Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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She'd spend the day with them, shared stories, and shown a love she'd never experienced. And while she thought it was temporary, she didn't expect what would happen next.

Chapters (1)

Five years ago, the Free States seceded. Five years ago, the Princesses were taken captive. Five years ago, Equestria embarked on a bloody war that would cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

For five years, Rainbow Dash has fought to save her friends. For five years, the sun and moon have hung overhead, motionless. For five years, Rainbow has lived in that wan glow, while every day kills her a little bit more. The peace and happiness of her youth are but faded memories, and now she hardly recognizes the town she once called home. A hardened mare, Rainbow knows only pain and suffering...

...until one day, a reminder of what life used to be like lands at her hooves, and gives her something to live for once more.

Cover art provided by Ruirik. Editing provided by Solidfire and Pega-Ace. Written for the 101st anniversary of the beginning of World War I

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo went on a flight in the mountains, and when Scootaloo gets lost, Rainbow Dash has to look for the little filly ...

This is just a short one, I thought I should give it a shot to write something nice for once.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's father is dying in hospital. All Twilight can do is watch and offer some comforting words.

Words are powerful things. They can hurt, and they can heal; you just have to know the right ones. But when somepony loses their father, what are the right ones?

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash hears from Scootaloo about a double of the rainbow maned pegasus roaming around in Ponyville, she and Scootaloo head to Twilight for answers. Twilight then tells them that this was actually a doppelganger, a very dangerous ghost that can only be defeated by an enchanted band, found only in a haunted house in the Everfree Forest.

This is my first fimfic I made for that Halloween contest on EqD. I did my best so I have no regrets.

Chapters (1)

Dash introduces Scootaloo to the customs and traditions of the Pegasii Tribe. (Side story to "The Care and Raising of Pegassii")

Chapters (1)

Somepony crashes into Applejack's barn in the middle of the night. Applejack becomes horrified once she sees who it is and does everything she can to teach that pony a lesson they will never forget and make it stick with them for the rest of their life.

Chapters (1)

Takes place in the Sombra Universe from the Season 5 finale

War has taken up the lives of many ponies. One of these ponies being a Pegasus mare named Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, one of the soldiers, meets a stallion by the name of Soarin. They soon become closer and closer as the war goes on. Their relationship results in them marrying each other and having a daughter named Aura Mist.

Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, the two must give up their little filly. They grieve almost everyday for the little girl they could have spent time with. As for the filly herself, Aura Mist is given to a loving family. Although, she does have her curiosities. Where did she come from? How did she get tot his family? Who really are her parents?

Will Aura Mist ever find her real parents? Will Rainbow Dash and Soarin ever be reunited with their little filly?

* Contains some characters from The Next Generation of Harmony
*Yes, Spike and Rarity are married and have a kid in this story. Don't ask how Spike was born and how Him and Rarity met cause the answer I don't even know. I chose a couple from my other story.

Chapters (3)

Tonight, Soarin and Rainbow Dash are going to try experimenting in the bedroom. Rainbow's a little nervous about Soarin's strange request. She doesn't want to hurt him, both figuratively and literally, so she goes to get some advice before the big night.

Written for the Monthly Shipfics group.

Chapters (1)

“We're flying high,/We're watching the world pass us by./Never want to come down,/Never want to put my feet back down on the ground.” –Depeche Mode, ‘Never Let Me Down Again’

Rainbow Dash is given a chance of a lifetime, to fly with her favorite Wonderbolt, Soarin. However, as she spends time with him, she begins to like him more and more. But how does he feel?

Art done by DespisedAndBeloved on deviantArt.

Chapters (4)