Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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With her official audition for the Wonderbolts only a week away, Rainbow Dash has been pushing herself far beyond her limits, and it's beginning to take a toll on her body. Fortunately, Fluttershy has just the solution for the stressed-out pegasus: a tried-and-true method of relaxation that's worked on her for years.

And she's determined to try it out on Rainbow Dash, no matter what.


Cover © Joey-Darkmeat

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash. The coolest, toughest mare around. At first glance, you'd think this pony truly has it all.

But looks can be deceiving. Sadness, pain, negativity. Dash had been putting up with crippling depressing for months now. Not even the love of her friends, or most beloved special somepony has been able to help. One night, in the darkness. She cries. She breaks. She snaps. What could push Dash far enough to make an attempt on her own life?

(warning: contains scenes of minor blood, depictions of major depression, as well as attempted suicide.)

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy moonlights as a masked pianist at a local nightclub to pay a few extra vet bills. Known only to the patrons as the beautiful and mysterious "Piano Mare", they lavish her with love and coin each time she comes. But one night Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash are in the club at the bar, and they spot her. Will they see through the flimsy ribbon mask? (Song Fic based around Billy Joel's "Piano Man", Rated T for implied filly-fooling)

Chapters (1)

NOTE: Applejack and Rainbow Dash are certified cartoon ponies, and cinnamon did not harm them as much as it should have. You are not a cartoon pony. The cinnamon challenge is a dangerous and sometimes fatal stunt! Please do not attempt the cinnamon challenge by any means whatsoever.

(If you are a cartoon pony, however, please disregard this message.)

Although the cinnamon challenge has long been an outdated meme, two ponies named Rainbow Dash and Applejack take the trope for a spin with varied results.

Click here for a live reading!

Chapters (1)

After failed attemps by Fluttershy to get her brother a job, she takes last resorts and asks Rainbow Dash to find him an easy job with the Wonderbolts. It doesn't end well.

Chapters (1)

You know what really grinds the gears of Twilight Sparkle? Whenever she tries to give Rainbow Dash an interesting lecture about something slightly left of the whole 'friendship' field, she ends up talking to no one but herself! Dash keeps falling asleep, as she has again this time.

So what if Twilight tries a style of teaching that's a little bit... different?

Well, I'm sure Rainbow's new boss (and the Foal Free press, for that matter) would have quite a day with another stubborn egghead around.

Chapters (1)

Experiment 247: Day 1

Subject of study: Why does Rainbow Dash keep crashing into my library?

Hypothesis A: She thinks it’s fun. Disproved because Rainbow prefers staying in the air and hates helping me clean up.

Hypothesis B: She’s clumsy Rainbow is extremely graceful in the air

Hypothesis C: None . . .Further study needed.

For the Abyss' competition.

Chapters (1)

Back then, she thought that her existence couldn't make a difference. She had wanted to die and failed, and had to go a long way before thinking it was only for the best...
After watching "It's A Wonderful Life" with Soarin, Rainbow Dash goes through a strange experience in which she has a glimpse of what her world could be like without her in the picture...

Included in the continuity of The Truth About Girls (Vol. 3)

Dedicated to my Zsu Zsu and Midday :heart:

Featured on 15/02/2018 and 16/02/2018

Chapters (1)

Despite dating Soarin for over three years now, Rainbow Dash has been forced to constantly deal with Zephyr Breeze's continued efforts to try and woo her. No matter what she does, she cannot get him to take a hint and leave her alone. Unable to take anymore, Rainbow Dash decides that she'll make Zephyr Breeze fall in love with somepony else using a love potion.

She just didn't expect him to fall in love with Limestone Pie.

(Commission for superfun)

If you would like a commission from me, be it a one shot or a multi-chapter story, please click here to learn the rules and procedures for doing so.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash kills herself.


And it's up to Twilight and the girls to bring her back.



Originally written for the Through Fire writeoff event; thank you to all the reviewers there for helping me polish this story up.

Cover art by perfect-for-any-occasion mimbl.exe.

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)