Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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This story is a sequel to It's A Wonderful Case

Sometimes, the only course of action that remains is the right thing to do.

Rainbow Dash, having managed to evade execution by her friend's horn, is hospitalized and forced to confront what she did. But Spitfire is determined to give her another chance, for both of their sakes. The commander of the Wonderbolts needs to learn her subordinate's training methods, said subordinate needs grooming for her future, and while Twilight does not need to spread her love for academia she is drawn to any opportunity to do so.

A random bit of character development. Takes place the day after It's A Wonderful Case.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis has been banished, the wedding is about to commence, and everypony is happy. But are they? What would have happened if AppleJack and Rainbow Dash had been captured during their fight with the changelings? What would have happened if a few of the changelings had fooled the banishing spell and stayed in Canterlot to carry out their Queen's plan B?

Chapters (1)

Being the first one to arrive at the band rehearsal she finds herself singing a song to pass the time. Unbeknownst to her, her friends are at the door to hear every word.

This is a mini story I made for fun. This won't be as big as my usual ones but you can still enjoy it if you're intrested. Also, Rainbow Dash will be singing 'The guy that I'd kinda be into' from the musical 'Be More Chill'. Now, enjoy the read!

Chapters (2)

Sick and tired of his unwanted advances, Rainbow tries a new plan to get Zephyr off her tail. With a surprised Fluttershy, a love potion, and a dense stallion, what could go wrong?

This is a request for: Superfun

Chapters (1)

What do Wondercolts get up to on the weekends?

New: It's Sunday, and Twilight has yet another nightmare about Midnight Sparkle. To clear her head, she meets up with Sunset in the Park. They talk, and heal, together.

On a Saturday morning, Sunset Shimmer accidently discovers Rainbow Dash's collection of "Pretty Pastel Ponies", and both of them learn about looking at things you aren't meant to see.

It's Friday night and, with their other friends busy, that means a “Just Us Two Girls Night" for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Anyone else would call it a date.

An Equestria Girls Anthology.

Edited By: IceStar

Chapters (3)

Like what I do? Consider supporting me on Patreon www.patreon.com/Godzillawolf?... or Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/godzillawolf

Made the Popular Stories list! (12/15/2019)

A rewrite Mysterious Mare-Do-Well intended to fix the problems people had with the episode. Not a revenge or accusation fic.

This was fun to write as I love fix fics and am rather tired of the constant Mare-Do-Well accusation and revenge fics. So doing an actual fix fic rewriting the episode seemed like a lot of fun.

Thanks to Alexwarlorn for commissioning this!

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Thanks to Ambris for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

Three mares have a problem. A particularly hot problem. The whole day, heat has been building up inside of them. They need a release.

Twilight is about to provide them their much needed release.

Chapters (1)

After Secrets and Pies, Pinkie has discovered that Rainbow Dash doesn't like pie. ANY kind of pie. With the exception of Pinkie Pie, of course.

As it turns out, Soarin had followed the whole fiasco and decing that he can't let this stand, he decides to weigh in on the matter.

Extra tag: Food Porn. This may make you hungry, but that's about it.

Chapters (1)

The sun is shining, the birds are singing. When Fluttershy stepped out of her cottage it was a perfect summer day. Or at least it would have been if she hadn't come across a certain rainbow-maned mare in her yard. One thing she wasn't expecting to find herself asking today was the odd question...

Why is Rainbow Dash eating her flowers?

Featured: 4/5/18

Chapters (1)

Looks like Rainbow Dash was Daring Do's fan in more ways than one. And Daring doesn't know whether to be impressed or creeped out.

Thanks for the help from my editors/prereaders Pearple Prose and Mr101.

Chapters (1)