Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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Apparently some of Rarity's friends aren't as squeaky clean as she thought.

Haven't been able to get much writing in recently so I'm doing a few one shots to warm back up. Done in using TMP prompts minus the time limit. Done in one sitting though, took about an hour an ten minutes.

Prompt used:
Prompt #7: “Dare To Be Stupid”

The circumstances leading to, following, or surrounding somepony uttering the question, “How could Twilight Sparkle be so stupid?”

Chapters (1)

A rare colour combination of the mane and tale, or an extensive and secret dye job? Neither. Rainbow Dash’s mane is not fake, nor is it the one she was born with.
Around the camp fire —and between ghost stories— Rainbow recounts the tale of how she gained her polychromatic mane.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash uses a fake ghost made out of cloud to scare Vinyl Scratch in retaliation for an insult she threw at Fluttershy.

Chapters (2)

Following the events of "Rarity Investigates," Soarin becomes depressed over what he said to Rainbow Dash about being banned from the Wonderbolts if she didn't prove her innocence. Now, the Wonderbolts most promising reserve must try to get through to him.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo isn't one to care about her looks. To her, awesomeness outshines all. That is, until her school dance. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were asked out... and Scootaloo wasn't. As she walks home alone after the dance, she can't help but wonder... is she pretty? At all?

YouTube Reading by Snogwritts

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, an audacious, speed and flight-obsessed Pegasus who can't seem to keep her hooves on the ground for long tries to show her gentle, easygoing friend who is capable of flight, but does not care for it, the amount of joy it can bring if she is able to lose herself in it properly.

Fluttershy, a meek, demure Pegasus who would rather spend her days walking through sun-kissed gardens than soaring high up above like all other Pegasus ponies, tries to show her speed demon friend that slowing down and becoming one-with-the-earth isn't so boring as one may think.

Chapters (1)

Due to some unforeseen events Cloudsdale Weather Factory has run out of water to make rainclouds and Ponyville pegasi are asked to raise water from their local highland reservoir once again. They have less than a day to accomplish said task, and Rainbow Dash is more than willing to give quick refresher training for Ponyville pegasi so they could create the needed tornado in time.

But there is one new pegasus in Ponyville, one that is hesitant to take part in the tornado duty. Or rather an old resident of Ponyville who just recently got her wings. Rainbow Dash insists that Twilight Sparkle must assist in creating the tornado, but the young alicorn isn't confident with her flying skills. Not confident at all. But lack of confidence has never before been a good excuse for Rainbow Dash, and it isn't this time either.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash has been writing a novel about a mare who is totally not a substitute for herself. It's not bad, obviously, but it's not fit for publication yet. And some of the characters... miiight be a teensy tiny bit offensive to her friends.

So when she realises she lost it somewhere in Ponyville, obviously she rushes to get it back before anyone can read her messy (but still awesome!) first draft.

Now if only she had the common sense to keep quiet about her search, too...

Chapters (4)

Now a rainbow's tale isn't quite as nice as the story we knew of sugar and spice.
But a rainbow's easy once you get to know it with the help of the magic of a pegasus device.

We all know the story of the Rainbow Factory, of how Rainbow Dash had gone mad and done unspeakable horrors. But how did it all come to that? How was it that Rainbow Dash, known for her loyalty, descended into such madness? This is Rainbow Dash's story of losing herself to that dreaded factory, for as we all know, in the rainbow factory not a single soul gets through.

This is a prequel to 'Rainbow Factory' by Aurora Dawn: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1td5r9BGGA7l2-rnlFTnVrJN2NdZclcVWUMoCqaSujnM/edit?hl=en_GB

which was based on the song 'Rainbow Factory' by WoodenToaster: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRx_iXgLAyw

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been caught. Discovered as a spy for the Cloudsdale resistance, the true owner of the Rainbow Factory has taken it upon herself to personally ensure that every single scrap of information they can find is forced out of the Element of Loyalty. But as the interrogation drags on, it becomes clear that not everything is as it seems. Is this really the Factory's greatest victory, or the beginning of the end?

Chapters (2)