• Member Since 19th Dec, 2014


I like Pokemon, Ponies, and anything else with p in it.

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The long awaited Lunar Eclipse arrives, and as the red moon shines down on Earth, an unsuspecting man is sent to Equestria. He's unconscious when he arrives, but when he wakes up, he meets a couple talking horses.

This shall be my first fanfiction. Not sure how I feel about this, but there you go!
Advice for writing style would be appreciated. Thank you. (Especially since there isn't an editor..)
Next Chapter Progress: 15%

Edit #???: Okay, so typing up wasn't completely random. Frankly, I was eagerly awaiting the Total Lunar Eclipse and just thinking about it inspired me to write this story.
Just wanted to get the first chapter down on the day of an actual Lunar Eclipse (first one in 2014 by the way). When I first started, I had no idea where I wanted to go with the story. Since then, I've developed quite a bit of the main plot..and a bunch of backstories/subplots. I don't have a lot of time to write, but I keep my ideas safely buried under the big oak tree in front of my childhood house. (So, just a disclaimer on haphazard updates. But while this is so, I don't intend to ever give up completing this story.)

Edit about cover image: One day, I'll get a better picture of a lunar eclipse (got a neat one of the partial solar eclipse!) For now the image is going to be a crappy lunar eclipse photo I took with a so-so camera back in 2009/2010.

Chapters (11)

My name is Clarissa Ryker, Captain of the UEE Endurance and commander of the 2nd Battle fleet.

And this is my story of how I ended up in the world of Equestria.

This is a crossover of one of my most awaited games star citizen.

Teen for language. There will be gore and probably sex later on, however there will more than likely be no clop. Just light stuff, and in which case the story will more than likely be switched to mature depending on feedback.

(Main character is my OC)

I recently rewrote the first 2 chapters of this story for readers who have come back after the re-write
Said chapter marked with (x)
constructive criticism is totally welcome and very appreciated.
Special thanks to Arctikfox and Dragonoidsix seekers for all the suggestions and help
Thank you star citizen for creating such a amazing universe and game. Also cover art credit goes to Robert space industries. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/

Chapters (6)

In the magical land of Equestria there is a place for everypony. Even if that somepony was not a pony to begin with.

Given a second chance in a land that was so different yet familiar and sometimes frighteningly similar to his own was something he was not going to moan about, even if the young man-turned-pony sometimes sure does feel the urge to do so. However this time - under the new name of Midnight Blackmane - he promised himself to strive for greatness...

Chapters (11)

Immortality. Being able to live forever. But, do people really think about what that might imply?

One day your friends will die.

One day your planet will die.

One day your star will follow.

One day the never-ending force of entropy will destroy the universe.

Twilight's lived to see this.

This is the last story.

But there might just be time for one last adventure.

Author Note. This story was started many years ago. A lot of the older chapters are pretty atrocious by my own admission. I considered going back and editing it to shit but in the end I decided to keep it as it was for archival and posterity.

Hope you enjoy, this fic has been a journey. And i wish you all many happy new beginnings in whatever you do.

Chapters (37)

Random guy ends up in Equestria story, yet for reasons unbeknownst to him, he finds himself in an Equestria much like the one he barely remembers from a show he once watched, yet very different in all the wrong aspects.

It can't possibly be because he turned into a changeling right after their infamous invasion.


And now with an editor. A huge round of applause to Kablam Pony for helping me with editing this story.

A giant round of applause for mix-up for drawing such splendid cover art.


AU: This is literally an alternate Equestria, where grim events happen as normal occurrences, also, the story starts from season 2 and moves up to season 4.

Comedy: who doesn't like to laugh at the misery of a fictional character?

Adventure: if that wasn't obvious I don't know what is.

Dark: Some of you pointed out that it has some dark elements, but don't worry, I will not write anything overboard.

Human: dare I need to state why.

Teen because of a couple of death scenes here and there, no gore, unless it's written in an extremely scientific language.

Oh, it's a shameless self insert by the way. I want to see how much I can write myself as a character in my own story and how much it relates to other characters I have written.

Chapters (13)

Once upon a time, 17-year old Eric Colby was just your average high school senior. His father worked for TechnoCorp Enterprises, the world's most prosperous science and technology corporation, and Eric himself was doing pretty well in school, for the most part.

But one night, everything changed.

After a series of unexpected events, Eric is suddenly transported into Equestria and mutated into a unicorn by a mysterious genetic sample. Discovered by Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Eric struggles to adapt to his new form, while also trying to uncover a plot that could destroy both humans and ponies alike, and put the whole Universe in danger...

Takes place a short time after the movie, and is canon up to that point. The events of Equestria Girls did not happen during this timeline.

Rated Teen and or some frightening scenes and/or concepts, especially for some moments during the later phases of the story. Feel free to interpret their severity for yourselves. Comments, opinions, and likes are very much appreciated!

(Cover art is a composite image made of a modified Mane Six vector by shadowhillhcr, art of Equestria from orbit by alterhouse, and a vector of my OC Jade Dawn that was modified from an adult Button Mash drawing, author unknown.)

Chapters (6)

Here I am, thrown in as a changling Queen far before the Canterlot invasion, watch as I- A: make my whole race terrified of me B: overthrow a changeling god! C: die, a lot. D: all of the above.

What do you think?

.....wait a minute.

(Open for new cover art)

Chapters (8)

Sequel to Battleships are Magic-

A few years have passed since first contact between ponies and men. The gap between worlds has secretly been bridged and it is possible to travel between the United States and Equestira.

The President hopes that the American public will be receptive, but on the way to the press conference something goes terribly wrong.

Chapters (5)

On the eve of the Gulf War, a US Navy ship sails through an intense storm and into a different world.

Equestria and the other members of the United Lands are attempting to remove the dragons from their encroachment into Zebrica, but diplomacy is failing. While nopony wants a war, it appears that there might be no other option.

Captain John Mittal and the rest of the sailors aboard USS Wisconsin have some tough political and ethical choices to make. This isn't their fight, but can they stand by while the rest of the world prepares for war?

Chapters (8)

Steve Axios is a student pilot, living the dream as he works towards flying a plane professionally. But how well does he truly know what he wants, and whether he's truly happy?

One fateful day, when taking off for a routine flight to gain experience, his plane enters a stray portal to the magical land of Equestria. With the help of our favorite ponies, he attempts to return home... and fails. This leads him to spend some time in Equestria, exploring the true meaning of friendship- but not without being forced to make some hard calls...

A Song of Transformation follows Steve in his misadventures across Equestria as he embarks on a journey of self discovery.

Chapters (14)