't miss the unofficial sequel "A Princess Needs her Coffee", a lovely story by my wonderful friend Broman.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Advanced Lessons

Twilight has no idea how she's supposed to go about dating. It always seemed so mundane and unworthy of her precious brainpower. Now she's trying to romance Prince Blueblood, and has no idea what to do.

Fortunately, Chrysalis has some free time.

The Changeling Queen. Evil Mastermind, willing prisoner of Equestria, and Princess Celestia's significant other. That Chrysalis, was going to be offering her a bit of romantic advice.

There was no way, that Twilight could see that going well.

-A brief two-shot sequel to my story "Advanced Lessons" purely made for a bit of fun, at Twilight's expense.

Chapters (2)

Maple Blush was just a simple pony trying to do what her cutie mark said she did best: help bring ponies together. She might not be the strongest psychic in Equestria, and she could barely afford to be in the yellow pages, but still! It all had to count for something, right? Seeing into ponies hearts to bring them together, that… That was her talent, no matter what else happened. So what happens when she’s hired to help a “love-sucking bug” tell her roommate she not only has a crush, but is another species?

Originally posted on DeviantART for TheNornontheGo's "Our Character" contest. Maple Blush belongs to her, not me.

Similarly, Vanilla Chai does not belong to me either. She was generously offered to borrow by Wintergreen Diaries (previously known as Cerulean1313.) All credit goes to him for allowing me the use of his character.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by the great and powerful Hasbro, not myself. No copyright infringement is intended by this fanfiction. All rights reserved to Hasbro.

Chapters (1)

Meet Cyr. He's one of the last of his breed: A Changeling Behemoth, living battering rams that are selected and mutated from the worker caste of the Hive. Aged from centuries of labor and service to his Queen, he grows disgusted and weary of the Changeling's plots and malevolent attempts to feed on love, especially after his capture during the Canterlot wedding. Thus begins a new (and possibly more enjoyable) chapter of his existence.

Chapters (20)

Sequel is now live!

Revenge. It has been the only thing on Chrysalis’s mind during the months of her exile. What should have been her greatest triumph turned out to be her ultimate downfall. After months of waiting, she has at last developed a plot to win back the support of the changelings and take over Equestria: Run a dating service.

Disguised as the lovely unicorn Cherub, she starts up her business, ready to reclaim what she had lost. However, she soon discovers that the dating world is not as simple as it appears. Realizing that she cannot do this alone, she is forced to seek help from the most unlikely of sources.

Cover image created and permitted by FeliXao.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to The Retribution of Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis has spent the last few weeks living with Twilight Sparkle, hiding from the public eye and awaiting news of Princess Celestia's changeling relief effort. When Shining Armor discovers a critically injured changeling on the outskirts of Appleloosa, to Chrysalis' infinite delight, her hope for her race's survival is instantly reinvigorated.

But then the Canterlot hospital refuses to properly care for the changeling, leaving Cadance to provide the love he requires. The publicity forces Chrysalis to reveal herself to a fearful populace, driving her into the hooves of a fellow outcast. And perhaps worst of all, the awakened changeling has forsaken his queen. In his eyes, and in those of all of Equestria, Chrysalis must once again redeem herself.

Cover art by Nocturnal Melodies (No_M), drawn at my request for the story.

Chapters (10)