• Member Since 19th Dec, 2014


I like Pokemon, Ponies, and anything else with p in it.

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Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Twilight Sparkle is given permission to explore the Canterlot Caves after the invasion but, while inside, she discovers an ancient and primordial being, an literal force of nature, a creature said to be over a million years old...and it's now awake, how will she, and her friends, handle an adventure of a lifetime? Will they be able to get knowledge from a creature older than Celestia herself? Will they be able to bring it out of its well of sadness? Will they be able to show it that friendship really IS magic, or will it be driven away by their persistence of trying to become friends with it after it was betrayed and cause it to never been seen again?

Be wary Equestria for the Nine Tailed Beast has arrived!

Crossover with Naruto/After the Naruto Anime, if you hadn't figured out yet

Chapters (9)

Everything dies. Sometimes, a life is left unfulfilled and with many regrets. The problem is, there are no do-overs. No second chances.

Not usually, anyway.

Sometimes, cosmic beings of unknown power just like to provide people with those second chances one such person thought impossible. Why? Who knows? All she does know is that she's now a small blue pony with wings.

A very young blue filly at that, and one who has to deal with the scars of her secret old life while living under the shadow of an older sister who doesn't know what to make of her.

Life is never simple, is it?

Inspired by: Gilded Sister by Kind of Brony.
Cover art made by Skijarama!
Reading can be found here.
Featured on 13/07/2017.

Chapters (46)

Recklessness has gotten Rainbow Dash into the position that she's in, right now. She's one of the land's top athletes. She's an epic hero who has saved Equestria numerous times. She is living her dream by training to become like one of her idols. And she even has a number one fan and little, sister figure who will stay by her side.

But, recklessness is supposed to be a bad thing. And, bad things usually lead to more bad things........right? In this case, Rainbow Dash cripples her wings, once again, while doing some reckless things. But, the consequences end up becoming more questionable than distressing, over time.

*This is the first fan fiction that I have ever written. It is, indeed, a weight gain fetish story. When I was contemplating on what kind of story I wanted to write first, I really didn't expect to get so into writing out a scenario for my fetish. Especially on My Little Pony. And, especially since I have been quite shy about publicly addressing my fetish through a project. But, the idea just hit me, and I really started having a lot of fun with it. So, I decided to use this as my first attempt at writing an original story. Despite the fact that I've seen this scenario many times in WG fics. This is my own spin on it.*

Chapters (5)

2018 A year that will be better than the last... Or so I thought when suddenly as the clock ticked down I saw a shooting star and made a wish... I never expected it to come true. Immediately after the ball dropped I saw a blinding light and then I knew I must have been dreaming.
Chapter progress:
Ch3: 73% Unpublished

Chapters (4)

Professor Philena Ivy, Pokémon professor of Variations, finds herself alone in Equestria as an Alolan Ninetales. Thanks to Arceus moving all Pokémon and "worthy" humans from earth. What will she do now that her life has changed? And was it a change for the better?

Based in the A New World, A New Way verse by Zeusdemigod131

Chapters (2)

Dan Farley was a navigator, a civilian pilot for a corporate colonization firm. He was technically an officer in the command crew, but as the most junior of his peers, Held no real authority. He loved his job however, Exploring distant planets, and seeing the vastness of space. Now, However, He's the only living member of the command crew. Which Makes him acting captain, and the leader of the survivors of the CMF Proud Mary. He will be the the one to initiate first contact with the strange, Numerous, alien races of the planet....and with no way home, Can he forge a place for his people among them?

Chapters (4)

Artemio Baldarich has always led a successful and entrepreneurial lifestyle. At the young age of 23 he seems to have the rest of his life planned out with his role as a computer scientist for a defense contractor in southern California.

Arty’s plans however encounter a major roadblock when a test on a missile defense system leads to him being mysteriously transported to a foreign world beyond anything he ever thought was possible.

Not only is he very disoriented, but he must also deal with the fact that all the creatures around him seem to think that he is a young child based on the body that he now inhabits. Hopefully he will be able to find a way to use his knowledge of his world to build a new life for himself and find a way home.

Edit 6/8/2017: Story was featured apparently. Never thought this would happen, especially so soon, but it’s pretty cool that it did. I’m a novice to writing and I truly hope that I can improve my writing style as I contribute more to this story. Thank you to everyone who has left feedback for me, it is much appreciated.

Edit 6/14/2017: We have an editor now! Feel free to check them out: Doctor Disco.

Edit 7/07/2017: Taming Equestria now has official cover art done by the talented Mix-up! Check out his work on Deviant Art here.

Chapters (6)

"Either I'm tripping balls, which is possible since I took quite a few hits... Or this is all real. And I'm a kid again. A pony one."

Max gets the unfortunate- Or fortunate experience of suddenly finding himself in Equestria as a colt after doing a lot of drugs. How will the teen turned child handle a second child hood? Will he make friends? Will he survive with his addiction to drugs?

Probably not.

(T for language, mentioning of drug usage, and sexual mentionings toward young ponies.)
Tags will be added as I go along.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Divine Entertainment

Atlas, Discord and Starswirl have safely arrived in the newly founded Equestria. The ponies that came before them already built up quite a few flourishing cities, setting aside their differences and living together in harmony.

Close to one such newly founded town, Atlas built what he personally insists on calling a "secret lab" where he conducts research and experiments to gain a better understanding of runic magic. Assisted by his adopted son Discord and his scholarly friend Starswirl, they'll have to recreate this lost art if Atlas wants to be prepared for the foretold showdown between the greek gods. All while keeping an eye out for the events that are supposed to bring the true Equestria into existence.

This sequel story will focus mostly on Atlas' research into runes and the timeline that is known to him. Therefore I've decided to replace the adventure tag from the last story with slice of life, although there might still be some adventure-y chapters.

Cover Art by Navanastra, go check out his awesome stories!

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Research! Arc:
Chapter 1 - 4
9’208 Words

Travels! Arc:
Chapter 5 - 7
12'858 Words

Research 2, Research Harder! Arc:
Chapter 8 - 11
7'920 Words

The Two Sisters Arc:
Chapter 12 - 23
38'885 Words

Equestria Arc:
Chapter 24 - xxx

Chapters (29)

Ever since Chrysalis' failed invasion of Canterlot, Celestia has been under tremendous strain. Plagued by nightmares of her inability to defend the country, her ability to rule is slowly becoming comprised.

After finally revealing the truth to a still recovering Luna, the two sisters take some advice from their friendly neighborhood draconequus on how to handle the problem.

If there's one sure thing in life, it's that advice from Discord rarely goes according to plan...

My name is Harold Storm. The last few years haven't been all that great. I've got a crappy job, no time for a social life and I'm barely making ends meet. I'm making just enough to pay to go to college part time and work towards an engineering degree. That, at least, should help in the job department if I don't run out of money before I graduate. That was, until an unforeseen death in the family had me driving across country to collect some things that were left to me. The trip there went fine, but on the way home something unexpected happened. I ended up in another world.

A twist of fate, or maybe one that was intended, lead me to Equestria and all the magic that comes with it. With no way of getting back home on my own, I've got a long journey to Canterlot, even with the aid of some new friends. However, magic has a funny way of changing the way one looks at the world...

02-07-17 Woah! Somehow made it to the feature box :pinkiegasp:

Alternate universe. Princess Luna is still in her younger form from the end of "Friendship is Magic." Takes place after the events of Magical Mystery Cure and the first Equestria Girls but before Season 4 starts. Doesn't follow show's timeline after that but may draw from some events.

I'd like to give a huge shout-out to fellow author, KorenCZ11, for helping me with pre-reading and editing. Then, after all that hard work he went and made me some awesome cover art!

Kinda slice of life with a bit of adventure thrown in. Some other tags may be added as the story progresses.

The vast majority of the story is 1st person, told from Harold's POV.

Part 1 of a 2 part story.

Rated T for some violence, occasional swearing and innuendo.

Note the lack of a crossover tag :derpytongue2:
This is not a HL2 crossover, I just happen to like the quote.

Chapters (21)