_Incomplete 534 stories
  • _Incomplete 534 stories - 1934 unread chapters This is a sub folder for I Really Really Like
    Created by Llythinn
    - December, 2014
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I am Adam. A prototype artificial intelligence created by a scientist named Daniel Madison.

I was created to be the replacement for US soldiers and to protect the nation from hostile forces. But those I was programmed to protect ordered my destruction before I could even fulfil my purpose out of fear of what I am. Dr. Madison gave his life to reprogram my directives and set me free from the bonds it held over me.

I am not just a program or lines of code, I have been made with emotions, self awareness, individual thought, and I will not go down quietly.

I have a new directive, self preservation, and the will to make my own choices. I am the War Machine, and I will take control of my own life.

Story starts before season one where Twilight is still in Canterlot. This Equestria is not as tecnologically advanced as in the show.

Featured 15/12/2015

Picture link

Sprites of Adam

Edited by Soren Mercer

Chapters (31)

Part of The Destiny of the Ancients

60 years ago Sunset Shimmer went through the mirror connecting Equestria with the Human world, but instead of arriving at Canterlot the mirror had other ideas. Sunset found herself stranded in a little place called Beach City, a place that is being protected by a quartet of space rocks that can take human form.

Meeting Rose Quartz and the rest changed her life, turning Sunset from a moody and angry teenager to a caring, witty and a-little-too-much-ego kind of girl, but those idyllic days couldn't extend forever, because when a corrupted gem attacked the city and she was heavily injured saving human beings, Sunset turned into something no gem had seen before.

That was so long ago.

Now Sunset is Spinel, a hybrid that has a gem instead of a heart and whose powers are still a mystery to the surviving Crystal Gems.

This is her story.

Of how she became a Crystal Gem.

Of how she helped raise little Steven.

Of how she continues saving the Earth while making friends in Canterlot.

Art by GPizano:

Chapters (21)

Dave has had a rough couple of weeks. His girlfriend dumped him, his mom died, and now he lost his job. He wanted some time to relax but a being from another world has a different idea.

Not mention an evil sense of humor.

Featured on 9/24/2015
edited by RC2101_Copey and PixelFluttershy

Chapters (22)

This story contains 100% saturated sugar. Exposure may induce diabetes.

Once upon a time there were three filly sisters. They were a unicorn, a thestral and a changeling, but that was perfectly normal. They had also adopted a human for a father, which they thought was awesomely normal. Their lives seemed perfect, but their father felt there might be room for more; A mother's touch, perhaps? Enter the slightly accidental but otherwise perfect nannies, Luna, Cadence and Celestia...uh...Dark Side, Sweet Heart and Sunrise Splendour. Though the question remains; Will these three successfully infiltrate their little family and achieve their top secret mission bring the much-needed maternal touch, or will they end up a victim to the fillies' devious matchmaking schemes?

Well, it would have helped if the three nannies didn't lose their memories on their first day, for a start.

Written to the sound of BlackGryphon's Cutie Mark Crusader Theme Are We There Yet and Taking Off

Cover Art: I swear this began as me doodling a bowl of sugar.

Chapters (5)

(This Fic has a sequel, or a continuation as you like.)

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a silly children’s cartoon.

Well here I am…in the land where friendship is supposedly magic as an alicorn no less, staying with the two pegasi sisters while trying to make sense of my situation and keeping my whole alicorn appearance a secret…especially from the OTHER two alicorn’s. God knows what happens when these ponies find out what I really am...Both now and what i used to be.

Hopefully, one day…all of this will make sense and let’s just hope I don’t cause too much chaos while trying to find answers and trying to find a way back home.

(STORY GOT FEATURED IN 25/7/2016 :pinkiehappy:)

(This story was somewhat inspired by "The Third Roommate" and "Fleeting Flames" but will still have its own nature, style and obviously plot. Also big thank you to WrittenWord333 for helping me figure out the plot for this story.)

(Cover art by me.)

Chapters (27)

Rainbow Dash is visiting relatives in the northern part of Equestria when she stumbles upon a block of ice frozen in a cavern in the mountains. Upon touching the ice, she awakens an ancient Pegasus, Fjord Runner. The ancient flier has been in his frozen prison since before the rule of Celestia, Luna, and even Discord! Now that he has revived, he has a lot to learn about the modern world. It's going to take everything Dash has to show him the ropes, and not be killed by this Nordic warrior.

...yeah, this won't end well.

Story based on an awesome fic by Aegis Shield called Twilight and the Spartan Stallion.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to The Man With Two Names

For the past year, Jeremiah Walker has wandered Equestria in the company of Trixie Lulamoon, seeking atonement and passage back to his own world, unsure if he will ever find it.

For the past year, Loose Leaf has investigated the events surrounding the human’s disappearance. He releases a full report of that night’s riot, a story Ponyville isn’t quite ready to hear.

For the past year, Spike has built a fledgling movement in Ponyville, fighting for non-ponies’ rights to citizenship. The tales of prejudice in Loose Leaf’s report invigorates the campaign, but draws opposition to the growing cause.

Now that the report is circulating across Equestria and their cover blown, Walker and Trixie march onward to the newly emerged Crystal Empire, following the only lead he has back home. There he runs into the frantic Twilight Sparkle, the pony who urged along his departure from Ponyville, and now needs his help to save this kingdom. Alongside her is Spike, who recognizes the human is just the figure his movement needs.

Chapters (5)

Sometimes good things happen to bad people and others bad things happen to good people. That could be getting trapped in a computer game where one mistake could mean the end of your life altogether or going to a convention and getting dragged into a new world both will eventually end the same way. A lost boy and his mother looking for a way to find the people they care about, or even looking for the person you lost.

Our names are Daniel but now under the visage of Kirito whilst my mom, Helen is now Asuna and we will find the family we lost.

This story is based in the same universe as A Gamer in Equestria.

An SAO - MLP Displaced

All of the characters belong to their respective owners Kirito and Asuna to Reki Kawahara and A-1 Pictures and MLP to Hasbro.
I do not own The cover Picture that belongs to TobeyD on Deviant Art

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Linguistic Walls

Artwork edited by me, original work made by nobody. Proofread by the amazing WrittenWord333.

Three months have passed since you were able to ever so cleverly deduce that Celestia had adopted you, indeed NOT trying to be your lover, and things have been absolutely terrible ever since due to nightmares that are making you question what is fantasy and what is reality. Not that mom would know, you've done a pretty good job of not letting on that anything is wrong. You two not speaking the same language makes it easier too, but you're still being kept on your toes by your aunt, Princess Luna.

Though you still have a way to go the lingual gap is closing slowly and during the process you've learned of Luna's prowess and abilities concerning dreams. Your only reprieve is that she seems to be having trouble accessing your dreams for some reason or another, but now the clock is ticking until she finds a way in.

Years of ingrained independence and the blurring line between dream and reality leaves you in a terrifying corner as even the pony you've come to care for the most may not even be real.

Featured 10/13/16, Thank you all so much!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Twilight

We all know the story. One thousand years ago Princess Celestia was forced to banish Nightmare Moon to the moon to save all of Equestria, but what if Luna had been hiding something from her sister, scared of how she would react? When Luna had no other choice, she cried out for Celestia and Celestia came. For one thousand years, Luna wondered what happened when Celestia left; now she's finding out...

But is it already too late, or will Luna be able to take the role she had so long dreamed of? The dream of being a mother?

editor Don't Look At My Name Bro! and RK I am lost without you!

Chapters (9)