Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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An accident involving the CMC, Rainbow Dash's strange behavior, a mysterious pony. Questions have arisen. There's only one pony who can answer every single one; but is she willing to?

Chapters (9)

It finally happened as Twilight always knew it would. The first of her friends had died. The Element of Loyalty too. Not loyal enough to stick around. No, that was the depression talking.

And the lack of sleep. Something was prowling the halls of her castle at night and, for some reason, she was the only pony that ever heard it; although, one guard did mention something strange happening to the lighting once.

It could not be ghosts. Their very concept made no sense. Intangible yet able to hear? What a contradiction.

But just in case…

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has a relatively simple talk with a teenage Scootaloo on the effects of love and the problems with pursuing it.

Chapters (1)

This is my alternate ending to Pegasus Device By: AuroraDawn
Rainbow Dash is faced with a choice, she can get everypony killed or try to make amends with the ghost of a mare that should be dead.
Absentia has her hooves on the liquid thunder valve ready to throw it open and end it all. End all of the lives in the room. But is that what she really wants?

You will need to read Pegasus Device. My story picks up in chapter four.
This is the first story I ever wrote. Please, let me know what you think.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash wakes up from having partied a little too hard, only to find her friends staging an intervention for her.

Thanks to quila111 for allowing me to use such an excellent cover image.

Chapters (1)

How long can Rainbow Dash keep her secret? (Not very). How will her friends react when they find out? (Not well). Will Twilight Sparkle have anything to put in her friendship report to the Princess? (Yes, but the letter might be used as evidence in a murder investigation). Rainbow Dash will be honest with herself and her friends, Twilight will learn an important lesson, and the friends will discover many of them had more in common with each other than they previously thought. All this and no more can be found within!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was always a rebel without a cause and when Punk Rock and Roll rolled out of Gryphonia, she was hooked. Second only to her desire to become a Wonderbolt was to become a big name in the punk rock underground. Now, after months of cajoling her friends to help her, (mostly just twilight) She is ready to put on her first life performance in the Little Lantern Restaurant, in Ponyville.

Now, with Applejack rocking the drum kit, Pinkie on bass and backup vocals, Twilight Sparkle on the keys and Rainbow Dash herself on Lead guitar and vocals, she's ready to begin her career. Cover is free and drinks are half price during the show. Show your support and go see Harmony live for their very first show!

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash go to the grand opening of The Prancer, Ponyville's first and only nightclub.

A one shot partially inspired by the story Piano Mare by Aegis Shield.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Art of Rainbow Engineering

Beyond the familiar colours of the rainbow, lies a wider spectrum of light. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle investigate the world as seen in infrared.

Can be read independently of The Art of Rainbow Engineering.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash briefly dies.

Thankfully its not permanent and while she waits she banters with Death.

He's a pretty chill dude.

(A quick slice of life tale, as it were. is canonical with The Wardens of Order)

Chapters (1)