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On her way to Canterlot High for her music club, Octavia meets Vinyl Scratch and is annoyed by the music blasting from her headphones. After getting yelled at, Vinyl responds by making odd gestures with her hands. It turns out, Vinyl Scratch is deaf, and she feels music instead of listening to it. Feeling ashamed, Octavia wishes to make it up to her, but is surprised by Vinyl's request.

Commissioned by Dashole

Pre-read by ZOMG and MrMinimii

Chapters (1)

Sunset loved Twilight. Twilight always loved Trixie. And now, they had finally achieved what they wanted, stay together. But Sunset feel something wrong, something inside her was confused. She never had time to admit what she felt for Twilight, and now she could no longer. Sunset decides to write a letter. She want to have one last little talk with Twilight before Trixie take her from Sunset, forever.

Art by bakki, taken with permission.
Edited by the great Exterminate Regenerate, give him hugs!

Chapters (1)

Sonata has a bad nightmare and asks Aria if she can bunk with her since Adagio is no where to be found. Aria of course refuses, but gives in, leaving them in a very interesting position when Adagio comes back.
Featured 1/7/15 Yaaaaay! Now with a reading by Wubcake! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3bVXWO7L20

Chapters (1)

Since their defeat and the lost of their powers, life for the Dazzlings have not been easy. With spirits low and it being the Christmas season Sonata decides that maybe the best way to bring some cheer is to embrace the holiday spirit and sets out to find the gifts for her fellow Sirens.

(This is my second Christmas story, it not as long and not as dramatic as my previous one but I like how it came out. The cover art I made myself and I've decided to upload some of my MLP art on my Deviantart account. I'll also thank Shadow Bolt for helping me write this fix.)

Chapters (1)

Months after being defeated by Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer has changed her life for the better. Since then she has done what she could to atone for all the wrongs she's done. Even though she has made new friends it is on Christmas Eve while everyone celebrates the holiday Sunset Shimmer chooses to remain home instead. That is until she is visited by a certain legendary figure to teach her the meaning of Christmas.

(This is my first Christmas special, I also want to thank Shadow Bolt for the help on the story. Also there are a couple sad scenes but for some reason the site won't let me add a sad tab to it.)

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer had no idea why everyone was taking to this new girl so quickly. What does she have that she doesn't? Besides friends? And an endearing personality? And a cute butt.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has been living a reformed life for quite some time now. Whether by fate or random chance, she wound up in a serious relationship with the Twilight of the human world. She's content with where she is and has never been happier to be accepted and loved. In fact, she hopes that this Christmas will give her the opportunity to express how deeply she feels for Twilight.

1. Sunlight fluff for the holidays.
2. Third consecutive year for me producing a Christmas special!
3. Post Rainbow Rocks. Featuring EqG-world Twilight. I could have written volumes to explain backstory but c'mon. It's a fluff-shot.

AUDIO READING by allykitty

As always, art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (1)

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the town, not a creature was stirring, except Sunset Shimmer with her indifferent frown. She wouldn't care a bit about the holidays. The word made her curse. Her friends tried to fix it, but it only made things worse. Later on, the ex-villain gets a visit from her old home. Soon, she learns that Christmas is not about being alone.

Chapters (8)

It's been a while since Twilight stepped foot into Canterlot High, six months in fact. And now that she's back, she's got something that will change Sunset forever.

Chapters (1)

Sunset convinces Twilight to spend a Christmas with her and the girls in their world so she could get a taste of what it's like while accidentally showing her one of the best parts of the holiday.
Featured on 12/17/14! *Dash voice* Aw yeah!

Chapters (1)