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Sunset and Adagio explain to Human Twilight what they are and where they came from.

She doesn't take it very well.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle gets a job and has a minor existential crisis.

Nothing could be easier than telemarketing, right?

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, once overbearing and rude, is living proof that people can change. When she finds out that the Dazzlings are being expelled from Canterlot High for their crimes, she will make an attempt to understand their past and salvage their future.

Even if she can help only one of them, she believes it's worth it.

Chapters (1)

After their defeat, Aria is pushing Sonata over and Adagio has finally enough of it.
She decides to give Aria a proper punishment.

NOTE: This story contains corporal punishment and mature language. Reader discretion is advised.
NOTE 2: My native tongue isn't English, it's German. But it should now be decent English, because a good American friend called Desparil was so kind to help me with this story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to She Knows How To Treat A Lady

Ten months after Trixie moved to Ponyville, she starts to disappear from time to time, which catches Twilight and Fluttershy's attention and try to figure out what is their friend up to, all while Rarity wonders if Trixie still loves her or not. Rarixie and Twishy!

Cover can be found here!

Her dA page.

Chapters (21)

Sunset Shimmer is homeless and living in an old abandoned warehouse with no power and a leaky roof with almost nothing to her name, not even her favorite jacket after it was destroyed during the Fall Formal. With the school closed down for the holiday and her so called friends too caught up in their own holiday plans they don't realize Sunset not only doesn't have any...but she has no place to get food with the school closed.

Going to a close by community center Christmas Eve to get a hot meal they were giving the homeless and those down on their luck, Sunset runs into the family of the last person she expected to see there...

Chapters (1)

With the pressure of saving the world on her shoulders once again, Twilight is feeling more than a little nervous. And while Sunset isn't in the same exact situation per say, they find that they have more in common than they thought.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to She's Dazzling

" Her very being seems to shine with a soft, tremulous light; her eyes so honest, so pure, it's sweeter than the very turbulent feelings I feed off of. To watch her face write pure, raw emotion is the definition of bliss itself. "

Disclaimer; Cover art by ikuchana at DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

" But then I look at her—at Adagio—I look at her and hear her and, god, constellations are bursting, fires are sparking, silence is deafening, the whole world is terrifying and I'm falling, god, I'm falling, I'm falling in love with her. "

Disclaimer; Cover art by Jack-a-Lynn at DeviantArt

Chapters (1)