• Member Since 19th Dec, 2014


I like Pokemon, Ponies, and anything else with p in it.

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Set only a week after the banishment of Princess Luna to the moon, the realm of Equestria is in a state of upheaval. Celestia's royal guard attempt to regain control over the vast empire once ruled by dual monarchs, and the young alicorn's actions as a ruler have become a subject of scrutiny after her sister's attempted coup. Two factions have risen in the turmoil: The Knights of the Sun and The Bright Moon.

Far away from the political infighting and sword rattling exists a small mining town on the outskirts of Equestrian territory. Where once the royal guard would have no trouble fending off raids from bandits or other criminals, the panic of the capitol has caused a withdrawal of military forces to more essential cities and trading ports. Completely undefended and without a spell or sword amongst them, this town was soon overrun by a band of bi-pedal canines calling themselves the Diamond Dogs. As brutal as they are lazy, the Diamond Dogs have forced the local population to work until collapse to collect gems from the town mine.

Outraged by his inability to fend off these bandits and thieves, a young unicorn named Bone Marrow tries with all of his might to find his purpose in life - his cutie mark - and hopes that it will be enough to drive off the invaders of his home. He will soon discover that his special talent is far more than he bargained for.

((A Sequel will begin for this story as soon as I finish I Am a Pet Changeling. Stay tuned on Discord! https://discord.gg/nDXd3AB ))

Chapters (30)

After running away from an abusive home our hero/protagonist is granted a wish by the most unlikely of things. He awakes in Equestria with a new body, new life, and new challenges. What is in store for our boy? Read and find out.

Wow this story was featured 12, Aug, 2018 I am so flattered haha.

Chapters (23)

After GLaDOS is uploaded into a potato battery, Wheatley humiliates the AI even further by uploading her into a project that was abandoned by Aperture a long time ago. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself in a deformed body of flesh and bone that resembles an equine, and is just as powerless as one too. It comes with all of its needs and bodily functions as well. To make matters worse, she's trapped in a land full of insufferable creatures that just want to make 'friends.' Will GLaDOS' cold, sadistic sense of humor and morals get the better of the ponies? Or will they peel away the once artificial being's metallic shell and find that there's a softer side? Probably not, but it's worth a try.

Story Theme: Tyler Bates - I Love You (Watchmen OST)

Thanks to Meeester, MrJoshy, and funkyferret for proofreading/reviewing.

Cover by Fedte16.

Chapters (16)

This story is now cancelled after a long hiatus. I have started this story again from scratch in a new story I'm currently writing, A Pilot's Search

Sol is a Vanguard Titan Pilot in the Militia SRS, Maurader Corps. When he and his partner, BK-3891, are sent to retrieve the Grizzly Device Jack Cooper left at the IMC research facility, bad timing and an ambush leads to them being stranded in a barren desert with no life for miles around. How will they get back to the Frontier?

Or will they even get back at all?


Crossover with Titanfall 2

Takes place after Season 3, any episodes after season 3 will not affect this story, just makes it easier to shape the story (I stuffed up with Twilight's castle being in the story, but that is part of the story now, so I added an AU tag)

Gore tag, because Sol is a highly trained augmented soldier with a mech in a land with Ponies who have spears.

This is my first story, but don't go easy on me, criticise me how you see fit.
And sorry for description, will work on it later.

The cover art is a quick edit by me

And a friend of mine is writing a Titanfall story as well! (It's a Viper story so you better read it). Defanged
(He is now rewriting it)

The map I'm using is the map on this page: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Equestria

Chapters (14)

Starlight Glimmer needs a quicker way to get through her books...but sometimes the quickest way isn't always the best way.

Finally, something new! I know it's been too long, but I had this silly idea in my head for a while and I just had to get it out.
Just something silly I wrote for myself and for anyone who enjoys a bit of Cellulite Glimmer.


Chapters (1)

Twilight makes a food machine. What could possibly go wrong (or oh so right)?

This story was posted on my deviantArt for a year now, but I figured it could come over here as well :)

Chapters (1)

After what must have been the most epic of benders ever bent in the history of alcohol and metal combined, James finds himself waking up in a new world, crammed into an unfamiliar new body.

Left with little to no choice in the matter, he has to adapt to this new situation, all the while looking for a possible way back home. As if all of this wasn't already crazy enough, this world seemed to be inhabited by technicolor ponies which worshipped powerful beings called: Alicorns.

After finding out that he was indeed an alicorn himself, he decides to keep this fact a secret. Being crowned as a prince would surely invite more trouble than it was worth.

This story is inspired by Snorting Gentlemans story: Alicorn of Music: Reliving The Childhood. The idea behind the story always fascinated me, and, with Snorting Gentlemans permission, I've decided to write out my own twist at it.

This is just a side project for me, so updates will be irregular.

Cover Art by the amazing The Spirits Demise.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Battlestar: Celestia

Commander Marcus Frude, the last known survivor of humankind and acting Commander of the Type 271-BXR Battlestar: Caprica is on the best way to come to peace with the losses of his past, hoping to erase the last of his worries on a peaceful mission to explore the local star system. However, when the Caprica detects a ship jumping in, his past finds a way to catch up with him.

Chapters (5)

Neil was a High school student with a natural passion in stone age history, namely that of cavemen and their escapades. Despite his interest in early man's history, Neil lived an unexceptional life. He spent his days in personal research, or hanging out with his best and only friend, Trisha. He was a single child with no practical modern interests, or even the ambition to find one. Neil lived this way contentedly, for the most part, until a girl named Helen arrived in town and enrolled in his school. Now, he's stranded in the middle of a hostile forest, with only his school gear and knowledge of the stone age to survive. But, he soon realizes there are worse things than lions, tigers, and bears to battle in these strange woodlands: sinister vegetation, mythological beasts, broods of ravenous insects of unnatural size, and an unusually sapient locality of equines that don't consider his presence a blessing. Neil must overcome these obstacles, or perish trying.

Rated Teen for survival situations, violence, mild gore, and language.

This story was inspired by all my favorite survival books and movies.

The cover image was created by Tré (Tregallery.com).

Chapters (14)

So, I was living a fairly normal life, going to school, reading fanfics, marvelling at the magnificence of the internet and humanity at large, you know, a totally normal person. Then, suddenly, I wasn't. No biggie, because every brony's dream came true for me: I was reborn as a pony, an Alicorn even! That sounds great, right? Ah, aha, um, nope! Not when I'm the "son" of God-Empress Celestia of the Holy Empire of Equestria, who would make even the Imperium of 40k balk at her xenophobia and egomania. Well, I've got magic, that has to count for something, right?

If you would, please contribute to my Patreon, where you can support me and commission stories: Link

2017-07-09: Holy salmon, I've been featured. My first ever story got featured. In 3 days. I have no idea what I did to have the honour, but thank you all!

Edit: Here's a picture of the main character, Solus:

Chapters (28)