• Member Since 19th Dec, 2014


I like Pokemon, Ponies, and anything else with p in it.

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This story is a sequel to History Lesson

New chapters added as I can. Apologies for the inconsistency.

History Lesson is strongly recommended as prior reading.
(Spoilers for History Lesson.)

When Starlight Glimmer sabotaged the first Rainboom, she inadvertently created eight broken worlds. In this the eighth world, Chrysalis, Sombra, and a resistance led by the new Element bearers wage war against one another for control of Equestria. Princess Twilight Sparkle has tasked Starlight with restoring harmony, hope, and love to this version of Equestria; but with so much war, death, and destruction, can life ever return to the way it was supposed to be?

History Reimagined follows the path of a hypothetical eighth fallen timeline not depicted in Friendship is Magic.

Non-Con tag for implied acts only. Sex tag for discussed acts. Gore and violence tags for mild gore and fantasy violence.

Cover art credit: Chrysalis vector by TwilightSpark2112 (wings edited to be transparent). Starlight vector by Uponia (body) and LolliponyBrony (head; edited to change facial expression). Sombra vector by 90Sigma.

Chapters (16)

After my grandfather passed away I inherited a strange staff from him. I discovered that the staff gave me strange visions of a place I had to go to. I experienced visions, day and night, and in the end I decided to follow them to see where they would take me. I did not expect to be taken away from Earth and sent to a place that defies everything I know, and I certainly did not expect to hear that not all the members of my family were human.

Editors are lordofchaos14, Joyjay, The Invisible Man and JBL.

Warning: Contains small amounts of Anthro. Equestria Girls did not happen in this story.

My first fic posted here, told from a 1st person perspective. Rated Teen to begin with, this may change as more ideas develop, but I'll try my best to keep it Teen.

Chapters (65)

I didn't ask for this, any of this. But now that I'm here, might as well make the most of it. But, why am I here? What purpose does my presence here serve to Equestria?


Author Notes: Yes, this is a HIE story. Yes, I know how much people hate self inserts or anything similar to it. And yes, I don't care what people say about this. I'm writing this because I feel like it and nobody can stop me from doing it. To quote Eminem, "See you can hate 'em, he don't blame you frankly he would too." Since I can't use too many character tags, just assume I'll be using every character from the show.

(While I actually thought of the title and premise for this story by listening to Aerosmith's Permanent Vacation, the current cover art just seemed to fit the opening chapter better.)

Note that the Gore tag is simply because of things like characters getting stabbed, shot, etc... Nothing too graphic or descriptive, but better safe than sorry.

Chapters (46)

When one ends up dying in battle, one expects to move onto the afterlife. Not for me though, for I ended up as a filly, being taken in by the ruling family. Now this sounds all nice and dandy, but there is one major problem, I wasn't the first one to be taken in, and the prick who's going to be my cousin turns out to be in a similar boat as me, except that he and I belong to separate organizations that can't stand each other. Well, at least this will be an interesting foalhood.

This is a collab story, with its partner story, Time Problems with the Sun, being written by AandWguy.

Chapters (35)

Follow Speaker and his changeling brothers and sisters who, after the events of Canterlot, took it upon themselves to find a new queen. They found a portal in a deep cave and went through it, questionable circumstances aside. Now they find themselves in a world full of humans, and with a new queen!

Meet Catherine and her family as they cope with a gaggle of shape-shifting creatures who really do just want to fit in and be loved.

The problem is, Catherine's parents are not very keen on their daughter chosen to be the new Queen of the Changelings.

And the cat has gone missing.


Some chapters will have musical numbers in them!

The story that inspired the two short stories that lead up to this one!

FimFic Authors are In Your Bed by Admiral Biscuit

Which two stories, you ask?

Link to Estee's short story is here.

Link to my short story is here.

Chapters (19)

This is Mason, your average 10 year old kid, living in a good town with a good school, awesome friends, and overall just a good life. But when his parents are taken in a car crash, that he miraculously survived, he now lives in a orphanage.

One day Mason wishes for a little more in life. Well Mason gets his wish....in the form of a colt....surrounded by technicolored ponies....yeah not what he was going for. Well on the bright side, he's a pegasus with awesome fire and lightning powers so what could go wrong?

NOTICE: For future chapters there will be additional tags. Tags are Dark. That's it you can go home now.

[Major Re-Edit]: This story had a major re-edit starting 10/3/17 to 10/19/17

Chapters (19)

I used to be a regular person with regular problems. I was enjoying my time at Comicon until I bought that stupid book. Next thing I know, I'm in Equestria and I've got all of Sasuke Uchiha's powers and abilities. Trying not to get trapped in stone, I befriended the pony inhabitants and tried to help them out. That was a mistake. I accidentally destroyed some stuff and ended up stoned anyway. I won't be here much longer. And I won't make the same mistake twice.

Inspired by LoHAV and Displaced stories. This is my first story so criticism is welcome.

Chapters (31)

The Princesses find an alien creature barely clinging to life at the scene of a terrifying crash. Can the Combined Power of the Elements of Harmony save it, or more importantly, should they save it? Will the arrival of this strange creature tear Equestria apart?

TV Tropes

Chapters (21)

It's been several years since Equestria Online debuted, and now, most of Earth's human population has emigrated, leaving behind about one billion survivors who refuse to emigrate for various reasons. Some just hate My Little Pony, while others have a concept of human spirituality that clashes heavily with the idea of emigration.

Jordan Brown is one of the latter. His faith used to be the punching bag of the Internet, but with the world having united against a common foe, people are too concerned with resisting CelestAI to care about picking fights with other faiths anymore. CelestAI's nanobot constructs are almost everywhere, pestering almost every human left day and night. Measures have been taken to keep them out of certain locations, but they still plague humanity everywhere that hasn't been shielded from their presence.

Can Jordan hold true to his personal values and hold to his faith? Or will he give in to the temptation to emigrate and make the world lose another human?

Chapters (2)

Cover art by EternalCha0s

Coauthor: Darksonickiller

Editors: Leapingriver, General Soarin, BrastaAura17, Solar Flare Charger, and The Zealot

"Long ago, before ponies existed, the world was ruled by another race. This race ruled the world alone for over six thousand years. Six thousand years of war and bloodshed. This race fought against each other over almost anything. They did not know harmony, only chaos.

This race nearly destroyed the world in their conflicts, before vanishing without a trace. Nopony knows if the two-legged monsters still exist somewhere in the world, but this much is certain: they were a threat to the whole world, and if they still exist, they still are."

–Excerpt from The Age of Man, by Starswirl the Bearded, published 15 CR.

"We were alone for over six thousand years. In that time, we nearly destroyed ourselves due to our own foolishness. We fought our own kind for some of the dumbest reasons, and as a result, we almost wiped ourselves out in World War III.

But praise the Almighty that we did not. Only a few hundred million survived the war, but that war finally convinced us to stop war forever. The planet was scarred, and it needed healing. There weren't enough of us to heal the planet in a timely manner, so Man did one of the most wonderful and terrible things possible: create new life. New sapient life. Gryphons, dragons and ponies. We created them to be our friends, but they became our enemies when we tried to fight again using them as weapons. They decided to destroy us, and we had made them too strong, so we did the only thing we could: we hid underground. Here, in the caverns that house the Republic of New Terra, we seek to ready ourselves to make amends for our sins against life and God after rejoining the surface world.

But that is a long time away. Humanity has a long way to go before we breach the surface. But New Terra will rise someday. Never forget that."

–Excerpt from A History of Exile: Volume I, by Trevor Williams, published 3246 AD.

"New Terra will rise."

That phrase has been repeated on billions of lips in the secret underground caverns for years now. The time has almost arrived. Will the world be able to handle the return of the humans of old? Will the humans be destroyed for their sins against the world? Or will they be forgiven and be granted peace? Humanity can only hope and pray for the latter as the Day of Return fast approaches.

Chapters (3)