Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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After Rainbow Dash's pet tortoise Tank finally goes into hibernation for the winter, the usually plucky blue Pegasus finds herself even more depressed and lonely, and having no fun coping with her pet's absence. A touching tale of separation anxiety, and a surprise solution...


After the events of 'May the Best Pet Win' and 'Tanks for the Memories,' here now is a story idea I've been pondering for nearly a year now: What if Tank wasn't the right choice for 'Best Pet' after all? And...what if the first runner-up got a second chance to prove himself? Just read for yourself, and see.

Chapters (1)

While the rest of Ponyville sleeps, Rainbow Dash asks herself a question she has been avoiding for a long time. Does her life have a meaning?

AUTHORS NOTE: This fic is relatively short, but has a deep meaning and a direct relation to my own life. Just recently, I went through a strange phase of depression, unbelonging and unimportance. However, I eventually was able to overcome this phase, and chose to leave this fic as a reminder to anyone out there who reads it. EVERYONE MATTERS! Even when you feel like you don't. Never give up on yourself or everyone else will give up you too.

Chapters (1)

This is my first time doing a Hearths Warming fic, so I beg you to bare with whatever crappiness you find, please.

Rainbow Dash has to help make snow for the upcoming Hearths Warming celebration. While on her job, she spies a filly on the ground. Concerned for her, she goes to see what is wrong. After finding out that the filly is an orphan, she adopts her with the thought already forming in her mind to spend Hearths Warming with her. Now she has even more motivation to work twice as hard, other than just her own self challenge.

Chapters (2)

Watching the beginning of the series, I noticed just how well Apple Jack seemed to know Rainbow Dash and how she could even pull on her tail without even so much as an angry stare. They seemed to know everything about each other. This story is my explanation of how that relationship might have started.

Also Scootaloo is in there so, yay!

An audio of this story was done a while ago and I forgot to link to it:


Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Rarity do to each other what Fluttershy has done to both of them, and what they have done to her, but not each other - biting each others' tails!

I like seeing Rainbow Dash and Rarity together and I want one to bite the other's tail in the show, but they have never been paired together this way, even though they've been on both ends of this with Fluttershy. As to the RariDash, this might not strictly be shipping, closest it gets to that is finding each others' tails to be cute and wanting to bite them, even though they do get very affectionate to one another.

I wanted to go for a more cute lighthearted story one after the adventure-themed battle ones I usually do.

Cover art is a modification of Applejack biting Rainbow Dash's tail in The Ticket Master, with Rarity when she bites Fluttershy's tail in Putting Your Hoof Down.

Chapters (2)

When Rainbow Dash tries to do thoughtful things for other ponies, it generally turns out pear-shaped. Which, of course, is what happens when a pony as unthoughtful as her tries to do such things.

But, hey, what's a bit of a mess when it comes to making food for one's friend? It shouldn't be that much of a bother, right?


My heartfelt thanks to Door Belle and Garnot, without whom the story would not have been legible (much less enjoyable).

Now with a review on Seattle's Angels! Check it out!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I Am Not Okay

Six months have passed since Rainbow showed up with sandwiches. Twilight is by no means okay, but at least she's on the road to recovery. Right?

Trigger Warnings: Suicidal thoughts and actions, depression, and anxiety.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash can handle busting the clouds or bringing in a weather front in her sleep, but there's more to being the captain of the Ponyville Weather Patrol than just the weather work.

With the roof of the Town Hall wrecked by lightning, Dash has to deal with not just the increasingly irate Mayor, but also her second-in-command Cloudkicker's impending nervous breakdown, and one highly apologetic, wall-eyed pegasus...

Chapters (1)

Twilight is not okay. That much is certain. She hasn't been okay for a very long time. It's been so long since she's felt anything but numbness and apathy...

Trigger Warnings: Suicidal thoughts and actions, depression, eating-disorder, and anxiety.

Chapters (1)

This is the sequel to My Mother.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo have formally been recognized as mother and daughter by Ponyville. After being "reunited", Rainbow Dash and Skeeter are raising their teenage daughter. Scootaloo has changed; for the better or for the worst, nopony knows. Soon, high school, drama, and colts press the relationship between the family. Can they survive together?

Chapters (7)