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The glamorous unicorn Opalescence is haunted by bizarre recurring dreams of a world in which she and her friends are all animals. But as vivid as these dreams are, surely they're just dreams, right? There couldn't actually be a parallel universe somewhere where they're little more than pets ... right?

Chapters (1)

The Dazzlings head to Donut Joe's to lick their wounds after the Battle of the Bands. Unfortunately, they run into the ones who defeated them and strike up a conversation that brings up old memories.

Edited by Rainedash!

Chapters (1)

After becoming mortal, the Dazzlings give up their evil ways and decide to lead normal lives. Which includes going to school like regular, normal girls. Sonata's first class on her first day is gym, and much to the humane five and Sunset's surprise, she's good at it. Too good at it.

Featured on 1/28/15!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer isn't exactly fitting in at Canterlot High, but she's changed her ways and is slowly making amends for her past behavior, but she still hasn't grasped all the differences between pony society and human society--a point pressed home when another thing she's taken for granted changes in front of her very eyes.

Set between Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks

Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (1)

[Now with a parody version!]
Sunset Shimmer: Ex-Queen bee of CHS. Ex-She-deamon. Ex-villain. Overall bad-ass.

However, as the hair 5 are learning, Sunset isn't all she may seem to be. This confident girl may just have a secret or two that she doesn't want out.

((Edited and altered 5/8/15))

Chapters (1)

Defeated by the Rainbooms, Aria and Adagio finally have enough of Sonata Dusk, and banish her from the group with some incredibly harsh words.

Broken and remorseful of her actions, Sonata sits alone at a cafe, wondering what to do with her life. It is there that she meets a boy who might be able to help her. A boy who might allow her to redeem herself for her actions with the Dazzlings.

A boy who kind of resembles one of her former rivals.

Just some silly shipping that I dreamed up because I honestly can't think of anything else. Seriously, writer's block is baaaad.

Also, Dusk Shine X Sonata Dusk = DuskDusk OTP. Don't deny it.

Seriously. Just try to think of a better ship name than DuskDusk. I dare you.

Also, I totally made a group for it. For realzies.

Chapters (1)

Because sometimes even a villain should get the chance to have a happy Christmas with her family.

Chapters (1)

Having to spend a night in the wild, after having lost all that she had, Trixie is neverthless more tormented by her inner demons that from the rigors of nature. Luckily for her, in Equestria, nightmares have their jurisdiction.

Chapters (1)

Every day for the past few days, a mournful song has been coming out of the alleyway beside the rescue shelter Fluttershy works at. She finally braves the scary alleyway, concerned for the possibly injured creature, but is surprised by who she has found.

Maybe, if she can show Sonata Dusk just a little bit of kindness, she can turn the poor girl's life around.

Edited by Level Dasher.

Chapters (2)

Button is very brave. He's saved Princess Zelda from Ganondorf, fought against zombie hordes and he's even managed to beat the dreaded Creepers! Alright, that last one wasn't real. Or the other ones.

But, despite his achievements, he has only one princess he wants(and thankfully, she's not in another castle): Sweetie Belle. Of course, when he asks her to Sugarcube Corner for milkshakes, he encounters a horde of enemies! Well, not a horde, just Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but their enemies nonetheless.

Will Button be able to stand up to the enemy and protect his princess? And will he really learn the true meaning to being a hero?

This is to celebrate 350+ followers. The vote for this story's creation took place in this blog. I hope you enjoyed~!

Chapters (1)