_Incomplete 534 stories
  • _Incomplete 534 stories - 1935 unread chapters This is a sub folder for I Really Really Like
    Created by Llythinn
    - December, 2014
Found 359 stories in 82ms

Total Words: 31,618,495
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks



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You know when you are really stressed out and need a bit of a break from the real world? Well Josh sure thought he needed a break, at least until he got exactly that. Ever wonder what it's like to meet something magical and amazing? A bat pony maybe?
Josh sure wishes he never did.

Cover art by Grim_Grin.

Thank you editors!
Current editor:Myself
Past editors:JackRipper

Special thanks to MV for helping me get my story started out.

Chapters (12)

Note: The rewriting has started!
Magnus is the sole survivor of a colony ship headed towards Betelgeuse. The ship gets thrown off course when a huge asteroid slams into the ship, which is then pulled into a black hole.

When the ship exits on the other side, he finds himself alone and in an unfamiliar shape. His only companion, an advanced A.I named Ana keeps him slightly sane during their six thousand year voyage through unknown space in a nearly derelict ship.

Everything changes when they find a small blue planet teeming with life.

The old version can be found here: Link

Editing by: Lab
All art by: Mister Aibo, DeviantArt, Fimfiction Profile

Chapters (2)

I have traveled this world for decades. Yet I have seen no sign of life but the predators that hunt their prey.

I have made a home among the jagged peaks of a near dead wasteland. One day a creature fell from the sky, badly wounded.

She calls herself Chrysalis. She tells me that she is the last of her kind.

Or so she thought.


Chapters (13)

Principal Celestia has accidentally fallen through the mirror into Equestria, and it may be a bit before she can go home. Until then, she has to learn to cope with a strange world, in a strange body.

At the same time, Twilight has to figure out how she can help her new guest while keeping Equestria from freaking out over the presence of a second Celestia, and Sunset Shimmer has to figure out how she is going to make amends with those she had left behind in Equestria, while keeping an eye on her Principal.

Disclaimer: Since I wrote this description ages ago before I even knew the plot, the story is mostly pure comedy in the beginning, with eventual Sunlight and Chryslestia shipping!

Cover image by Arvaus, used with permission.

Chapters (22)

I wanted to just enjoy going to Supanova with some friends. As embrassing as losing a bet, my punishment being going dressed as Raven from Teen Titans is, I'm not going to let it spoil my fun.

However, waking up in the world of My Little Pony as Raven herself might spoil that fun. I mean, being an empath in MLP... after the Changeling Invasion at the wedding?

Yeah. I don't see any problems for me from that. Not to mention keeping my new powers under control when they're tied to my emotions and I haven't had all the years of training Raven did.

And let's not forget that my new powers are shadow magic, so basically Dark Magic. I don't see that causing me any problems socially, either. Nope. None at all.

T due to Scenes of Violence, Blood, (hence the Gore tag) sometimes and nudity of a young girl and other things.

Adventure and Slice of Life tags would be here if they didn't go against each other, plus there was no room. Sex tag mostly for when Raven is nude and how she talks about sex and similar things with the ponies at times.

Featured 3/5/2016.

Featured 12/3/2017? Wow. Thanks:scootangel:

Featured 23/3/2017.:rainbowderp: Um... okay.

Chapters (14)

Affection therapy: a new and innovative practice in Equestria wherein the patient/subject is calmed and relaxed through simple displays of platonic affection, such as ear scratches, nose boops, and belly rubs. It's surprisingly effective, and leaves the pony happy and content. The strangest thing, however, is that you, a simple human living in Ponyville, 'invented' this practice completely by accident.

*I wrote this a long time ago, before Every Little Thing She Does aired. The first chapter takes place between No Second Prances and that episode, and I decided to touch it up and release it now as an early Christmas gift to you guys, as a simple piece of cute, platonic fluff. More to come, too, when I find the time and inspiration. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Cover art by ElementOfFaith

Chapters (22)

Rainbow Dash has a secret. One untold to the world, except for one pony and one pony alone, her wife Fluttershy. There's a reason Scootaloo is more like Rainbow then unlike her. And as for that secret? Scootaloo is her daughter. Long ago, after a night of passion with a mare who's name she's long since forgotten, Scootaloo was left on her doorstep nine months later. Problem is, Rainbow was always afraid she'd turn out like her father, who was an abusive drunk, and because of that fear of turning out like her father she gave Scootaloo up for adoption. But when she learns the cycle is repeating in Scootaloo's home by the parents who were supposed to love and care for her, Rainbow must finally face her demons in that old Poison Whiskey...

FlutterDash Scootadopt story. Inspired by RuinQueenofOblivion's Please Forgive Me. Collaboration with RuinQueenofOblivion, a pegasister far more talented than I, and in the later chapters, Shadowmane PX-41, someone who I never knew had such a dark and twisted mind. Warnings: Filly abuse, drunk ponies, and mild language.

Reached over 1,000 views: Hooray!

2,000 views... Damn....

Chapters (19)

As vital to the Guardian as a Ghost becomes, the meld of metal and Light is little more than a trinket when alone. When such separation occurs, most slowly degrade into a crusty husk, devoid of life and Light.

When his Guardian is consumed by the Darkness, one such Ghost breaks the mold of decay to fulfill the legacy of his mentor and friend, scouring the far reaches of the galaxy with the incomprehensibly intricate technology of the Vex.

The Ghost stumbles upon a world he could not have imagined, a place untouched by both the Darkness and the Traveler's Light. Discovering a secret Vex plot which threatens to devour the innocent planet, the Little Light does the unthinkable yet again. He takes upon a second Guardian, one bestowed with the rare gift of his previous. Kindness.

Featured 10/22/16!!!

Chapters (11)

Sunset Shimmer has finally decided to remain in the human world after the events of the Friendship Games, and has also resolved to study magic in her adopted home and defend it from any threats of dark magic alongside her friends. Then a mysterious incident leads Sunset and her friends to run straight into a dangerous world of supernatural beings that have existed in the human world for eons; twisted souls known as Hollows and the beings known as Soul Reapers that battle them. Where will this twist of fate lead the girls, and what secrets might be uncovered about their pasts in the process?

A crossover series between Equestria Girls and the Bleach anime/manga by Tite Kubo.

Now with TVTropes page!

New cover image by - Feather Book
Previous cover image by - Skijarama

Chapters (214)

Luna, Celestia, and Cadence play the famed MINECRAFT on Xbox 360

*may contain objectionable language use, intentionally bad grammar and spelling and Engrish in general, royal princess shenanigans, and overall silliness.

Chapters (5)