Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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During a break in her day-to-day routine, Rainbow Dash settles in on a cloud and allows herself a few minutes of introspection.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, looking for the biggest rush of her life, attempts to fly and not stop flying till she bends the laws of physics themselves.
Some set pieces, some introspection, some laughs.
First Pony fic I finished. Hope you like it.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is the consummate Lady: she never goes back on her word, and she never complains to a customer. But this newest order has just been different and for the first time in a long, long time Rarity finds herself truly with empty hooves, with no creative energies to summon.

Some mild Raridash. Not really shipping, but sort of? Anyhow, I hope you enjoy! It was nice to write something after being sort of stuck myself.

Chapters (1)

"I'm not afraid of anything!"
except failure
"I'm awesome!"
i'm hurt
"I'm there for my friends!"
i need help
"I'm always willing to lend a hoof!"
why don't they see

<Inspired by this amazing artwork>

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is a being committed to doing her duty, but that doesn't always mean that she enjoys it; faced with yet another long, lonely night in the castle filling out paperwork about this and that, she longs for a distraction. And soon enough, it comes in the form of a most unexpected visitor arriving via a rather unorthodox method. Straight through her rather expensive windows, in fact.

Chapters (1)

Soarin has liked Rainbow Dash for some time, but unfortunately, she's really bad at picking up romantic hints, which pretty much annoys everyone.

Gift for Nordryd

Chapters (1)

Though the Applewood derby got off to a shaky start for the CMC, it all turned out alright in the end, and a valuable lesson was learned. But for Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, there are still a few lingering feelings to get out.

A short aftermath story that just barely fills the required word count. Enjoy.

Chapters (2)

Arriving late at Fluttershy's cottage one night, Rainbow Dash has something on her mind that - for once - has nothing to do with flying or danger, or flying into danger. Fluttershy soon learns that her friend's burgeoning relationship with Scootaloo is growing into something more: they're becoming as close as sisters and Rainbow Dash feels herself to be singularly unsuited for such a role of responsibility. Can Fluttershy convince her otherwise

Chapters (1)

It isn't like Fluttershy to miss anything, but when she is unexpectedly absent from school her friends worry about her; in a world as crazy as the one in which they live, it doesn't take them long to imagine all sorts of horrible scenarios. Even after they assure themselves that she's probably fine and is just ill, one of their number continues to worry all the same.

Chapters (1)