_Incomplete 534 stories
  • _Incomplete 534 stories - 1934 unread chapters This is a sub folder for I Really Really Like
    Created by Llythinn
    - December, 2014
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Total Words: 31,616,463
Estimated Reading: 12 weeks



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"I've been living my life under the weight of many regrets. There are countless sins in my past that I'll never be able to atone for, thousands of individuals who will never get to see the sunrise again due to my actions. The shame within me is great, but the flaming passion deep within my soul is far more powerful than you can ever imagine.

It's taking every ounce of concentration I have to resist the urge to reduce you to a pile of ash, Envy. I don't know how I ended up in this veritable hell, and I certainly don't know why you two are here with me, but I swear on whatever life I have left that I will protect this place, no matter the cost.

I don't care how many times I'll have to kill you, Envy. You'll die a thousand deaths before you lay a finger on the inhabitants of this world."

Chapters (5)

Applejack awakens on a strange island full of strange creatures. With the help from her new friends her journey home will be long and dangerous.

Will Applejack make it home or will she end up like the rest of the people trapped on the island?

Chapters (7)

When passions flare and new relationships begin at the Grand Galloping Gala, it can be difficult to sort things out through the warmth and glow of young, budding love. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Captain Spitfire know full well such things are supposed to have a certain progression, but they're not going to let that stop them from enjoying each other's company as much as they can.

Prereading/Editing help by Cryosite, Jondor, Melon Hunter, Meridian Prime, and Timaeus.
Artwork by FlutterThrash.

Chapters (20)

Beerus and his attendant Whis find two young girls who don't know anything about themselves, save for their names. They quickly discover that the two girls aren't from their universe and, with the help of some of their 'friends', raise them with the intention of sending them back to their own universe one day. Until that day comes the two girls are stuck with Beerus, Whis, and their friends.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash will have to help save the universe from evil tyrants, genetic monsters, and a creature that should have been forgotten... while fighting along side some of the universe's greatest heroes.

(Dragonball Z/ MLP crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (143)

Stripped of my humanity, torn from my world and procedurally trained into the perfect lapdog by a deranged madman.

Mad pony, I guess, although I hardly see how thats any better.

A thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye...

Are we... free?

Chapters (2)

Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not as petrified. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

Triggers: Transgender, Human to Pony

Chapters (101)

This story is a sequel to The Prince

Returning to the land of his birth as the human TD Powell, Antares must try to find a way home. But if he returns to Equestria, will it be the same one he knows? Will he be able to cope with the ever-changing world around him?

Edited wonderfully by Strike89 and roker12

Buy a print copy of the original story here!

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim

Life on Veldin, a planet in a remote corner of the Solana Galaxy, is becoming somewhat boring for Ratchet. Fortunately he's got two younger sisters that bring some excitement to his life, despite all three of them being different species. One of his sisters is a unicorn named Starlight Glimmer, while the other is a Cazar named Sunset Shimmer.

All Ratchet knows is that the three of them all arrived at the Veldin Orphanage together. One thing they can all agree on, however, is that they need to leave their home behind so that they can truly find their place in the galaxy.
(Does not require having read the previous story to know whats going on)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series)

Edit: Timeline
Ratchet and Clank: Complete
Going Commando: Complete
Up Your Arsenal: Complete
Deadlocked: Complete
Size Matters: Complete
Tools of Destruction: Complete
Crack in Time: Complete

Chapters (130)

Part of The Destiny of the Ancients

We all know how it went; Sunset turned into a demon, the Elements purified her and later on she became the lovable human that we know. Except that this time some outside force changed the outcome, this time Sunset did not survive the purification. Sunset Shimmer was killed and thrown into the dangerous realm of Dark Souls.

Finding herself in the Undead Asylum, Sunset must survive the gruesome tests in her way to either save the world, or doom the Age of Fire into darkness, but is it all so simple and who is this mysterious white robed figure that seems to be so focused on Sunset?

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the girls battle their own guilt and egos while the portal now closes and functions as a Scrying Mirror, being witnesses to the suffering and accomplishments of the redheaded undead. They will find themselves awed of what this lone figure can do by herself.

But who is moving all these strings? What is the purpose? Does it have bigger ramifications? Keep on reading to find out what will happen in Sunset's road to become the Princess of Lordran.

Previously part of The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer

Edited by: XIII Hearts (thank you buddy)

Also, if anyone could find or make a better cover for this tory I'll be forever grateful.

Chapters (39)

This story is a sequel to Blooming Talent

Apple Bloom, Goten, and their little son Carrot; long after the fateful battle against Prince Sapphic in the ruins of Canterlot, the Son-Apple family has enjoyed many moons of peace, as have the rest of the world.

However, not everypony is as grateful to them as some might think. Memories are a powerful motivation if they're strong enough....painful enough.

One mare seeks to make sure nopony that powerful can ever rise again to threaten Equestria. And she will go to any lengths to see it happen.

Chapters (3)