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When Button Mash is forced by his mother to attend a slumber party with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, he is very much against the idea. However, he has no choice but to make this one sacrifice if he wants to get his precious JoyBoy back.

Thankfully for him, it all turns out to be better than he expected... until it comes to the 'Truth' part of 'Truth or Dare.'

As a result of this, Button's greatest secret comes to light — but it's not the one the Crusaders were expecting to hear...

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Joint second entry for UK of Equestria's July Fimfiction Writing Contest, the theme for which was simply 'Slumber Party.'

Comments contain spoilers.

Now with a reading by EnderBlaze!

Chapters (1)

The Halloween after her actions at the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer isn't a popular student. In an attempt to show she's changed, Sunset volunteers to check over the list of costumes for Canterlot High's Halloween Party. Making sure they're all appropriate, Sunset goes a little over the top. Also, Trixie doesn't help.

Chapters (1)

Cotton Candy always thought that Prank Partners pranked together. A team, ya know? But when Prism tells her Prank Partners always prank each other harmlessly, the mare has a bright idea of a prank. And with her mad acting skills, he'd totally fall for it.
She spends the entire afternoon preparing it, knowing it was going to be hilarious. Well, hilarious at 80%... 60%... 4- NO. It was going to be hilarious at 100%. She was (pratically?) sure of it. It was a totally harmless joke. What would go wrong?

Nothing, it just went weird.

The characters belong to kilala97. She's my favorite artist and OC maker. She's also an awesome writer!
PLEASE ask me through PM before submitting to any groups.

This story has a sequel,Love's Complicated

Chapters (2)

One week after the Battle Of The Bands, a special assembly is called, as Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms have a very important message for Canterlot High. Sunset just hopes what they're doing won't be thrown in their faces, but she'll push through, so long as there's a chance it could work...

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle told you what happened during her trip to the human world. But none of you know what exactly happened.
Dear Princess Celestia, I'm not coming back, but I want you to know what happened.

Please ask before submitting to groups.

Chapters (1)

The fall comes again this year in Ponyville. The time comes again for the annual preparations such as looking for warmer clothes, stocking up on Nightmare Night candy while it's all still cheap - You know the whole routine.
A part of that routine however that is often looked over is the look back towards the past. Sometimes it'll come in the holiday traditions or that familiar piece of candy.
Minty takes this return to the past on her usual round to the Ponyville marketplace and relives the dark and light of her own story.
Wanting to adapt some characters that would make other bronies cringe, "Why not Minty of the third generation of MLP?" I said. Don't worry, I really tried.

Chapters (1)

(Credit for the cover art and inspiration goes to thegreatcat14 on Deviantart! Thank you for the permission! ^^)

All Aria wanted after a long day trying to steal a precious jewel with Adagio and Sonata at the hotel was sleep. Especially since Adagio had been a total -Censored- today!

Now someone is shaking her awake while she laid in her bed inside the hotel room...

Chapters (1)

It started off with a little invitation. Trixie was to play a simple game of Poker with Sunset Shimmer. Her initial thoughts were that the two of them would be gossiping about things. Well that and trying to prove to Sunset that the Great and Powerful Trixie is a master of the art of Poker.

However, Sunset's little "Rules" are what gives this game its' spicy flair and turns an otherwise normal game of poker into a rather exciting game of cards, lipstick and kissing.

It was gonna be one heck of a night...

Note: I literally just made this the second I saw this picture. Sorry if it feels rushed out the door in certain areas. This isn't how I usually write. I just saw this picture, and wanted to do a story off of it.

Chapters (1)

When things don't go the way we hoped for, it's easy for ones mind to become clouded with grief. It's times like these that all seems lost with no way of recovery. However, sometimes, the thing that one needs most is someone to talk to. Someone who will listen to your aching heart. When the invasion of Canterlot didn't go as Chrysalis had planned, she placed a heavy weight on her heart that nopony would ever be willing to lift, nopony, except Doughnut Joe, that is.

Chapters (1)

When Sunset Shimmer decided to keep tabs on Sonata, she didn't think she'd get to actually sit down with her and help her.

Written for the 2014 October writeoff, "Just Over The Horizon".

Cover image by sebisscout1997

Chapters (1)